5-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of «Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics» journal, 2012
5-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of the journal in 2012 is calculated
as the number of citations in 2012 to the scientific papers published during
The table below contains the list of citations in 2012 to the papers
published in 2007–2011. We take into account all citing publications
we found from different sources, mostly from references lists available
on Math-Net.Ru. Both original and translation versions are taken into account.
The impact factor Math-Net.Ru may change when new citations to a year
given are found.
Year |
5-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru |
Scientific papers |
Citations |
Citated papers |
Journal Self-citations |
2012 |
0.156 |
256 |
40 |
34 |
27.5% |
N |
Citing pulication |
Cited paper |
1. |
N. V. Baidakova, “Otsenki sverkhu velichiny pogreshnosti approksimatsii proizvodnykh v konechnom elemente Sie–Klafa–Tochera”, Tr. IMM UrO RAN, 18, № 4, 2012, 80–89 |
→ |
Method of hermite interpolation by polynomials of the third degree on a triangle using mixed derivatives J. V. Matveeva Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 7:1 (2007), 23–27
2. |
Yu. I. Mitrofanov, E. S. Rogachko, E. P. Stankevich, “Dinamicheskoe raspredelenie nagruzki v zamknutykh setyakh massovogo obsluzhivaniya s gruppovymi perekhodami trebovanii”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 12:1 (2012), 22–28 |
→ |
An analysis of queueing networks with dynamic routing control Yu. I. Mitrophanov, N. P. Fokina Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 7:1 (2007), 27–33
3. |
Yu. G. Agalakov, “Otsenivanie veroyatnostei redkikh sobytii v vychislitelnykh eksperimentakh s imitatsionnymi modelyami”, UBS, 40 (2012), 83–95 |
→ |
An analysis of queueing networks with dynamic routing control Yu. I. Mitrophanov, N. P. Fokina Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 7:1 (2007), 27–33
4. |
P. V. Chunaev, “Ob ekstrapolyatsii analiticheskikh funktsii summami vida $\sum_k\lambda_k h(\lambda_k z)$”, Matem. zametki, 92:5 (2012), 794–797 |
→ |
On numerical approximation of differential polynomials A. V. Fryantsev Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 7:2 (2007), 39–43
5. |
Selivanova I.Yu., “The Equilibrium Positions of an Ellipsoid with a Cavity Containing a Liquid on a Horizontal Plane”, Pmm-J. Appl. Math. Mech., 76:2 (2012), 162–168 |
→ |
Movement of a firm body with a liquid of small viscosity A. V. Alekseev, V. S. Aslanov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 7:2 (2007), 44–48
6. |
A. Ya. Bomba, A. V. Terebus, “A spatial generalization of the method of conformal mappings for the solution of model boundary-value filtration problems”, J Math Sci, 187:5 (2012), 596 |
→ |
The equations of continuousness in bidimentional models of filtration liquid and gas in the bent layers of final thickness V. A. Tolpaev, V. V. Paliev Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 7:2 (2007), 49–53
7. |
A. A. Nurmagomedov, “Skhodimost summ Fure po mnogochlenam, ortogonalnym na proizvolnykh setkakh”, Izv. vuzov. Matem., 2012, № 7, 60–62 |
→ |
About approximation multinominals, orthogonal on any grids A. A. Nurmagomedov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 8:1 (2008), 25–31
8. |
E. V. Pisareva, A. B. Sokolovskaya, M. Yu. Vlasov, “Modelirovanie steroidindutsirovannoi osteorezorbtsii v eksperimente na fone vvedeniya allogennogo gidroksiapatita”, Vestn. SamGU. Estestvennonauchn. ser., 2012, № 3/2(94), 37–44 |
→ |
About one approach to the reconstruction of behavior of finite automaton with circularity of the change of states O. S. Ermoshina Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 8:1 (2008), 51–55
9. |
N. S. Anofrikova, M. V. Vilde, “Nizkochastotnye dlinnovolnovye priblizheniya trekhmernykh dinamicheskikh uravnenii dlya sluchaya dvukhsloinoi vyazkouprugoi plastiny”, Vestn. Sam. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 4(29) (2012), 115–121 |
→ |
