Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiziko-Matematicheskie NaukiThe Journal was founded in August 2010 and registered at the Federal Service for Compliance with the Law in Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage. Print and online versions of the Journal are issued twice a year and it is included into the Russian Science Citation Index. Full-text articles are posted at the online library of Vitus Bering Kamchatka Sate University. Journal deposit copies are distributed according to the Federal Law # 28-FZ from 26.03.2008. Post-graduate student manuscripts are published for free.
Since 2014 the journal has a translated version ISSN 2313-0156 (print), which is placed in the public domain on the website http://www.ikir.ru/en/krasec/journal/index.html.
Editor in Chief
Marapulets, Yuriy Valentinovich
Deputy Editor
Parovik, Roman Ivanovich
Editorial Council
Shevtsov, Boris Mikhailovich, Chief of Editorial Council
Agarwal, Praveen, Member of Editorial Council
Aripov, Mersaid Mirsidikovich, Member of Editorial Council
Chałupnik, Stanisław, Member of Editorial Council
Goryunov, Alexsey, Member of Editorial Council
Hegymegi, László, Member of Editorial Council
Hejazi, Seyed Reza, Member of Editorial Council
Mahato, Nav Kumar, Member of Editorial Council
Shadimetov, Kholmatvoi Makhkambaevich, Member of Editorial Council
Sultanov, Karim Sultanovich, Member of Editorial Council
Surzhikov, Anatoly Petrovich, Member of Editorial Council
Xue, Wei, Member of Editorial Council
Zunnunov, Rakhimjon Temirbekovich, Executive Secretary
Executive Secretary
Feshenko, Lubov Konstantinovna, Executive Secretary
Editorial Board
Abirov, Rustam Abdullaevich
Ashurov, Ravshan Radzhabovich
Chen, Tao
Ditlov, Valery Anatolievich
Djamalov, Sirojiddin Zuhriddinovich
Feng, Tianhua
Hayotov, Abdullo Rakhmonovich
Kolotkov, Gennady Alexandrovich
Lichtenberger, János
Marichev, V N
Martinelli, Giovanni
Matzka, Jürgen
Merson, Dmitry Lvovich
Nagorskiy, Petr Mikhailovich
Nahayo, Emmanuel
Nigmatullin, Ravil' Rashidovich
Pornyagin, Nikolay Nikolaevich
Pskhu, Arsen Vladimirovich
Rakhmonov, Zafar Ravshanovich
Ramazanov, Murat Ibraevich
Rekhviashvili, Sergo Shotovich
Ronzhin, Andrey Leonidovich
Sasmaz, Ahmet
Serbina, Lyudmila Ivanovna
Shibzukhov, Zaur Mukhadinovich
Sitnik, Sergei Mikhailovich
Smirnov, Sergey Eduardivich
Vasilyev, Vladimir Borisovich
Vel'misov, Petr Alexandrovich
Vodinchar, Gleb Mikhailovich
Yakovleva, Valentina Stanislavovna
Zhou, Tian
Zikirov, Obidjan Salijanovich
Total publications: |
640 |
Scientific articles: |
633 |
Authors: |
551 |
Citations: |
478 |
Cited articles: |
248 |