Most published authors (scientific articles only) of the journal
scientific articles published in peer review journal, serial, conference publications, indexed in international bibliographical databases and/or having DOI index
1. |
N. I. Chkhalo |
51 |
2. |
S. O. Shiryaeva |
32 |
3. |
N. S. Ginzburg |
31 |
4. |
N. N. Salashchenko |
30 |
5. |
S. Ya. Yavor |
28 |
6. |
L. A. Baranova |
27 |
7. |
I. V. Grekhov |
25 |
8. |
F. G. Baksht |
23 |
9. |
A. I. Grigor'ev |
23 |
10. |
V. N. Polkovnikov |
23 |
11. |
V. V. Randoshkin |
23 |
12. |
V. A. Sychugov |
22 |
13. |
O. G. Vendik |
21 |
14. |
A. E. Pestov |
21 |
15. |
M. Ya. Amusia |
20 |
16. |
T. Ya. Fishkova |
20 |
17. |
A. I. Morozov |
20 |
18. |
A. I. Grigor'ev |
19 |
19. |
S. V. Razorenov |
19 |
20. |
E. I. Leonov |
18 |
40 most published authors of the journal |
Most cited authors of the journal |
1. |
S. V. D'yachenko |
112 |
2. |
N. I. Chkhalo |
111 |
3. |
A. I. Zhernovoi |
100 |
4. |
N. N. Salashchenko |
94 |
5. |
A. A. Tren'kin |
86 |
6. |
I. V. Karpov |
83 |
7. |
A. V. Ushakov |
83 |
8. |
A. A. Lepeshev |
82 |
9. |
B. E. Umirzakov |
82 |
10. |
V. M. Chernov |
71 |
11. |
K. I. Almazova |
64 |
12. |
A. N. Belonogov |
64 |
13. |
V. V. Borovkov |
64 |
14. |
E. V. Gorelov |
64 |
15. |
N. N. Kuranova |
64 |
16. |
V. G. Pushin |
64 |
17. |
S. Yu. Kharitonov |
64 |
18. |
V. N. Polkovnikov |
61 |
19. |
I. V. Morozov |
60 |
20. |
L. Yu. Fedorov |
60 |
40 most cited authors of the journal |
Most cited articles of the journal |
1. |
NMR studies of the sedimentation of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in a magnetic fluid S. V. D'yachenko, I. S. Kondrashkova, A. I. Zhernovoi Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:10, 1596–1598 |
47 |
2. |
Phenomenon of statistical instability of the third type systems–complexity V. V. Eskov, T. V. Gavrilenko, V. M. Eskov, Yu. V. Vokhmina Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:11, 1609–1614 |
45 |
3. |
Advanced technologies for security, medical and industrial accelerators S. V. Kutsaev Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2021, 91:2, 173–206 |
36 |
4. |
On electric-pulse well drilling and breaking of solids K. Kussaiynov, B. R. Nusupbekov, N. N. Shuyushbayeva, N. K. Tanasheva, K. M. Shaimerdenova, A. K. Khassenov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:6, 852–855 |
36 |
5. |
Plasma-chemical reactor based on a low-pressure pulsed arc discharge for synthesis of nanopowders I. V. Karpov, A. V. Ushakov, A. A. Lepeshev, L. Yu. Fedorov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:1, 140–145 |
33 |
6. |
Mechanisms of stress generation in thin films and coatings A. R. Shugurov, A. V. Panin Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2020, 90:12, 1971–1994 |
31 |
7. |
The Langevin formula for describing the magnetization curve of a magnetic liquid S. V. D'yachenko, A. I. Zhernovoi Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2016, 86:12, 78–80 |
31 |
8. |
Theoretical and experimental study of a compact planar slow-wave structure on a dielectric substrate for the $W$-band traveling-wave tube R. A. Torgashov, N. M. Ryskin, A. G. Rozhnev, A. V. Starodubov, A. A. Serdobintsev, A. M. Pavlov, V. V. Galushka, I. Sh. Bahteev, S. Yu. Molchanov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2020, 90:4, 686–692 |
30 |
9. |
Microstructure of a spark discharge in air in a point–plane gap K. I. Almazova, A. N. Belonogov, V. V. Borovkov, E. V. Gorelov, I. V. Morozov, A. A. Tren'kin, S. Yu. Kharitonov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2018, 88:6, 827–831 |
28 |
10. |
Technical graphene (reduced graphene oxide) and its natural analog (shungite) E. F. Sheka, E. A. Golubev Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2016, 86:7, 74–80 |
26 |
11. |
Plastic flow instability: Chernov–Lüders bands and the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect V. V. Gorbatenko, V. I. Danilov, L. B. Zuev Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:3, 372–377 |
25 |
12. |
Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microstructures in polymer microfluid chips for in vitro single-cell analysis A. S. Bukatin, I. S. Mukhin, E. I. Malyshev, I. V. Kukhtevich, A. A. Evstrapov, M. V. Dubina Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2016, 86:10, 125–130 |
25 |
13. |
X-ray computer methods for studying the structural integrity of seeds and their importance in modern seed science M. V. Arkhipov, N. S. Priyatkin, L. P. Gusakova, N. N. Potrakhov, A. Yu. Gryaznov, V. B. Bessonov, A. V. Obodovskii, N. E. Staroverov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2019, 89:4, 627–638 |
24 |
14. |
