Авторы с наибольшим числом научных статей в журнале "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics"
учитываются научные статьи, опубликованные в рецензируемых журналах и серийных изданиях, сборниках трудов научных конференций, индексированные в международных библиографических базах данных или имеющие DOI
1. |
А. В. Борисов |
85 |
2. |
И. С. Мамаев |
75 |
3. |
А. А. Килин |
40 |
4. |
А. В. Цыганов |
30 |
5. |
В. В. Козлов |
29 |
6. |
Н. А. Кудряшов |
25 |
7. |
И. А. Бизяев |
23 |
8. |
С. П. Кузнецов |
18 |
9. |
S. Wiggins |
16 |
10. |
Б. С. Бардин |
13 |
11. |
А. П. Маркеев |
13 |
12. |
А. Д. Морозов |
13 |
13. |
В. И. Драгович |
12 |
14. |
С. В. Гонченко |
11 |
15. |
А. О. Казаков |
10 |
16. |
Е. Н. Пивоварова |
10 |
17. |
К. Симо |
10 |
18. |
Д. В. Трещев |
10 |
19. |
С. В. Болотин |
9 |
20. |
Е. В. Ветчанин |
9 |
21. |
В. З. Гринес |
9 |
22. |
А. В. Иванов |
9 |
23. |
А. П. Иванов |
9 |
24. |
Б. Йованович |
9 |
25. |
А. И. Нейштадт |
9 |
26. |
О. В. Починка |
9 |
27. |
Д. В. Тураев |
9 |
28. |
M. Przybylska |
9 |
40 авторов с наибольшим числом научных статей в журнале |
Наиболее цитируемые авторы журнала "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" |
1. |
А. В. Борисов |
2194 |
2. |
И. С. Мамаев |
1919 |
3. |
А. А. Килин |
1059 |
4. |
И. А. Бизяев |
506 |
5. |
Н. А. Кудряшов |
496 |
6. |
В. В. Козлов |
280 |
7. |
А. В. Цыганов |
270 |
8. |
А. О. Казаков |
261 |
9. |
С. В. Гонченко |
232 |
10. |
С. П. Кузнецов |
220 |
11. |
S. Wiggins |
196 |
12. |
И. Р. Сатаев |
160 |
13. |
H. Russmann |
147 |
14. |
А. В. Болсинов |
144 |
15. |
К. Симо |
135 |
16. |
С. М. Рамоданов |
133 |
17. |
Ю. Л. Караваев |
129 |
18. |
Б. С. Бардин |
124 |
19. |
Т. Б. Иванова |
122 |
20. |
Е. В. Ветчанин |
121 |
21. |
H. W. Broer |
121 |
40 наиболее цитируемых авторов журнала |
Часто цитируемые статьи журнала "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" |
1. |
The rolling motion of a rigid body on a plane and a sphere. Hierarchy of dynamics A. V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2002, 7:2, 177–200 |
144 |
2. |
Invariant Tori in Non-Degenerate Nearly Integrable Hamiltonian Systems H. Rüssmann Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2001, 6:2, 119–204 |
140 |
3. |
The Hierarchy of Dynamics of a Rigid Body Rolling without Slipping and Spinning on a Plane and a Sphere Alexey V. Borisov, Ivan S. Mamaev, Ivan A. Bizyaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2013, 18:3, 277–328 |
106 |
4. |
The rolling motion of a ball on a surface. New integrals and hierarchy of dynamics A. V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev, A. A. Kilin Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2002, 7:2, 201–219 |
101 |
5. |
How to Control Chaplygin’s Sphere Using Rotors Alexey V. Borisov, Alexander A. Kilin, Ivan S. Mamaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2012, 17:3-4, 258–272 |
94 |
6. |
Richness of Chaotic Dynamics in Nonholonomic Models of a Celtic Stone Alexander S. Gonchenko, Sergey V. Gonchenko, Alexey O. Kazakov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2013, 18:5, 521–538 |
84 |
7. |
Quasi-periodic bifurcations of invariant circles in low-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems Renato Vitolo, Henk Broer, Carles Simó Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2011, 16:1-2, 154–184 |
79 |
8. |
How to Control the Chaplygin Ball Using Rotors. II Alexey V. Borisov, Alexander A. Kilin, Ivan S. Mamaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2013, 18:1-2, 144–158 |
74 |
9. |
On a ball's rolling on a horizontal plane S. A. Chaplygin Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2002, 7:2, 131–148 |
74 |
10. |
The Dynamics and Control of a Spherical Robot with an Internal Omniwheel Platform Yury L. Karavaev, Alexander A. Kilin Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2015, 20:2, 134–152 |
69 |
11. |
Soliton Solutions of High-order Nonlinear Schrödinger
Equations with Different Laws of Nonlinearities Kamyar Hosseini, Mashaallah Matinfar, Mohammad Mirzazadeh Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2021, 26:1, 105–112 |
68 |
12. |
The Dynamics of Chaplygin Ball: the Qualitative and Computer Analysis A. A. Kilin Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2001, 6:3, 291–306 |
68 |
13. |
Billiard Dynamics: a Survey with the Emphasis on Open Problems on Billiards E. Gutkin Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2003, 8:1, 1–13 |
64 |
14. |
The Reversal and Chaotic Attractor in the Nonholonomic Model of Chaplygin’s Top Alexey V. Borisov, Alexey O. Kazakov, Igor R. Sataev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2014, 19:6, 718–733 |
62 |
15. |
The Problem of Drift and Recurrence for the Rolling Chaplygin Ball Alexey V. Borisov, Alexander A. Kilin, Ivan S. Mamaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2013, 18:6, 832–859 |
