Sergei Sergeevich Ryshkov (On his 70th Birthday) E. P. Baranovskii, N. P. Dolbilin, A. A. Mal'tsev
7–19 |
On the Density of a Lattice Covering for $n=11$ and $n=14$ M. M. Anzin
20–51 |
A Relative Ryshkov Perfect Polyhedron As a Generatrix of a $W$-Tiling R. G. Barykinskii
52–62 |
Borsuk's Conjecture, Ryshkov Obstruction, Interpolation, Chebyshev Approximation, Transversal Tverberg's Theorem, and Problems S. A. Bogatyi
63–82 |
Equivariant Maps and Some Problems of the Geometry of Convex Sets A. Yu. Volovikov
83–97 |
Sails and Hilbert Bases O. N. German
98–105 |
Error of Asymptotic Formulae for Volume Approximation of Convex
Bodies in $\mathbb E^3$ P. M. Gruber
106–117 |
Inflation Species of Planar Tilings Which Are Not of Locally Finite Complexity L. Danzer
118–126 |
Extremal and Nonextendible Polycycles M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin
127–145 |
Extension Theorem in the Theory of Isohedral Tilings and Its Applications N. P. Dolbilin, V. S. Makarov
146–169 |
An Infinite Series of Perfect Quadratic Forms and Big Delaunay Simplices in $\mathbb Z^n$ R. M. Erdahl, K. A. Rybnikov
170–178 |
On Some Lattices Connected with a Finite Group A. V. Zarelua
179–194 |
Quadratic and Rigidity Mappings M. D. Kovalev
195–214 |
The Argument of the Riemann Zeta Function on the Critical Line M. A. Korolev
215–238 |
On Some Series of Regular Tilings of the Lobachevskii Space P. V. Makarov
239–250 |
Transfinite Lower Central Series of Groups: Parafree Properties and Topological Applications R. V. Mikhailov
251–267 |
To the Blichfeldt–Mullender–Spohn Theorem on Simultaneous Approximation N. G. Moshchevitin
268–274 |
Generalized Barycentric Subdivision of a Triangle A. A. Ordin
275–283 |
The Graph of a Geometric Class of Space Groups W. Plesken, O. Heidbüchel
284–288 |
Sheaf Cohomology and Dimension of Ordered Sets E. E. Skurikhin
289–317 |
On the Thickness of $\langle p,q\rangle$ Point Systems J. Horváth
318–322 |
On the Geometry of Multiprocessor Distributions E. V. Shchepin
323–331 |
The Number of Lattice Points in a Spherical Layer V. A. Yudin
332–335 |