Mathematical physics, $p$-adic analysis, including mathematical problems in quantum field theory, string theory, gravity, quantum information, quantum optics.
1970, Moscow State University
1973, Graduated School of Steklov Mathematical Institute
1980, Kandidate of science (Ph.D.), Steklov Mathematical Institute
1990, Doctor of Science, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Academic appointments:
1990, present, leading researcher in Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences.
1983–1991, Leading scientific researcher, Steklov Mathematical Institute.
1981–1983, Scientific researcher, Steklov Mathematical Institute
1973–1980 Scientific editor of Journal "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics",
2003, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Special honors and awards:
The prize of Mathematical Branch of Academy of Science of USSR, 1984.
"Infinite Dimensional Analisys, Quantum Probability and Related Topics", World Scientific
"International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics", World Scientific.
Main publications:
[1] V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, E. I. Zelenov, p-adic analysis and mathematical physics, World Scientific, River Edge, NJ, 1994, 319 pp.
[2] M. Ohya, I. Volovich, Mathematical foundations of quantum information and computation and its applications to nano- and bio-systems, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011, 759 pp.
[3] L. Accardi, Lu Yun Gang, I. Volovich, Quantum theory and its stochastic limit, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, 473 pp.
[4] I. V. Volovich, A. S. Trushechkin, “Asymptotic properties of quantum dynamics in bounded domains at various time scales”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 76:1 (2012), 43–84.
[5] I. V. Volovich, “p-adic string”, Classical Quantum Gravity, 4:4 (1987), L83–L87.
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Bose gas modeling of the Schwarzschild black hole thermodynamics”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 218:2 (2024), 192–204
I. Volovich, Information Problem in Black Holes and Cosmology and Ghosts in Quadratic Gravity, 2024 , 10 pp., arXiv: 2401.12191
Irina Aref'eva, Igor Volovich, “Violation of the third law of thermodynamics by black holes, Riemann zeta function and Bose gas in negative dimensions”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 139 (2024), 300 , 8 pp., arXiv: 2304.04695;
E. A. Kurianovich, A. I. Mikhailov, I. V. Volovich, “On the theory of relativistic Brownian motion”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 16:2 (2024), 113–127;
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “A note on islands in Schwarzschild black holes”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 214:3 (2023), 432–445
Irina Aref'eva, Igor Volovich, “Complete evaporation of black holes and Page curves”, Symmetry, 15:1 (2023), 170 , 22 pp., arXiv: 2202.00548;
Igor Volovich, Cosmological Constant and Maximum of Entropy for de Sitter Space, 2023 , 9 pages pp., arXiv: 2308.11377
Timofei Rusalev, Daniil Stepanenko, Igor Volovich, No Violation of Bell-CHSH Inequalities at Large Distances, 2023 , 12 pages pp., arXiv: 2312.07499
V. Zh. Sakbaev, I. V. Volovich, Analogues of Jacobi and Weyl Theorems for Infinite-Dimensional Tori, 2023 , 15 pp., arXiv: 2305.05929
Irina Aref'eva, Igor Volovich, “Holographic photosynthesis and entanglement entropy”, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 23, 2023, 231–250;
Luigi Accardi, Irina Ya. Aref'eva, Yungang Lu, Igor' Vasil'evich Volovich, “Two Non-*-Isomorphic *-Lie Algebra Structures on $sl(2,R)$ and Their Physical Origins”, J. Stoch. Anal., 4:4 (2023), 3 , 13 pp. ;
I. Arefeva and I. Volovich, Complete evaporation of black holes and Page curves, 2022 , arXiv: 2202.00548
B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “Giorgio Parisi: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 14:1 (2022), 81–83;
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, T. A. Rusalev, “Entanglement entropy of a near-extremal black hole”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 212:3 (2022), 1284–1302
Irina Aref'eva, Igor Volovich, “Quantum Explosions of Black Holes and Thermal Coordinates”, Symmetry, 14:11 (2022), 2298 , 30 pp., arXiv: 2104.12724;
I. Ya. Aref'eva, V. V. Belokurov, E. E. Boos, D. V. Bykov, I. V. Volovich, D. I. Kazakov, V. V. Kozlov, M. V. Libanov, V. A. Matveev, V. A. Rubakov, D. V. Treshchev, G. V. Trubnikov, “In memory of Andrei Alekseevich Slavnov”, Phys. Usp., 65:11 (2022), 1204–1205
I. V. Volovich, O. V. Inozemcev, “On the Thermalization Hypothesis of Quantum States”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 313 (2021), 268–278
I. Arefeva and I. Volovich, A Note on Islands in Schwarzschild Black Holes, 2021 , 19 pp., arXiv: 2110.04233
Matematika kvantovykh tekhnologii, Sbornik statei, Trudy MIAN, 313, ed. A. N. Pechen, I. V. Volovich, G. G. Amosov, A. E. Teretenkov, MIAN, M., 2021 , 296 pp.
