Numerical methods and programmingThis journal is an on-line open access peer-reviewed journal. The aim of the journal is the on-line publication of original papers in the field of numerical mathematics and its applications (for more details, see the scope of the journal).
The journal endorses and behaves in accordance with the codes of conduct and international standards formulated for the publication ethics and publication malpractice.
Each accepted paper is published online as soon as it is ready for publication in the current volume. The papers published in the journal are in open access for all categories of readers, wherever they are located
At the end of each paper (since 2014), the corresponding bibliographic information on the paper is given in English. This block of information contains the title of the paper, the list of the authors and their affiliations, the date of receiving the manuscript, the abstract, the keywords, and the references. These references are formatted according to the Chicago Reference Style with reasonable modifications detailed in EBSCO References. This approach to format references is used in the journals published by Springer/Pleiades (for example, Mechanics of Solids, Fluid Dynamics, Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, and many others).
The final layout is made by the Editorial Staff.
In lists of references in English, the following abbreviative key title of the journal should be used: Vychisl. Metody Programm.
Editor in Chief
Voevodin, Vladimir Valentinovich
Deputy Editor
Smirnov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Scientific editor
Arushanyan, Oleg Bagratovich
Executive Secretary
Smirnov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Editorial Board
Antonov, Aleksandr Sergeevich
Arushanyan, Oleg Bagratovich
Baklanov, Alexander Anatol'evich
Gergel', Victor Pavlovich
Iakobovski, Mikhail Vladimirovich
Il'in, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Ilyin, Vyacheslav Anatol'evich
Kobel'kov, Georgii Mikhailovich
Korenkov, Vladimir Vasil'evich
Kulikov, Igor' Mikhailovich
Kulikovskii, Andrei Aleksandrovich
Leonov, Aleksandr Sergeevich
Lykosov, Vasilii Nikolaevich
Modorskii, Vladimir Yakovlevich
Setukha, Aleksei Viktorovich
Shukurov, Anvar Mukhamadovich
Shukurov, Anvar Mukhamadovich
Sokoloff, Dmitry Dmitrievich
Stepanenko, Victor Mikhailovich
Tikhonravov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Tomilin, Aleksander Nikolaevich
Tyrtyshnikov, Eugene Evgen'evich
Vasil'ev, Fedor Pavlovich
Volokhov, Vadim Markovich
Yagola, Anatolii Grigor'evich
Total publications: |
1129 |
Scientific articles: |
1128 |
Authors: |
1284 |
Citations: |
824 |
Cited articles: |
359 |