Zenkevich, Egor Andreevich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 4
Scientific articles: 4
Presentations: 15

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This page:522
Abstract pages:1067
Full texts:157
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S. Mironov, A. Morozov, Y. Zenkevich, “Generalized Jack polynomials and the AGT relations for the $SU(3)$ group”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 99:2 (2014),  115–119  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 99:2 (2014), 109–113  isi  elib  scopus 37
2. A. Mironov, A. Morozov, Y. Zenkevich, A. Zotov, “Spectral duality in integrable systems from AGT conjecture”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 97:1 (2013),  49–55  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 97:1 (2013), 45–51  isi  elib  scopus 63
3. A. Mironov, A. Morozov, B. Runov, Y. Zenkevich, A. Zotov, “Spectral dualities in XXZ spin chains and five dimensional gauge theories”, JHEP, 2013, no. 12, 034, 11 pp.  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 37
4. A. Mironov, A. Morozov, B. Runov, E. Zenkevich, A. Zotov, “Spectral duality between Heisenberg chain and Gaudin model”, Lett. Math. Phys., 103:3 (2013),  299–329  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 59

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Branes, quantum toroidal algebras and R-matrices
E. A. Zenkevich
International Conference "Fields & Strings 2024"
February 10, 2024 11:30   
2. Symmetric elliptic functions and the elliptic Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 24, 2021 14:00   
3. Калибровочные теории и квантовые торические алгебры
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
September 30, 2020 14:00   
4. Quantum toroidal algebras and quantum field theory
E. A. Zenkevich
Knots and Representation Theory
March 30, 2020 18:30
5. 3d gauge theories, matrix models and superalgebras
E. A. Zenkevich
3rd French Russian Conference on Random Geometry and Physics: Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev Model and Related Topics
June 6, 2019 16:10   
6. Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation for quantum toroidal algebras
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
February 20, 2019 14:00
7. Семинар по лекциям "Топологические струны и теория Черна-Симонса"
E. A. Zenkevich

January 27, 2018 16:30   
8. Семинар по лекциям "Топологические струны и теория Черна-Симонса"
E. A. Zenkevich

January 25, 2018 16:30   
9. Топологические струны и супергравитация
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of Laboratory 5 IITP RAS "Integrable structures in statistical and field models"
September 29, 2016 14:30
10. Ding-Iohara algebras and topological strings
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of Laboratory 5 IITP RAS "Integrable structures in statistical and field models"
May 26, 2016 14:00
11. Спектральная дуальность, топологические струны и интегрируемые системы
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of Laboratory 5 IITP RAS "Integrable structures in statistical and field models"
April 7, 2016 14:00
12. Spectral duality in gauge theories, conformal field theories and integrable systems
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
December 16, 2015 14:00
13. Quantum spectral curve for $(q,t)$-matrix model and XXZ spin chain
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
November 18, 2015 14:00
14. Spectral duality in integrable systems
E. A. Zenkevich
Seminar of Laboratory 5 IITP RAS "Integrable structures in statistical and field models"
November 5, 2015 14:00
15. Spectral duality between Heisenberg chain and Gaudin model
Y. Zenkevich
Fourth international workshop "Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Cluster Algebras and Topological Recursion"
May 29, 2014 13:10   

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