2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of «Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics» journal, 2018
2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of the journal in 2018 is calculated
as the number of citations in 2018 to the scientific papers published during
The table below contains the list of citations in 2018 to the papers
published in 2016–2017. We take into account all citing publications
we found from different sources, mostly from references lists available
on Math-Net.Ru. Both original and translation versions are taken into account.
The impact factor Math-Net.Ru may change when new citations to a year
given are found.
Year |
2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru |
Scientific papers |
Citations |
Citated papers |
Journal Self-citations |
2018 |
0.286 |
91 |
26 |
19 |
38.5% |
N |
Citing pulication |
Cited paper |
1. |
V. P. Kurdyumov, A. P. Khromov, V. A. Khalova, “Smeshannaya zadacha dlya volnovogo uravneniya s nenulevoi nachalnoi skorostyu”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 18:2 (2018), 157–171 |
→ |
Justification of Fourier method in a mixed problem for wave equation with non-zero velocity A. P. Gurevich, V. P. Kurdyumov, A. P. Khromov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:1 (2016), 13–29
2. |
A. Kh. Fatykhov, P. L. Shabalin, “Solvability homogeneous Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem with several points of turbulence”, Probl. anal. Issues Anal., 7(25), spetsvypusk (2018), 31–39 |
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Investigation Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem with infinite index on circle A. Kh. Fatykhov, P. L. Shabalin Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:2 (2016), 174–180
3. |
E. I. Starovoitov, D. V. Leonenko, “Bending of a sandwich beam by local loads in the temperature field”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 18:1 (2018), 69–83 |
→ |
Wave occurrences mathematical modeling in two geometrically nonlinear elastic coaxial cylindrical shells, containing viscous incompressible liquid Yu. A. Blinkov, A. V. Mesyanzhin, L. I. Mogilevich Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:2 (2016), 184–197
4. |
D. K. Andreichenko, F. M. Zhadaev, “Obuchenie neirosetevykh regulyatorov dlya stabilizatsii kombinirovannykh dinamicheskikh sistem”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 18:3 (2018), 354–360 |
→ |
Analyticity conditions of characteristic and disturbing quasipolynomials of hybrid dynamical systems M. S. Portenko, D. V. Melnichuk, D. K. Andreichenko Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:2 (2016), 208–217
5. |
A. F. Rezchikov, V. A. Tverdokhlebov, “Metod rekurrentnogo i $Z$-rekurrentnogo upravleniya funktsionirovaniem slozhnoi sistemy”, Probl. upravl., 3 (2018), 56–64 |
→ |
The geometric form of automaton mappings, recurrent and $Z$-recurrent definition of sequences V. A. Tverdokhlebov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:2 (2016), 232–241
6. |
S. V. Astashkin, P. A. Terekhin, “Bazisnye svoistva affinnoi sistemy Uolsha v simmetrichnykh prostranstvakh”, Izv. RAN. Ser. matem., 82:3 (2018), 3–30 |
→ |
Affine system of Walsh type. Completeness and minimality Kh. H. H. Al-Jourany, V. A. Mironov, P. A. Terekhin Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 247–256
7. |
A. Yu. Trynin, “Ravnomernaya skhodimost protsessov Lagranzha–Shturma–Liuvillya na odnom funktsionalnom klasse”, Ufimsk. matem. zhurn., 10:2 (2018), 93–108 |
→ |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniform on a segment sinc-approximations functions of bounded variation A. Yu. Trynin Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 288–298
8. |
A. Yu. Trynin, “Skhodimost protsessov Lagranzha–Shturma–Liuvillya dlya nepreryvnykh funktsii ogranichennoi variatsii”, Vladikavk. matem. zhurn., 20:4 (2018), 76–91 |
→ |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniform on a segment sinc-approximations functions of bounded variation A. Yu. Trynin Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 288–298
9. |
A. Yu. Trynin, “Dostatochnoe uslovie skhodimosti protsessov Lagranzha–Shturma–Liuvillya v terminakh odnostoronnego modulya nepreryvnosti”, Zh. vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz., 58:11 (2018), 1780–1793 |
→ |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniform on a segment sinc-approximations functions of bounded variation A. Yu. Trynin Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 288–298
10. |