I. V. Volovich, “Ob integriruemosti dinamicheskikh sistem”, Izbrannye voprosy matematiki i mekhaniki, Sbornik statei. K 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Valeriya Vasilevicha Kozlova, Tr. MIAN, 310, MIAN, M., 2020, 78–85
Irina Aref'eva, Igor Volovich, “Gas of baby universes in JT gravity and matrix models”, Symmetry, 12:6 (2020), 975 , 17 pp., arXiv: 1905.08207;
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, M. A. Khramtsov, “Revealing nonperturbative effects in the SYK model”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 201:2 (2019), 1583–1603
Igor V. Volovich, Remarks on the complete integrability of quantum and classical dynamical systems, 2019 , 15 pp., arXiv: 1911.01335
Irina Aref'eva, Igor Volovich, “Spontaneous symmetry breaking in fermionic random matrix model”, JHEP, 2019 (2019), 114 , 12 pp., arXiv: 1902.09970
Matematicheskaya fizika i prilozheniya, Sbornik statei. K 95-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Vasiliya Sergeevicha Vladimirova, Trudy MIAN, 306, ed. I. V. Volovich, M. O. Katanaev, MIAN, M., 2019 , 352 pp.
V. I. Bogachev, I. V. Volovich, B. S. Kashin, V. V. Kozlov, V. P. Maslov, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. M. Stepin, V. M. Tikhomirov, A. Yu. Khrennikov, E. T. Shavgulidze, “Oleg Georgievich Smolyanov (on his 80th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 74:4 (2019), 771–773
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Notes on the SYK model in real time”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 197:2 (2018), 1650–1662
Irina Aref'eva, Igor Volovich, Notes on the SYK model in real time, 2018 , 18 pp., arXiv: 1801.08118
I. V. Volovich, V. Zh. Sakbaev, “On Quantum Dynamics on $C^*$-Algebras”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 301 (2018), 25–38
S.V. Kozyrev, I.V. Volovich, “Dark states in quantum photosynthesis”, Trends in Biomathematics: Modeling, Optimization and Computational Problems, Proceedings of BIOMAT 2017 Conference (Institut vychislitelnoi matematiki RAN, Moskva, 30 oktyabrya –3 noyabrya 2017 g), eds. R.P. Mondaini, Springer, Berlin, 2018, 13-26 , arXiv: 1603.07182
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, O. V. Inozemtsev, “Evolution of holographic entropy quantities for composite quantum systems”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 197:3 (2018), 1838–1844
Irina Aref'eva, Mikhail Khramtsov, Maria Tikhanovskaya, Igor Volovich, “On replica-nondiagonal large $N$ saddles in the SYK model”, 20th International Seminar on High Energy Physics (QUARKS-2018) (Valday, Russia, 27 May - 02 June, 2018), EPJ Web of Conf., 191, 2018, 6007 , 8 pp.
Yuta Mitome, Satoshi Iriyama, Keiko Sato, Igor V. Volivich, “Efficient Energy Transfer in Network Model of Photosynthesis”, Quantum Foundations, Probability and Information, STEAM-H: Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics & Health, 2018, 59–69
V. S. Anashin, B. Dragovich, A. N. Kochubei, S. V. Kozyrev, and I. V. Volovich, “Andrei Yurievich Khrennikov and his Research”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 10:4 (2018), 344–347
S. V. Kozyrev, A. A. Mironov, A. E. Teretenkov, I. V. Volovich, “Flows in nonequilibrium quantum systems and quantum photosynthesis”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 20:4 (2017), 1750021 , 19 pp.
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, O. V. Inozemcev, “Holographic control of information and dynamical topology change for composite open quantum systems”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 193:3 (2017), 1834–1843
I. Ya. Aref'eva, G. S. Djordjevic, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, Z. Rakic, I. V. Volovich, “p-Adic mathematical physics and B. Dragovich research”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 9:1 (2017), 82–85
B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, E. I. Zelenov, “p-Adic Mathematical Physics: The First 30 Years”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 9:2 (2017), 87–121 , arXiv: 1705.04758
V. Zh. Sakbaev, I. V. Volovich, “Self-adjoint approximations of the degenerate Schrödinger operator”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 9:1 (2017), 39–52 , arXiv: 1701.02777
Igor V. Volovich, “Cauchy–Schwarz inequality-based criteria for the non-classicality of sub-Poisson and antibunched light”, Phys. Lett. A, 380:1 (2016), 56–58
A. S. Trushechkin, I. V. Volovich, “Perturbative treatment of inter-site couplings in the local description of open quantum networks”, EPL, 113:3 (2016), 30005 , 6 pp., arXiv: 1509.05754
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, “Stochastic limit method and interference in quantum many-particle systems”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 183:3 (2015), 782–799
L. Accardi, I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Fermionic Meixner classes, Lie algebras and quadratic hamiltonians”, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 46:4 (2015), 517–538 , arXiv: 1411.4607
S. Iriyama, M. Ohya, I. V. Volovich, “On quantum algorithm for binary search and its computational complexity”, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn., 22:3 (2015), 1550019 , 9 pp.
