2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of «Matematicheskie Voprosy Kriptografii [Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography]» journal, 2014
2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru of the journal in 2014 is calculated
as the number of citations in 2014 to the scientific papers published during
The table below contains the list of citations in 2014 to the papers
published in 2012–2013. We take into account all citing publications
we found from different sources, mostly from references lists available
on Math-Net.Ru. Both original and translation versions are taken into account.
The impact factor Math-Net.Ru may change when new citations to a year
given are found.
Year |
2-years impact-factor Math-Net.Ru |
Scientific papers |
Citations |
Citated papers |
Journal Self-citations |
2014 |
0.547 |
53 |
29 |
20 |
48.3% |
N |
Citing pulication |
Cited paper |
1. |
M. A. Cherepnev, N. L. Zamarashkin, “Universalnyi blochnyi metod Lantsosha–Pade dlya sistem lineinykh uravnenii nad bolshimi prostymi polyami”, Fundament. i prikl. matem., 19:6 (2014), 225–249 |
→ |
Solving systems of linear equations arising in the computation of logarithms in a finite prime field A. Ya. Dorofeev Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:1 (2012), 5–51
2. |
O. A. Kozlitin, “Ispolzovanie $2$-lineinogo registra sdviga dlya vyrabotki psevdosluchainykh posledovatelnostei”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:1 (2014), 39–72 |
→ |
$2$-linear shift register over the Galois ring of even characteristic O. A. Kozlitin Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:2 (2012), 27–61
3. |
A. V. Mikhalev, A. A. Nechaev, “Tsiklovye tipy semeistv polilineinykh rekurrent i datchiki psevdosluchainykh chisel”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:1 (2014), 95–125 |
→ |
$2$-linear shift register over the Galois ring of even characteristic O. A. Kozlitin Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:2 (2012), 27–61
4. |
A. M. Zubkov, “Momenty vesov sluchainykh neravnoveroyatnykh bulevykh funktsii”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:3 (2014), 5–15 |
→ |
Stochastic Boolean functions and their spectra G. I. Ivchenko, Yu. I. Medvedev Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:3 (2012), 21–34
5. |
V. A. Kopyttsev, V. G. Mikhailov, “Ob odnom asimptoticheskom svoistve sfer v diskretnykh prostranstvakh bolshoi razmernosti”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:1 (2014), 73–83 |
→ |
Conditions of convergence to the Poisson distribution for the number of solutions of random inclusions V. A. Kopytcev, V. G. Mikhailov Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:3 (2012), 35–55
6. |
B. A. Pogorelov, M. A. Pudovkina, “O rasstoyaniyakh ot podstanovok do ob'edineniya vsekh imprimitivnykh grupp c ravnymi parametrami sistem imprimitivnosti”, Diskret. matem., 26:1 (2014), 103–117 |
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Factor structures of transformations B. A. Pogorelov, M. A. Pudovkina Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:3 (2012), 81–104
7. |
L. V. Kovalchuk, N. V. Lysenko, L. V. Skrypnik, “Mixing Properties of Operations Defined on the Set of N-Dimensional Vectors Over a Prime Finite Field”, Cybern Syst Anal, 50:4 (2014), 603 |
→ |
Factor structures of transformations B. A. Pogorelov, M. A. Pudovkina Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:3 (2012), 81–104
8. |
D. N. Bylkov, “Ob odnom klasse bulevykh funktsii, postroennykh s ispolzovaniem starshikh razryadnykh posledovatelnostei lineinykh rekurrent”, PDM. Prilozhenie, 2014, № 7, 59–60 |
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Parameters of Boolean functions generated by the most significant bits of linear recurrent sequences D. N. Bylkov, O. V. Kamlovskii Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:4 (2012), 25–53
9. |
A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “Statisticheskie kharakteristiki vesovykh spektrov sluchainykh lineinykh kodov nad $\mathrm{GF}(p)$”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:1 (2014), 27–38 |
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Moments of codeword weights in random binary linear codes A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:4 (2012), 55–70
10. |