F. G. Avkhadiev, “Zadacha Brezisa—Markusa i ee obobscheniya”, Kompleksnyi analiz, Itogi nauki i tekhn. Sovrem. mat. i ee pril. Temat. obz., 153, VINITI RAN, M., 2018, 3–12 |
→ |
On a limit value of a remainder of the Lebesgue constant corresponding to the Lagrange trigonometrical polynomial I. A. Shakirov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 302–310
11. |
I. A. Shakirov, “Priblizhenie konstanty Lebega polinoma Lagranzha logarifmicheskoi funktsiei so smescheniem argumenta”, Kompleksnyi analiz, Itogi nauki i tekhn. Sovrem. mat. i ee pril. Temat. obz., 153, VINITI RAN, M., 2018, 151–157 |
→ |
On a limit value of a remainder of the Lebesgue constant corresponding to the Lagrange trigonometrical polynomial I. A. Shakirov Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 302–310
12. |
I. I. Sharapudinov, I. G. Guseinov, “Polinomy, ortogonalnye po Sobolevu, porozhdennye polinomami Sharle”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 18:2 (2018), 196–205 |
→ |
Sobolev orthogonal polynomials generated by Meixner polynomials I. I. Sharapudinov, Z. D. Gadzhieva Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 310–321
13. |
M. G. Magomed-Kasumov, S. R. Magomedov, “Bystroe vychislenie lineinykh kombinatsii sobolevskikh funktsii, porozhdennykh funktsiyami Khaara”, Dagestanskie elektronnye matematicheskie izvestiya, 2018, № 9, 7–14 |
→ |
Sobolev orthogonal polynomials generated by Meixner polynomials I. I. Sharapudinov, Z. D. Gadzhieva Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 310–321
14. |
M. G. Magomed-Kasumov, S. R. Magomedov, “Spektralnyi metod resheniya zadachi Koshi dlya sistem obyknovennykh differentsialnykh uravnenii posredstvom ortogonalnoi v smysle Soboleva sistemy funktsii, porozhdennoi sistemoi Khaara”, Dagestanskie elektronnye matematicheskie izvestiya, 2018, № 10, 50–60 |
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Sobolev orthogonal polynomials generated by Meixner polynomials I. I. Sharapudinov, Z. D. Gadzhieva Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:3 (2016), 310–321
15. |
R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Rekurrentnye sootnosheniya dlya polinomov, ortonormirovannykh po Sobolevu, porozhdennykh polinomami Lagerra”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 18:1 (2018), 17–24 |
→ |
The Fourier series of the Meixner polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Sobolev-type inner product R. M. Gadzhimirzaev Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:4 (2016), 388–395
16. |
R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Approksimativnye svoistva spetsialnykh ryadov po polinomam Meiksnera”, Vladikavk. matem. zhurn., 20:3 (2018), 21–36 |
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The Fourier series of the Meixner polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Sobolev-type inner product R. M. Gadzhimirzaev Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:4 (2016), 388–395
17. |
A. G. Baskakov, N. B. Uskova, “Metod Fure dlya differentsialnykh uravnenii pervogo poryadka s involyutsiei i gruppy operatorov”, Ufimsk. matem. zhurn., 10:3 (2018), 11–34 |
→ |
Spectral analysis of a class of difference operators with growing potential G. V. Garkavenko, N. B. Uskova Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:4 (2016), 395–402
18. |
M. A. Petrosova, I. V. Tikhonov, V. B. Sherstyukov, “O roste koeffitsientov v polinomakh Bernshteina dlya standartnogo modulya na simmetrichnom otrezke”, Ufimsk. matem. zhurn., 10:3 (2018), 60–78 |
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Bernstein polynomials for a standard module function on the symmetric interval I. V. Tikhonov, V. B. Sherstyukov, M. A. Petrosova Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:4 (2016), 425–435
19. |
D. K. Andreichenko, F. M. Zhadaev, “Obuchenie neirosetevykh regulyatorov dlya stabilizatsii kombinirovannykh dinamicheskikh sistem”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser.: Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 18:3 (2018), 354–360 |
→ |
Adaptive algorithm of parametric synthesis of hybrid dynamical systems D. K. Andreichenko, K. P. Andreichenko, D. V. Melnichuk, M. S. Portenko Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:4 (2016), 465–475
20. |
N. A. Artemova, “Periody $\varphi$-grafov”, PDM, 2018, № 41, 46–53 |
→ |
Indices of states in dynamical system of binary vectors associated with palms orientations A. V. Zharkova Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:4 (2016), 475–484
Total publications: |
1053 |
Scientific articles: |
1014 |
Authors: |
1066 |
Citations: |
1602 |
Cited articles: |
548 |
Impact Factor Web of Science |
for 2023:
0.300 |