A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, I. Volovich, “Photon flux and distance from the source: consequences for quantum communication”, Found. Phys., 44:4 (2014), 389–405 , arXiv: 1309.5492
I. V. Volovich, V. Zh. Sakbaev, “Universal boundary value problem for equations of mathematical physics”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 285 (2014), 56–80
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “On a model of quantum field theory”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 285 (2014), 30–33
Izbrannye voprosy matematicheskoi fiziki i analiza, Sbornik statei. K 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Vasiliya Sergeevicha Vladimirova, Trudy MIAN, 285, ed. I. V. Volovich, A. G. Sergeev, MAIK «Nauka/Interperiodika», M., 2014 , 287 pp.
I. V. Volovich, V. P. Radchenko (red.), Matematicheskaya fizika i ee prilozheniya, Chetvertaya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya «Matematicheskaya fizika i ee prilozheniya» (Samara, 25 avgusta – 01 sentyabrya 2014 g.), Samarskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet, Samara, 2014 , 386 pp.
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Holographic thermalization”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 174:2 (2013), 186–196
K. Mayuzumi, N. Watanabe, I. V. Volovich, “On construction of quantum logical gate based on ESR”, Vestn. Sam. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 1(30) (2013), 297–304
I. Ya. Aref'eva, E. V. Piskovskiy, I. V. Volovich, “Oscillations and rolling for Duffing's equation”, Quantum Bio-Informatics V, 5th International Conference of Quantum Bio-Informatics (QBIC) (March 07–14, 2011), QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis, 30, eds. L. Accardi, W. Freudenberg, M. Ohya, Tokyo Univ Sci., Quantum Bio Informat Ctr., Tokyo, Japan, 2013, 37–48
I. V. Volovich, V. A. Il'in, V. V. Kozlov, A. A. Logunov, G. I. Marchuk, V. A. Matveev, Yu. S. Osipov, B. E. Paton, V. A. Sadovnichii, “Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:1 (2013), 175–182
I. V. Volovich, V. P. Radchenko, “Preface”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 1(30) (2013), 10–14
I. V. Volovich, A. S. Trushechkin, “Asymptotic properties of quantum dynamics in bounded domains at various time scales”, Izv. Math., 76:1 (2012), 39–78
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, E. V. Piskovskiy, “Rolling in the Higgs model and elliptic functions”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 172:1 (2012), 1001–1016
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Asymptotic expansion of solutions in a rolling problem”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 277 (2012), 1–15
S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, Quinary lattice model of secondary structures of proteins, 2012 , arXiv: 1206.4424
A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, I. V. Volovich, “Distance Dependence of Entangled Photons in Waveguides”, Foundations of Probability and Physics - 6, AIP Conf. Proc., 1424, American Institute of Physics, 2012, 262-269
A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, S. Nordebo, I. V. Volovich, “Quantization of propagating modes in optical fibres”, Physica Scripta, 85:6 (2012), 065404 , 7 pp.
I. V. Volovich, “In Memory of Vasilii S. Vladimorov”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 4(29) (2012), 8–16
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “On nonlocal cosmological equations on half-line”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 1(22) (2011), 16–27
I. V. Volovich, “Randomness in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics”, Found. Phys., 41:3 (2011), 516–528
M. Ohya, I. Volovich, Mathematical foundations of quantum information and computation and its applications to nano- and bio-systems, Theoret. Math. Phys., Springer, Dordrecht, 2011 , xx+759 pp.
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, Superluminal dark neutrinos, 2011 , arXiv: 1110.0456
I. V. Volovich, Photon Antibunching, Sub-Poisson Statistics and Cauchy-Bunyakovsky and Bell's Inequalities, 2011 , 5 pp., arXiv: 1106.1892
E. V. Piskovskiy, I. V. Volovich, “On the correspondence between newtonian and functional mechanics”, Quantum bio-informatics IV: From quantum information to bio-informatics, QP-PQ Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis, 28, eds. L. Accardi; W. Freudenberg; M. Ohya, 2011, 363–372
I. V. Volovich, “Functional mechanics and time irreversibility problem”, Quantum bio-informatics III, QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 26, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2010, 393–404
T. Ishiwatari, A. Khrennikov, B. Nilsson, I. V. Volovich, “Quantum field theory and distance effects for polarization correlations in waveguides”, Mathematical Modeling of Wave Phenomena, AIP Conf. Proc., 1106, Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, 2009, 276–285
I. V. Volovich, O. V. Groshev, N. A. Gusev, E. A. Kuryanovich, “On Solutions to the Wave Equation on a Non-globally Hyperbolic Manifold”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 265 (2009), 262–275
I. V. Volovich, “Time in physics and life science”, Quantum bio-informatics II. From quantum information to bio-informatics, Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis, 24, World Scientific, 2009, 205–216
I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, $p$-Adicheskaya matematicheskaya fizika: osnovnye konstruktsii, primeneniya k slozhnym i nanoskopicheskim sistemam, Matematicheskaya fizika i eë prilozheniya. Vvodnye kursy. Vypusk 1, Samarskii gos. un-t, Samara, 2009
B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “On $p$-adic mathematical physics”, P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, 1:1 (2009), 1–17
A. S. Trushechkin, I. V. Volovich, “Functional classical mechanics and rational numbers”, P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, 1:4 (2009), 361–367
K. Inoue, M. Ohya, I. V. Volovich, “On a combined quantum Baker's map and its characterization by entropic chaos degree”, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn., 16:2-3 (2009), 179–193
I. V. Volovich, A. S. Trushechkin, “Squeezed Quantum States on an Interval and Uncertainty Relations for Nanoscale Systems”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 265 (2009), 276–306
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, A. K. Gushchin, Yu. N. Drozhzhinov, V. V. Zharinov, B. I. Zav'yalov, V. A. Il'in, G. I. Marchuk, V. P. Mikhailov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, B. V. Pal'tsev, “Aleksei Alekseevich Dezin (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 64:3 (2009), 553–560
V. I. Bogachev, V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, B. S. Kashin, A. I. Kirillov, V. V. Kozlov, V. P. Maslov, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. M. Stepin, V. M. Tikhomirov, A. V. Uglanov, A. Yu. Khrennikov, A. M. Chebotarev, E. T. Shavgulidze, “Oleg Georgievich Smolyanov (on his 70th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 64:1 (2009), 183–185
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich (red.-sost.), Vospominaniya o N. N. Bogolyubove (k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya), MIAN, M., 2009 , 178 pp.