Asymptotic methods in dynamics of shells under shock loading L. Yu. Kossovich Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 8:2 (2008), 12–33
10. |
Annin B.D., Alekhin V.V., Babichev A.V., Korobeynikov S.N., “Molecular Mechanics Method Applied to Problems of Stability and Natural Vibrations of Single-Layer Carbon Nanotubes”, Mech. Sol., 47:5 (2012), 544–559 |
→ |
Mechanical problems in nanotechnology V. A. Eremeyev, E. A. Ivanova, N. F. Morozov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 8:3 (2008), 25–32
11. |
V. P. Kurdyumov, A. P. Khromov, “O bazisakh Rissa iz sobstvennykh funktsii integralnykh operatorov s yadrami, razryvnymi na diagonalyakh”, Izv. RAN. Ser. matem., 76:6 (2012), 107–122 |
→ |
The theorem on equiconvergence for the integral operator on simplest graph with cycle M. Sh. Burlutskaya Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 8:4 (2008), 8–13
12. |
A. P. Khromov, G. V. Khromova, “Regulyarizatsiya odnogo klassa integralnykh uravnenii I roda s yadrami, razryvnymi na diagonalyakh”, Zh. vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz., 52:8 (2012), 1363–1372 |
→ |
The theorem on equiconvergence for the integral operator on simplest graph with cycle M. Sh. Burlutskaya Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 8:4 (2008), 8–13
13. |
D. A. Losyakova, “Khaoticheskoe dvizhenie volchka so smeschennym tsentrom mass”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 12:2 (2012), 90–95 |
→ |
Chaotic motion of nonlinear system V. S. Aslanov, B. V. Ivanov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 8:4 (2008), 38–43
14. |
A. L. Lukashov, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, 13, Approximation Theory XIII: San Antonio 2010, 2012, 221 |
→ |
Extremal rational functions on several arcs of the unit circle with zeros on these arcs A. L. Lukashov, S. V. Tyshkevich Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 9:1 (2009), 8–13
15. |
I. Ya. Novikov, M. A. Skopina, “Pochemu v raznykh strukturakh bazisy Khaara odinakovye?”, Matem. zametki, 91:6 (2012), 950–953 |
→ |
Haar series on compact zero-dimensional abelian group S. F. Lukomskii Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 9:1 (2009), 14–19
16. |
N. E. Komissarova, “Funktsii Lebega po sisteme Khaara na nul-mernykh kompaktnykh gruppakh”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 12:3 (2012), 30–36 |
→ |
Haar series on compact zero-dimensional abelian group S. F. Lukomskii Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 9:1 (2009), 14–19
17. |
V. I. Danchenko, E. N. Kondakova, “Kriterii vozniknoveniya osobykh uzlov pri interpolyatsii naiprosteishimi drobyami”, Differentsialnye uravneniya i dinamicheskie sistemy, Sbornik statei, Trudy MIAN, 278, MAIK «Nauka/Interperiodika», M., 2012, 49–58 |
→ |
Interpolation by the simplest fractions E. N. Kondakova Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 9:2 (2009), 30–37
18. |
M. A. Komarov, “Interpolation of rational functions by simple partial fractions”, J Math Sci, 181:5 (2012), 600 |
→ |
Interpolation by the simplest fractions E. N. Kondakova Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 9:2 (2009), 30–37
19. |
V. I. Danchenko, E. N. Kondakova, “Kriterii vozniknoveniya osobykh uzlov pri interpolyatsii naiprosteishimi drobyami”, Differentsialnye uravneniya i dinamicheskie sistemy, Sbornik statei, Tr. MIAN, 278, MAIK, M., 2012, 49–58 |
→ |
Multiple non-completeness for the system of eigenfunctionsof a class of the pencils of ordinary differential operators O. V. Shigaeva Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 9:2 (2009), 50–59
20. |
Yurko V.A., “Obratnaya zadacha dlya operatorov Shturma-Liuvillya na proizvolnykh kompaktnykh prostranstvennykh setyakh”, 432, № 3, 2012, 318–321 |
→ |
Recovering differential operators on a bush-type graph V. A. Yurko Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 9:2 (2009), 59–65
Total publications: |
1053 |
Scientific articles: |
1014 |
Authors: |
1066 |
Citations: |
1602 |
Cited articles: |
548 |
Impact Factor Web of Science |
for 2023:
0.300 |