61 |
16. |
Highly Dispersive Optical Solitons of an Equation with Arbitrary Refractive Index Nikolay A. Kudryashov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2020, 25:6, 537–543 |
59 |
17. |
Painlevé Analysis and a Solution to the Traveling Wave Reduction of the Radhakrishnan – Kundu – Lakshmanan Equation Nikolay A. Kudryashov, Dariya V. Safonova, Anjan Biswas Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2019, 24:6, 607–614 |
59 |
18. |
Dynamical Phenomena Occurring due to Phase Volume Compression in Nonholonomic Model of the Rattleback Alexey V. Borisov, Alexey Yu. Jalnine, Sergey P. Kuznetsov, Igor R. Sataev, Yulia V. Sedova Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2012, 17:6, 512–532 |
56 |
19. |
Hamiltonization of Nonholonomic Systems in the Neighborhood of Invariant Manifolds A.V. Bolsinov, A.V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2011, 16:5, 443–464 |
55 |
20. |
Solitary and Periodic Solutions of the Generalized Kuramoto–Sivashinsky Equation N. A. Kudryashov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2008, 13:3, 234–238 |
54 |
21. |
On the integration theory of equations of nonholonomic mechanics V. V. Kozlov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2002, 7:2, 161–176 |
54 |
22. |
Asymmetric Discrete Painleve Equations M. D. Kruskal, K. M. Tamizhmani, B. Grammaticos, A. Ramani Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2000, 5:3, 273–280 |
54 |
40 наиболее цитируемых статей журнала |
Наиболее популярные статьи журнала "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" |
1. |
Historical and Critical Review of the Development of Nonholonomic Mechanics: the Classical Period Alexey V. Borisov, Ivan S. Mamaev, Ivan A. Bizyaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2016, 21:4, 455–476 | 13 |
2. |
The Dynamics of Systems with Servoconstraints. II Valery V. Kozlov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2015, 20:4, 401–427 | 11 |
3. |
Stability and Integrability Aspects for the Maxwell–Bloch Equations with the Rotating Wave Approximation Ioan Caşu, Cristian Lăzureanu Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2017, 22:2, 109–121 | 11 |
4. |
Three Vortices in Spaces of Constant Curvature: Reduction, Poisson Geometry, and Stability Alexey V. Borisov, Ivan S. Mamaev, Ivan A. Bizyaev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2018, 23:5, 613–636 | 10 |
5. |
Higher Symmetries of Lattices in 3D Ismagil T. Habibullin, Aigul R. Khakimova Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2024, 29:6, 853–865 | 10 |
6. |
Experimental Investigation of the Motion of a Body with an Axisymmetric Base Sliding on a Rough Plane Alexey V. Borisov, Yury L. Karavaev, Ivan S. Mamaev, Nadezhda N. Erdakova, Tatyana B. Ivanova, Valery V. Tarasov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2015, 20:5, 518–541 | 9 |
7. |
Rotation of the Body with Movable Internal Masses Around the Center of Mass on a Rough Plane Alexander V. Sakharov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2015, 20:4, 428–440 | 9 |
8. |
Hyperbolic Chaos in Self-oscillating Systems Based on Mechanical Triple Linkage: Testing Absence of Tangencies of Stable and Unstable Manifolds for Phase Trajectories Sergey P. Kuznetsov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2015, 20:6, 649–666 | 9 |
9. |
Verification of Hyperbolicity for Attractors of Some Mechanical Systems with Chaotic Dynamics Sergey P. Kuznetsov, Vyacheslav P. Kruglov Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2016, 21:2, 160–174 | 9 |
10. |
Spiral Chaos in the Nonholonomic Model of a Chaplygin Top Alexey V. Borisov, Alexey O. Kazakov, Igor R. Sataev Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2016, 21:7-8, 939–954 | 9 |
Период индексации: |
1996–2024 |
Публикаций: |
1267 |
Научных статей: |
1102 |
Авторов: |
1139 |
Ссылок на журнал: |
9865 |
Цитированных статей: |
938 |
Импакт-фактор Web of Science |
за 2023 год:
0.800 |
за 2022 год:
1.400 |
за 2021 год:
1.667 |
за 2020 год:
1.421 |
за 2019 год:
1.285 |
за 2018 год:
0.933 |
за 2017 год:
1.383 |
за 2016 год:
1.562 |
за 2014 год:
0.860 |
за 2013 год:
0.925 |
за 2012 год:
0.742 |
за 2011 год:
0.644 |
за 2010 год:
0.529 |
за 2009 год:
0.725 |
за 2008 год:
0.568 |
за 2007 год:
0.420 |
за 2006 год:
0.485 |
за 2005 год:
0.465 |
Индексы Scopus |
2023 |
CiteScore |
2.500 |
2023 |
0.738 |
2023 |
0.384 |
2022 |
0.399 |
2021 |
0.522 |
2020 |
0.466 |
2019 |
0.811 |
2018 |
CiteScore |
1.340 |
2018 |
0.591 |
2017 |
CiteScore |
1.390 |
2017 |
1.191 |
2017 |
0.808 |
2016 |
CiteScore |
2.130 |
2016 |
1.751 |
2016 |
1.045 |
2015 |
CiteScore |
1.820 |
2015 |
1.396 |
2015 |
1.720 |
2015 |
0.728 |
2014 |
CiteScore |
0.840 |
2014 |
1.156 |
2014 |
0.854 |
2014 |
0.497 |
2013 |
1.149 |
2013 |
0.769 |
2013 |
0.541 |
2012 |
0.950 |
2012 |
0.693 |
2012 |
0.616 |