Izbrannye voprosy matematicheskoi fiziki i $p$-adicheskogo analiza, Sbornik statei, Trudy MIAN, 265, ed. I. V. Volovich, E. F. Mischenko, MAIK «Nauka/Interperiodika», M., 2009 , 320 pp.
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Time machine at the LHC”, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 5:4 (2008), 641–651
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, T. Ishiwatari, “Cauchy problem on non-globally hyperbolic space-times”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 157:3 (2008), 1646–1654
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “The null energy condition and cosmology”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 155:1 (2008), 503–511
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Quantization of the Riemann zeta-function and cosmology”, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 4:5 (2007), 881–895
A. Borowiec, M. Francaviglia, I. Volovich, “Topology change and signature change in non-linear first-order gravity”, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 4:4 (2007), 647–667
A. S. Trushechkin, I. V. Volovich, “On quantum cryptography and number theory”, $p$-adic mathematical physics, AIP Conf. Proc., 826, Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, 2006, 345–354
J. Q. Trelewicz, I. V. Volovich, “Analysis of business connections utilizing theory of topology of random graphs”, $p$-adic mathematical physics, AIP Conf. Proc., 826, Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, 2006, 330–344
I. V. Volovich, “Quantum information and spacetime structure”, Quantum information V, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2006, 19–34
V. I. Agoshkov, V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, V. P. Dymnikov, V. P. Shutyaev, “Metod sopryazhennykh uravnenii i analiz slozhnykh sistem”, Sovremennye problemy vychislitelnoi matematiki i matematicheskogo modelirovaniya, v. 1, Vychislitelnaya matematika, Nauka, M., 2005, 257–342
I. V. Volovich, A. S. Trushechkin, “On a model of the quantum key distribution”, Dokl. Math., 72:2 (2005), 795–797
L. Accardi, R. A. Roschin, I. V. Volovich, “Stochastic golden rule for a system interacting with a Fermi field”, Quantum probability and infinite dimensional analysis, QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 18, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2005, 28–41
I. V. Volovich, “Steklov Institute seminar on mathematics and its applications”, Russian Math. Surveys, 60:1 (2005), 193–195
A. A. Baranov, A. N. Pechen, I. V. Volovich, “Spatial dependence of entangled states and some EPR experiments”, Quantum theory: reconsideration of foundations—2, Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 10, Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2004, 83–91
I. V. Volovich, D. V. Prokhorenko, “Renormalization in Quantum Electrodynamics and Hopf Algebras”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 245 (2004), 273–280
I. V. Volovich, M. N. Khokhlova, “Modeling Theory and Hypergraph of Classes”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 245 (2004), 266–272
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, “$p$-Adic Mathematical Physics”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 245 (2004), 1–2
I. V. Volovich, “Some Properties of Dynamical Equations in $p$-Adic String and SFT Models”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 245 (2004), 281–288
I. V. Volovich, “Steklov Institute seminar on mathematics and its applications”, Russian Math. Surveys, 59:2 (2004), 399–401
Izbrannye voprosy $p$-adicheskoi matematicheskoi fiziki i analiza, Sbornik statei. K 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Vasiliya Sergeevicha Vladimirova, Trudy MIAN, 245, ed. I. V. Volovich, E. F. Mischenko, Nauka, MAIK «Nauka/Interperiodika», M., 2004 , 303 pp.