Extreme values of the Poisson’s ratio of cubic crystals A. I. Epishin, D. S. Lisovenko Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2016, 86:10, 74–82 |
24 |
15. |
Simulation of synaptic coupling of neuron-like generators via a memristive device S. A. Gerasimova, A. N. Mikhaylov, A. I. Belov, D. S. Korolev, O. N. Gorshkov, V. B. Kazantsev Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:8, 1248–1254 |
23 |
16. |
Heat conduction beyond the Fourier law A. I. Zhmakin Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2021, 91:1, 5–25 |
22 |
17. |
Flexomagnetic and flexoantiferromagnetic effects in centrosymmetric antiferromagnetic materials A. F. Kabychenkov, F. V. Lisovskii Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2019, 89:7, 1039–1043 |
22 |
18. |
Simulation of the stationary and nonstationary charge transfer conditions in a uniform Holstein chain placed in constant electric field A. N. Korshounova, V. D. Lakhno Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2018, 88:9, 1312–1319 |
22 |
19. |
Magnetoelastic waves in submicron yttrium–iron garnet films manufactured by means of ion-beam sputtering onto gadolinium–gallium garnet substrates Yu. V. Khivintsev, V. K. Sakharov, S. L. Vysotsky, Yu. A. Filimonov, A. I. Stognij, S. A. Nikitov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2018, 88:7, 1060–1066 |
22 |
20. |
Variation of elastic characteristics of metastable austenite steel under cycling straining A. V. Gonchar, V. V. Mishakin, V. A. Klyushnikov, K. V. Kurashkin Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:4, 518–521 |
22 |
21. |
SiC-based composite materials obtained by siliconizing carbon matrices S. L. Shikunov, V. N. Kurlov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:12, 1871–1878 |
22 |
22. |
Magnetic characteristics of MgFe$_{2}$O$_{4}$ nanoparticles obtained by glycine–nitrate synthesis A. I. Zhernovoi, A. A. Komlev, S. V. D'yachenko Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2016, 86:2, 146–148 |
22 |
40 most cited articles of the journal |
Most requested articles of the journal |
1. |
Analytical description of hopping electrical conductivity of compensated semiconductors and calculations on the example of $p$-Ge : Ga N. A. Poklonskii, I. I. Anikeev, S. A. Vyrko, A. G. Zabrodskii Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2024, 94:6, 838–848 | 45 |
2. |
Pyroelectric effect in doped nonpolar glycine crystals G. Yu. Sotnikova, P. S. Zelenovskiy, A. D. Ushakov, G. A. Gavrilov, V. Ya. Shur, A. L. Kholkin Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2023, 93:5, 724–730 | 31 |
3. |
Trajectory analysis in a collector with multistage energy recovery for a DEMO prototype gyrotron. Part III. Influence of the spent electron beam parameters O. I. Louksha, A. S. Zuev, A. G. Malkin, E. S. Semenov, P. A. Trofimov, M. Yu. Glyavin Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2023, 93:5, 718–723 | 22 |
4. |
Spinodal decomposition of tungsten-containing phases in functional coatings obtained via high-energy implantation processes S. V. Davydov, E. V. Petrov Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2017, 87:8, 1195–1201 | 20 |
5. |
OF 2 ATOMIC PARTICLES WITH S1=S2=1 ELECTRON SPINS V. D. Melnikov, V. A. Kartoshkin, G. V. Klementiev Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 1988, 58:4, 830–833 | 16 |
6. |
Estimation of the thermodynamic parameters of a shock-wave action on high-porosity heterogeneous materials S. A. Kinelovskii, K. K. Maevskii Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2016, 86:8, 125–130 | 16 |
7. |
A method for measuring the internal quantum efficiency of InGaN LED emission I. V. Frolov, V. A. Sergeev, O. A. Radaev Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2021, 91:8, 1264–1267 | 10 |
8. |
Stand for testing extreme ultraviolet sensitive photoresists A. Ya. Lopatin, V. I. Luchin, A. N. Nechai, A. A. Perekalov, A. E. Pestov, D. G. Reunov, N. I. Chkhalo Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2024, 94:8, 1323–1330 | 10 |
9. |
Electrogenesis in plant–microbial fuel cells in parallel and series connections T. È. Kuleshova, N. R. Gall', A. S. Galushko, G. G. Panova Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2021, 91:3, 510–518 | 9 |
10. |
Powerful diode nanosecond current opening switch made of $p$-silicon ($p$-SOS) I. V. Grekhov, A. G. Lyublinsky, E. I. Belyakova Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2016, 86:3, 106–109 | 9 |
Total publications: |
7040 |
Scientific articles: |
6976 |
Authors: |
9927 |
Citations: |
6558 |
Cited articles: |
1582 |
Impact Factor Web of Science |
for 2023:
1.100 |
for 2021:
0.489 |
Scopus Metrics |
2023 |
CiteScore |
1.300 |
2023 |
0.370 |
2023 |
0.303 |
2022 |
0.226 |
2021 |
0.222 |
2020 |
0.297 |