Leonid Ivanovich Sedov (photo)
On the 90th Birthday of Leonid Ivanovich Sedov G. G. Chernii
9–13 |
A Simple Model of the Oceanic Thermocline G. I. Marchuk
14–20 |
Group Classification of Gasdynamic Submodels L. V. Ovsyannikov
21–29 |
The Affine-Metric Structure of an Elastoplastic Model of a Continuum V. P. Myasnikov, M. A. Guzev
30–37 |
Dynamics of a Body Moving in a Continuum S. S. Grigoryan
38–42 |
Methods for Studying Critical States in Continuous Media V. P. Korobeinikov
43–51 |
Self-Oscillating Modes of a Plane Fluid Jet Outflow from under a Free Surface V. P. Karlikov, O. V. Trushina
52–62 |
The Effect of Dispersion on the Set of Admissible Discontinuities in Continuum Mechanics A. G. Kulikovskii, N. I. Gvozdovskaya
63–73 |
Cooling of a Magnetizable Ball in Magnetic Fluids in the Presence of a Magnetic Field V. V. Gogosov, Kh. D. Iskanderov, V. V. Kiryushin, A. Ya. Simonovskii
74–82 |
Waves in Fractured Media: A Possible Event Preceding an Earthquake Yu. P. Ladikov
83–86 |
A Two-Dimensional MHD Model of Interaction between Strong Discontinuities and Its Cosmophysical Applications A. A. Barmin, E. A. Pushkar'
87–101 |
New Models Arising in the Averaged Description of Microinhomogeneous Media M. È. Èglit
102–111 |
Fibrous Suspension as a Carrier Medium in the Transportation of Granular Materials V. A. Babkin
112–117 |
Optimization of Solution to the Lagrange Problem with Respect to the Initial Data A. N. Golubyatnikov, N. E. Leont'ev
118–122 |
Simple Scheme of Plane Cavitational or Separated Incompressible Fluid Flow past a Wedge and Plate G. Yu. Stepanov
123–135 |
The Effect of Air Interlayer on the Shock Initiation of Detonation in a Hydrogen–Air Mixture V. A. Levin, V. V. Markov, S. F. Osinkin
136–143 |
Computer Simulation of the Dynamics of a High-Speed Impact S. A.-R. Afanas'eva, N. N. Belov, V. A. Grigoryan, A. A. Konyaev, M. V. Khabibullin, N. T. Yugov
144–147 |
Exact Solutions Describing One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow of a Polytropic Gas A. V. Aksenov
148–152 |
Deceleration Features of a Two-Dimensional Hypersonic Flow of Conducting Gas in a Channel in the Electric-Power Generation Mode A. B. Vatazhin, O. V. Gus'kov, V. I. Kopchenov
153–162 |
The Existence Conditions for Equilibriums in a Bounded Circular Many-Body Problem E. A. Grebenikov, L. Ya. Gadomskii
163–165 |
Calculation of Turbulent Convection with Continuous Spatial Spectrum in a Horizontal Layer of Solution C. Ya. Gertsenshtein, V. N. Popov
166–170 |
Equilibrium Shape of a Nematic Liquid-Crystal Droplet A. G. Kalugin, A. N. Golubyatnikov
171–177 |
Application of the Boundary Conditions for the Concentration and Temperature Jumps in the Problems of Hypersonic Flow over Bodies B. A. Kiryutin
178–180 |
Hydrodynamic Theory of a Class of Finite-Dimensional Dissipative Systems V. V. Kozlov
181–186 |
The Structure of Rarefaction and Compression Flows in the Neighborhood of the Reflection Point of the “Boundary” Characteristic A. N. Kraiko
187–195 |
Models of Human Lungs and Investigation of the Respiration Mechanics on the Basis of These Models G. A. Lyubimov
196–206 |
Simulation of the Dynamics of Volcanic Eruption Products Dispersion in the Atmosphere V. V. Markov, O. É. Mel'nik
207–212 |
Various Motion Regimes of a Floating Body under the Effect of Surface Wave A. V. Marchenko
213–219 |
Zones of Phase Transitions and Phase Transformations in Elastic Bodies under Various Stress States N. F. Morozov, A. B. Freidin
220–232 |
Forced Oscillations of a Magnet in a Vessel Filled with a Magnetic Fluid V. A. Naletova, V. A. Turkov
233–237 |
Regimes of Supersonic Flows past V-Shaped Wings N. A. Ostapenko
238–247 |
A Study of the Current Flow Mechanism in Low-Conductivity Liquids in the Presence of Bulk and Surface Electrochemical Processes I. L. Pankrat'eva, V. A. Polyanskii
248–254 |
Problems of Calculating Extremely Intense Interactions of Large Volumes of Cosmic Dust with Planetary Atmospheres L. V. Shurshalov, P. V. Plotnikov
255–263 |
Inhomogeneity of Blood Flow through Adjacent Microvessels S. A. Regirer, N. Kh. Shadrina
264–269 |
Features of the Evolutionary Property of Elastic Shock Waves under Degenerate Initial Conditions E. I. Sveshnikova
270–275 |
Features of Mass Exchange in the Shaped Interfacial Growth of Optical KDP Crystals from a Solution V. S. Uspenskii, V. O. German, V. D. Trifonov
276–282 |
Investigation of Unsteady Electrodynamic Processes on Weakly Conducting Plane Surfaces G. A. Shaposhnikova
283–287 |