2023, том 14, выпуск 2
$\mathsf{sMGM}$: parameterizable AEAD mode L. R. Akhmetzyanova, E. K. Alekseev, A. A. Babueva, A. A. Bozhko, S. V. Smyshlyaev
7–24 |
On the (im)possibility of secure ElGamal blind signatures L. R. Akhmetzyanova, E. K. Alekseev, A. A. Babueva, S. V. Smyshlyaev
25–42 |
Proper families of functions and their applications A. V. Galatenko, V. A. Nosov, A. E. Pankratiev, K. D. Tsaregorodtsev
43–58 |
Related-key attacks on the compression function of Streebog V. A. Kiryukhin
59–76 |
Keyed Streebog is a secure PRF and MAC V. A. Kiryukhin
77–96 |
Two Lempel – Ziv goodness-of-fit tests for nonequiprobable random binary sequences V. I. Kruglov
97–110 |
Solving some cryptanalytic problems for lattice-based cryptosystems with quantum annealing method I. V. Lysakov
111–122 |
Characteristics of nonlinearity of vectorial functions over finite fields V. G. Ryabov
123–136 |
Experimental study of NIST Statistical Test Suite ability to detect long repetitions in binary sequences A. M. Zubkov, A. A. Serov
137–145 |