Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Адрес: Israel, 91905, Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus
Авторов: 9
Публикаций: 11

Персоналии: Weiss W
Варшавский Яков
Каждан Давид А
Плоткин Борис Исаакович [Плоткин Борис]
Рипс Э
Хрушовски Э
Цурков Аркадий
Шланк Т

Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IsraelThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem is one of Israel's oldest, largest, and most important institutes of higher learning and research.

It is one of eight universities in Israel, and is recognized internationally as a member of the 100 most outstanding academic institutions in the world. The First Board of Governors included Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Martin Buber, and Chaim Weizmann. The Hebrew University developed a world renowned reputation for its studies in the sciences and in religion, a subject in which it possesses abundant resources, including the world's largest Jewish studies collection, and has been home to many seminary researchers and teachers in various fields, including Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber, Michael O. Rabin, Daniel Kahneman, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, David Gross, Saharon Shelah, and Robert Aumann. The university has educated four of Israel's prime ministers, as well as its current president, prime minister, deputy prime minister, and president of the Supreme Court. Twenty-five percent of the Knesset are graduates, as are 12 of the country's 15 Supreme Court Justices. Its graduates also include Nobel laureates in science and economics, leading scholars and humanists, and many of the nation's foremost professionals. Israel's Council for Higher Education recently ranked the nation's universities according to criteria of academic excellence. Hebrew University received the top ranking. The Hebrew University is ranked 60 in the world according to the league table produced by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006.

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