Computational nanotechnology
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Computational nanotechnology

The journal reviews the most important problems dealing with theory, modeling, design and simulations of nanostructured materials and nanodevices, quantum computing, computational chemistry, physics and biology, nanomechanics, nanomachines, nanoelectronics, nanoprocesses, nanomagnetism, nano-optics, nanomedicines, nanobiotechnology, etc. This journal provides the survey of the fascinating new developments and interdisciplinary activities in the whole field presented by scientists working in different subject areas of science, engineering and medicine.

The articles are written by scientists working on master’s and doctor’s theses.

All articles are reviewed by the members of the editorial board and other top-level academic lawyers.

Phone: +7 (916) 393 1827
ISSN: 2313-223X (print), 2587-9693 (online)
Founders: Publishing House Yur-VAK
Publisher: Publishing House Yur-VAK

Editor in Chief
Yastrebova, Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

Chairman of the Editorial Board
Popov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor

Editorial Board
Abdikeev, Niyaz Mustyakimovich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Afonin, Andrei Nikolaevich, Doctor of technical sciences, Associate professor
Andreev, Valery Filippovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Senior Researcher
Aripov, Mersaid Mirsidikovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Bestugin, Aleksandr Roaldovich, Doctor of technical sciences
Chubraeva, Lidia Igorevna, Corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Dnestrovskii, Yuri Nikolaevich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Elizarov, Georgii Sergeevich, Doctor of technical sciences
Fetissov, Vladimir Andreevich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Grusho, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Imamov, Erkin Zunnunovich
Kabaldin, Yuriy Georgievich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Kruk, Evgenii Avramovich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Levin, Vladimir Konstantinovich, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Mel'nikov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
Molotkov, Sergei Nikolaevich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Main Scientist Researcher
Muminov, Ramizulla Abdullaevich, academician of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
Neelov, Igor Mikhailovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
Nikonov, Vladimir Glebovich, Doctor of technical sciences
Nursultanov, Erlan Dautbekovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Rakhimov, Rustam Khakimovich
Shmelev, Aleksei Borisovich, Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Senior Researcher
Suetin, Nikolay Vladislavovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Voevodin, Vladimir Valentinovich, Corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Zakhidov, Èrkin Agzamovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Zavodinskó, Viktor Grigor'evich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor

Editorial Council
Afonin, Andrei Nikolaevich, Doctor of technical sciences, Associate professor
Andronov, Ivan Nikolaevich, Doctor of technical sciences
Bykov, Igor' Yur'evich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Chistyakov, Vladimir Vsevolodovich, Candidate of technical sciences, Professor
Emel'yanov, Vladimir Il'ich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Grigorash, Oleg Vladimirovich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Karaev, Alan Kanamatovich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
Khapaev, Mikhail Mikhailovich, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor
Os'kin, Sergei Vladimirovich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor

Computational nanotechnology
Coverage: 2014–2024

Total publications: 470
Scientific articles: 454
Authors: 597
Citations: 206
Cited articles: 89

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