I. V. Volovich, “Seven principles of quantum mechanics”, Foundations of probability and physics, 2 (Växjö, 2002), Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 5, Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2003, 569–575
R. A. Roschin, I. V. Volovich, “Relativistic corrections to spin correlators and Bell's theorem”, Foundations of probability and physics, 2 (Växjö, 2002), Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 5, Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2003, 533–544
A. Khrennikov, I. Volovich, “Local realism, contextualism and loopholes in Bell's experiments”, Foundations of probability and physics, 2 (Växjö, 2002), Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 5, Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2003, 325–343
Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “Quantum computing and the chaotic amplifier”, J. Opt. B Quantum Semiclass. Opt., 5:6, Special issue on quantum computing and the Feynman Festival (College Park, MD, 2002) (2003), S639–S642
L. Accardi, A. N. Pechen, I. V. Volovich, “A stochastic golden rule and quantum Langevin equation for the low density limit”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 6:3 (2003), 431–453
Inoue Kei, Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “On quantum-classical correspondence and chaos degree for baker's map”, Fundamental aspects of quantum physics (Tokyo, 2001), QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 17, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2003, 177–187
Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “New quantum algorithm for studying NP-complete problems”, Rep. Math. Phys., 52:1 (2003), 25–33
Inoue Kei, Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “On quantum baker's map with noise”, Information, 6:1, Special issue on industrial and applied mathematics (Okayama, 2002) (2003), 83–98
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, A. K. Gushchin, Yu. N. Drozhzhinov, V. A. Il'in, G. I. Marchuk, V. P. Mikhailov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, B. V. Pal'tsev, “Aleksei Alekseevich Dezin (on his 80th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 58:6 (2003), 1237–1240
A. A. Bolibrukh, A. A. Gonchar, I. V. Volovich, V. G. Kadyshevskii, A. A. Logunov, G. I. Marchuk, E. F. Mishchenko, S. M. Nikol'skii, S. P. Novikov, Yu. S. Osipov, L. D. Faddeev, D. V. Shirkov, “Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov (on his 80th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 58:1 (2003), 199–209
I. V. Volovich, “Steklov Institute seminar on mathematics and its applications”, Russian Math. Surveys, 58:4 (2003), 821–823
Inoue Kei, Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “On the correspondence between quantum and classical pi-connected-transformations”, Analytical study of quantum information and related fields (Japanese) (Kyoto, 2001), Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho Kōkyūroku, no. 1266, 2002, 125–132
A. N. Pechen, I. V. Volovich, “Quantum multipole noise and generalized quantum stochastic equations”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 5:4 (2002), 441–464
I. V. Volovich, “Quantum information in space and time and theory of stochastic processes”, Quantum information, IV (Nagoya, 2001), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002, 187–200
Inoue Kei, Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “A treatment of quantum baker's map by chaos degree”, Quantum information, IV (Nagoya, 2001), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002, 87–102
L. Accardi, Lu Yun Gang, I. Volovich, Quantum theory and its stochastic limit, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002 , xx+473 pp.
L. Accardi, A. N. Pechen, I. V. Volovich, “Quantum stochastic equation for the low density limit”, J. Phys. A, 35:23 (2002), 4889–4902
G. S. Djordjević, B. Dragovich, L. D. Nešić, I. V. Volovich, “$p$-adic and adelic minisuperspace quantum cosmology”, Internat. J. Modern Phys. A, 17:10 (2002), 1413–1433
Inoue Kei, Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “Semiclassical properties and chaos degree for the quantum baker's map”, J. Math. Phys., 43:2 (2002), 734–755
I. V. Volovich, “Steklov Institute seminar on mathematics and its applications”, Russian Math. Surveys, 57:3 (2002), 637–640
I. Volovich, “Quantum cryptography in space and Bell's theorem”, Foundations of probability and physics, QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 13, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2001, 364–372
I. Ya. Aref'eva, M. G. Ivanov, W. Mück, K. S. Viswanathan, I. V. Volovich, “Linearized gravity on thick branes”, Quantization, gauge theory, and strings (Moscow, 2000), v. I, Sci. World, Moscow, 2001, 271–279
B. Dragovich, I. V. Volovich, “$p$-adic strings and noncommutativity”, Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics (Kiev, 2000), NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., 22, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001, 391–399
Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, Watanabe Noboru, “Quantum logical gate based on electron spin resonance”, Quantum information, III (Nagoya, 2000), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2001, 143–156
Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, Watanabe Noboru, “On quantum logical gate based on ESR”, Analytical study of quantum information and related fields (Japanese) (Kyoto, 2000), Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho Kōkyūroku, no. 1196, 2001, 1–11
R. Léandre, I. A. Volovich, “The stochastic Lévy Laplacian and Yang-Mills equation on manifolds”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 4:2 (2001), 161–172
L. Accardi, I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Stochastic limit and interacting commutation relations”, Mathematical physics and stochastic analysis (Lisbon, 1998), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2000, 18–36
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Noncommutative gauge fields on Poisson manifolds”, New symmetries and integrable models (Karpacz, 1999), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2000, 8–17