R. AlTawy, A. Kircanski, A. M. Youssef, “Rebound attacks on Stribog”, Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8565, 2014, 175–188 |
→ |
Some methods of hash functions analysis with application to the GOST P 34.11-94 algorithm D. V. Matyukhin, V. A. Shishkin Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:4 (2012), 71–89
11. |
R. AlTawy, A. M. Youssef, “Preimage attacks on reduced-round Stribog”, Progress in Cryptology - AFRICACRYPT 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8469, 2014, 109–125 |
→ |
Some methods of hash functions analysis with application to the GOST P 34.11-94 algorithm D. V. Matyukhin, V. A. Shishkin Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:4 (2012), 71–89
12. |
V. N. Sachkov, “Sluchainye podstanovki s tsiklami ogranichennoi dliny i transformirovaniem”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:3 (2014), 117–136 |
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Random substitutions with transformed cycles V. N. Sachkov Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:4 (2012), 127–150
13. |
D. M. Ermilov, “Algoritm postroeniya sistemy predstavitelei tsiklov maksimalnoi dliny polinomialnykh podstanovok nad koltsom Galua”, PDM. Prilozhenie, 2014, № 7, 64–67 |
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Cyclic structure of a polynomial generator over the Galois ring D. M. Ermilov, O. A. Kozlitin Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:1 (2013), 27–57
14. |
A. O. Kovalevskaya, “Postroenie tranzitivnykh polinomov nad koltsom $\mathbb Z_{p^2}$”, PDM. Prilozhenie, 2014, № 7, 69–70 |
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Cyclic structure of a polynomial generator over the Galois ring D. M. Ermilov, O. A. Kozlitin Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:1 (2013), 27–57
15. |
A. M. Zubkov, “Momenty vesov sluchainykh neravnoveroyatnykh bulevykh funktsii”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:3 (2014), 5–15 |
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Analysis of the spectrum of random symmetric Boolean functions G. I. Ivchenko, Yu. I. Medvedev, V. A. Mironova Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:1 (2013), 59–76
16. |
V. D. Gusev, L. A. Miroshnichenko, N. V. Salomatina, “Strukturnye analogii v simvolnykh posledovatelnostyakh razlichnoi yazykovoi prirody”, Mashinnoe obuchenie i analiz dannykh, 1:10 (2014), 1407–1422 |
→ |
On the numbers of equivalent tuples sets in a sequence of independent random variables V. G. Mihailov, A. M. Shoitov Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:1 (2013), 77–86
17. |
V. N. Goloschapov, P. V. Roldugin, “O svoistvakh bulevykh funktsii, ne imeyuschikh implitsent ot trekh peremennykh”, Diskret. matem., 26:2 (2014), 25–41 |
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On the Boolean functions without upper bijunctive analogues P. V. Roldugin, A. V. Tarasov Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:1 (2013), 111–128
18. |
M. A. Goltvanitsa, “A construction of skew LRS of maximal period over finite fields based on the defining tuples of factors”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 5:2 (2014), 37–46 |
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Skew LRS of maximal period over Galois rings M. A. Goltvanitsa, A. A. Nechaev, S. N. Zaitsev Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:2 (2013), 59–72
19. |
A. V. Abornev, “Postroenie podstanovok s ispolzovaniem razryadno-podstanovochnykh preobrazovanii modulya nad koltsom Galua kharakteristiki 4”, PDM, 2014, № 1(23), 9–19 |
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Nonlinear permutations of a space over a finite field induced by linear transformations of a module over a Galois ring A. A. Nechaev, A. V. Abornev Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:2 (2013), 81–100
20. |
A. V. Abornev, “Nelineinye podstanovki na vektornom prostranstve, rekursivno-porozhdennye nad koltsom Galua kharakteristiki 4”, PDM. Prilozhenie, 2014, № 7, 40–41 |
→ |
Nonlinear permutations of a space over a finite field induced by linear transformations of a module over a Galois ring A. A. Nechaev, A. V. Abornev Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:2 (2013), 81–100
Total publications: |
456 |
Scientific articles: |
430 |
Authors: |
239 |
Citations: |
956 |
Cited articles: |
280 |