Ohya Masanori, I. V. Volovich, “NP-complete problems with chaotic dynamics”, Quantum information, II (Nagoya, 1999), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2000, 161–171
L. Accardi, Lu Yun Gang, I. V. Volovich, “A white-noise approach to stochastic calculus”, Recent developments in infinite-dimensional analysis and quantum probability, Acta Appl. Math., 63, no. 1-3, 2000, 3–25
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “On the large time behavior of quantum systems”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 3:4 (2000), 453–482
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “The large time behaviour in quantum field theory and quantum chaos”, Stochastic processes, physics and geometry: new interplays, II (Leipzig, 1999), CMS Conf. Proc., 29, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000, 15–27
I. Ya. Aref'eva, M. G. Ivanov, W. Mück, K. S. Viswanathan, I. V. Volovich, “Consistent linearized gravity in brane backgrounds”, Nuclear Phys. B, 590:1-2 (2000), 273–286
L. Accardi, I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Non-equilibrium Quantum Field Theory and Entangled Commutation Relations”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 228 (2000), 106–125
M. Grothaus, L. Streit, I. V. Volovich, “Knots, Feynman diagrams and Matrix models”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 2:3 (1999), 359–380
L. Accardi, I. V. Volovich, “Quantum white noise with singular non-linear interaction”, Development of infinite-dimensional non-commutative analysis (Kyoto, 1998), Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho Kōkyūroku, no. 1099, 1999, 61–69
I. V. Volovich, “Models of quantum computers and decoherence problem”, Quantum information (Nagoya, 1997), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1999, 211–224
I. Ya. Aref'eva, P. B. Medvedev, O. A. Rytchkov, I. V. Volovich, “Chaos in M(atrix) theory”, Superstrings, M, F, S$\dots$ theory, Chaos Solitons Fractals, 10, no. 2-3, 1999, 213–223
A. Borowiec, M. Ferraris, M. Francaviglia, I. Volovich, “Almost-complex and almost-product Einstein manifolds from a variational principle”, J. Math. Phys., 40:7 (1999), 3446–3464
M. O. Katanaev, I. V. Volovich, “Scattering on dislocations and cosmic strings in the geometric theory of defects”, Ann. Physics, 271:2 (1999), 203–232
Accardi L., I. V. Volovich, “Feynman functional integrals and the stochastic limit”, Stochastic analysis and mathematical physics (Viña del Mar, 1996), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1998, 1–11
I. V. Volovich, “Planckian energy scattering of D-branes and M(atrix) theory in curved space”, Supersymmetry and quantum field theory (Kharkov, 1997), Lecture Notes in Phys., 509, Springer, Berlin, 1998, 116–120
I. Ya. Aref'eva, M. G. Ivanov, O. A. Rytchkov, I. V. Volovich, “Non-extremal localized branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory”, Classical Quantum Gravity, 15:10 (1998), 2923–2936
L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “The hot free algebra”, Recent trends in infinite-dimensional noncommutative analysis (Japanese) (Kyoto, 1997), Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho Kōkyūroku, no. 1035, 1998, 1–18
I. Ya. Aref'eva, P. B. Medvedev, O. A. Rytchkov, I. V. Volovich, “Chaos in D0 brane dynamics”, Quantum probability (Gdańsk, 1997), Banach Center Publ., 43, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, 1998, 41–51
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, “Breaking of conformal symmetry in the AdS/CFT correspondence”, Phys. Lett. B, 433:1-2 (1998), 49–55
L. Accardi, Lu Yun-Gang, I. Volovich, “Non-linear extensions of classical and quantum stochastic calculus and essentially infinite-dimensional analysis”, Probability towards 2000 (New York, 1995), Lecture Notes in Statist., 128, Springer, New York, 1998, 1–33
A. Borowiec, M. Ferraris, M. Francaviglia, I. Volovich, “Universality of the Einstein equations for Ricci squared Lagrangians”, Classical Quantum Gravity, 15:1 (1998), 43–55
L. Accardi, I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, “A new algebra in the stochastic approximation for the model of a particle interacting with a quantum field”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 116:3 (1998), 1050–1062
I. V. Volovich, “D-branes, black holes and ${\rm SU}(\infty)$ gauge theory”, Proceedings of the Second International A. D. Sakharov Conference on Physics (Moscow, 1996), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1997, 618–621
M. Ferraris, M. Francaviglia, I. Volovich, “A model of affine gravity in two dimensions and plurality of topology”, Internat. J. Modern Phys. A, 12:28 (1997), 5067–5080
I. Ya. Aref'eva, K. S. Viswanathan, A. I. Volovich, I. V. Volovich, “Composite $p$-branes in various dimensions”, Theory of elementary particles (Buckow, 1996), Nuclear Phys. B Proc. Suppl., 56B, 1997, 52–60
A. Kh. Bikulov, I. V. Volovich, “$p$-adic Brownian motion”, Izv. Math., 61:3 (1997), 537–552
I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, K. S. Viswanathan, “On black hole creation in Planckian energy scattering”, The Sixth Moscow Quantum Gravity Seminar (1995), Internat. J. Modern Phys. D, 5, no. 6, 1996, 707–721
I. Ya. Aref'eva, K. S. Viswanathan, I. V. Volovich, “Erratum: “Planckian-energy scattering, colliding plane gravitational waves and black hole creation” [Nuclear Phys. B 452 (1995), no. 1-2, 346–366]”, Nuclear Phys. B, 462:2-3 (1996), 613–617
I. Ya. Aref'eva, K. S. Viswanathan, I. V. Volovich, “Planckian-energy scattering, colliding plane gravitational waves and black hole creation”, Nuclear Phys. B, 452:1-2 (1995), 346–366
L. Accardi, I. Ya. Aref'eva, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “The master field for large-$N$ matrix models and quantum groups”, Modern Phys. Lett. A, 10:31 (1995), 2323–2333
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, E. I. Zelenov, $p$-adic analysis and mathematical physics, Nauka, Moscow, 1994 , 352 pp.
L. Accardi, P. Gibilisco, I. A. Volovich, “Yang–Mills gauge fields as harmonic functions for the Lévy Laplacian”, Russian J. Math. Phys., 2:2 (1994), 235–250
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, E. I. Zelenov, $p$-adic analysis and mathematical physics, Series on Soviet and East European Mathematics, 1, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., River Edge, NJ, 1994 , xx+319 pp.
A. Borowiec, M. Ferraris, M. Francaviglia, I. Volovich, “Energy-momentum complex for nonlinear gravitational Lagrangians in the first-order formalism”, Gen. Relativity Gravitation, 26:7 (1994), 637–645
M. Ferraris, M. Francaviglia, I. Volovich, “The universality of vacuum Einstein equations with cosmological constant”, Classical Quantum Gravity, 11:6 (1994), 1505–1517
I. Ya. Aref'eva, R. Parthasarathy, K. S. Viswanathan, I. V. Volovich, “Coherent states, dynamics and semiclassical limit on quantum groups”, Modern Phys. Lett. A, 9:8 (1994), 689–703
I. V. Volovich, “From $p$-adic strings to étale strings”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 203 (1995), 37–42
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A. A. Logunov, A. A. Slavnov, O. I. Zavialov, O. A. Khrustalev, V. P. Mikhailov, I. V. Volovich, A. K. Gushchin, Yu. N. Drozhzhinov, V. V. Zharinov, B. I. Zavialov, A. G. Sergeev, V. P. Pavlov, I. Ya. Aref'eva, Yu. A. Tserkovnikov, “The 70th birthday of V. S. Vladimirov”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 94:1 (1993), 1–2
M. O. Katanaev, I. V. Volovich, “Theory of defects in solids and three-dimensional gravity”, Ann. Physics, 216:1 (1992), 1–28
I. Ya. Aref'eva, B. Dragovich, P. H. Frampton, I. V. Volovich, “The wave function of the universe and $p$-adic gravity”, Internat. J. Modern Phys. A, 6:24 (1991), 4341–4358
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B. V. Boyarsky, O. A. Oleinik, A. V. Babin, M. I. Vishik, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, V. M. Millionshchikov, D. Serr, V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, V. V. Zharinov, G. M. Zaslavsky, R. Z. Sagdeev, D. A. Ysikov, A. A. Chernikov, B. A. Malomed, M. I. Tribel'sky, “Sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 42:3(255) (1987), 221–228
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V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, “On the definition of an integral in superspace”, Sov. Math. Dokl., 32 (1985), 817–819
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I. V. Volovich, “Supersymmetric chiral field with anomaly and its integrability”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 63:2 (1985), 533–535
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I. V. Volovich, “Quasiclassical expansion of the Euclidean $P(\varphi)_2$ model”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 39:3 (1979), 477–480
I. V. Volovič, V. A. Zagrebnov, V. P. Frolov, “Quantum field theory in an asymptotically flat space-time”, Fiz. Èlementar. Castic i Atom. Jadra, 9:1 (1978), 147–211
I. V. Volovich, “Classical equations of Euclidean field theory”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 34:1 (1978), 9–14
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I. Ya. Aref'eva, A. K. Pogrebkov, V. N. Sushko, I. V. Volovich, “The renormalized Hamiltonian, the local fields, and the scattering theory for some translationally-invariant models of quantum field theory”, Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po matematicheskim problemam kvantovoi teorii polya i kvantovoi statistiki. Chast I. Aksiomaticheskaya kvantovaya teoriya polya, Sbornik dokladov (Moskva, 12–17 dekabrya 1972), Tr. MIAN SSSR, 135, 1975, 95–104
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I. V. Volovich, E. A. Dynin, V. A. Zagrebnov, V. P. Frolov, “On the application of field-theory methods in the Ising model II. Calculation of the critical index $\eta$”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 15:3 (1973), 621–627
I. V. Volovich, E. A. Dynin, V. A. Zagrebnov, V. P. Frolov, “Application of field theory methods in the Ising model. I”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 14:2 (1973), 203–206
I. V. Volovich, V. N. Sushko, “Constructive field theory: Thirring model interaction $(\widetilde\psi\gamma^{\mu}\widetilde\psi)_2^2$. I. Local field”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 9:2 (1971), 1086–1100
Seminar 5. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" October 9, 2024 18:00
Seminar 4. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" October 2, 2024 18:00
Квантовые интегрируемые системы и С*-алгебры I. V. Volovich Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" February 14, 2024 18:00
Избранные формулы математической физики I. V. Volovich Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" September 13, 2023 18:00
"О некоторых работах А.С. Трушечкина" I. V. Volovich Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS July 13, 2023 11:00
Spaces of negative dimensions in mathematical physics I. V. Volovich III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov July 5, 2023 16:30
Entanglement in quantum and classical mechanics I. V. Volovich Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" June 1, 2022 18:00
Entanglement in classical mechanics I. V. Volovich Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" May 18, 2022 18:00
Spatial spin correlators for entagled photons I. V. Volovich Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" December 8, 2021 18:30
Integrability and chaos I. V. Volovich Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional
Analysis – 2021 June 30, 2021 12:20
Seminar 15. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" May 26, 2021 18:00
Seminar 14. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" May 19, 2021 18:00
Seminar 13. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" May 12, 2021 18:00
Seminar 12. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" April 28, 2021 18:00
Seminar 11. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" April 21, 2021 18:00
Seminar 10. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" April 14, 2021 18:00
Seminar 9. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" April 7, 2021 18:00
Seminar 8. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" March 31, 2021 18:00
Seminar 7. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" March 24, 2021 18:00
Seminar 6. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" March 17, 2021 18:00
Квантовые взрывы черных дыр (продолжение) I. V. Volovich Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS March 11, 2021 11:00
Seminar 5. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" March 10, 2021 18:00
Quantum black holes explosions I. V. Volovich Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS March 4, 2021 11:00
Seminar 4. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" March 3, 2021 18:00
Seminar 3. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" February 24, 2021 18:00
Seminar 2. Quantum mathematical physics I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" February 17, 2021 18:00
Seminar 1. Quantum mathematical physics V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin, I. V. Volovich Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics" February 10, 2021 18:00
О динамике волновых пакетов I. V. Volovich, V. V. Zharinov Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS December 31, 2020 11:00
Семинар 11. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" July 8, 2020 18:00
Семинар 8. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" April 22, 2020
Семинар 7. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" April 15, 2020
Семинар 6. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" April 8, 2020
Семинар 5. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" March 11, 2020 18:00
Семинар 4. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" March 4, 2020 18:00
Семинар 3. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" February 26, 2020 18:00
Семинар 2. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" February 19, 2020 18:00
Семинар 1. Квантовая математическая физика I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic" February 12, 2020 18:00
Integrability of dynamical systems and monoidal categories I. V. Volovich International Conference "Classical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics" on the occasion of V. V. Kozlov 70th birthday January 24, 2020 15:00
Random matrices and black holes I. V. Volovich Extended meeting of the seminar "Complex problems of mathematical physics" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Armen Sergeev March 11, 2019 12:50
Perturbation theory for open quantum systems I. V. Volovich, A. S. Trushechkin Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2017 November 29, 2017 14:15
Квантовая динамика и $C^*$-алгебры I. V. Volovich, V. Zh. Sakbaev International Conference of Mathematical Physics dedicated to the memory of academician V. S. Vladimirov November 9, 2017 11:00
Оценки флуктуаций квантовой динамики I. V. Volovich Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS September 14, 2017 11:00
Functional mechanics and black holes Igor Volovich School-Seminar "Interaction of Mathematics and Physics: New Perspectives" for graduate students and young researchers August 23, 2012 11:00
Opening ceremony of the Workshop I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, N. U. Arakelian, B. T. Batikyan Second Russian-Armenian Workshop on Mathematical Physics, Complex Analysis and Related Topics October 6, 2008 10:00
Mathematics of Quantum Technologies, Collected papers, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 313, ed. A. N. Pechen, I. V. Volovich, G. G. Amosov, A. E. Teretenkov, 2021, 296 с.
Mathematical physics and applications, Collected papers. In commemoration of the 95th anniversary of Academician Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 306, ed. I. V. Volovich, M. O. Katanaev, 2019, 352 с.
Selected topics of mathematical physics and analysis, Collected papers. In commemoration of the 90th anniversary of Academician Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov's birth, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 285, ed. I. V. Volovich, A. G. Sergeev, 2014, 287 с.
Selected topics of mathematical physics and $p$-adic analysis, Collected papers, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 265, ed. I. V. Volovich, E. F. Mishchenko, 2009, 320 с.
Selected topics of $p$-adic mathematical physics and analysis, Collected papers. Dedicated to the 80th birthday of academician Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 245, ed. I. V. Volovich, E. F. Mishchenko, 2004, 303 с.
Selected problems of mathematical physics and analysis, Collection of articles. To seventy birthday of Academician V. S. Vladimirov, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 203, ed. I. V. Volovich, Yu. N. Drozhzhinov, A. G. Sergeev, E. F. Mishchenko, 1994, 496 с.