2014, Volume 286
Algebraic topology, convex polytopes, and related topics
Collected papers. Dedicated to Victor Matveevich Buchstaber, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, on the occasion of his 70th birthday
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber (photo)
On the Buchstaber formal group law and some related genera M. Bakuradze
7–21 |
On Cohen braids V. G. Bardakov, V. V. Vershinin, J. Wu
22–39 |
Operator pencils on the algebra of densities A. Biggs, H. M. Khudaverdian
40–64 |
Two-sided bounds for the complexity of hyperbolic three-manifolds with geodesic boundary A. Yu. Vesnin, E. A. Fominykh
65–74 |
Painlevé test for ordinary differential equations associated with the heat equation A. V. Vinogradov
75–87 |
Flexible cross-polytopes in spaces of constant curvature A. A. Gaifullin
88–128 |
Subword complexes and edge subdivisions M. A. Gorsky
129–143 |
Buchstaber invariant theory of simplicial complexes and convex polytopes N. Yu. Erokhovets
144–206 |
Stanley–Reisner rings of generalized truncation polytopes and their moment–angle manifolds I. Yu. Limonchenko
207–218 |
Geometry of compact complex manifolds with maximal torus action Yu. M. Ustinovsky
219–230 |
Geometric aspects of a deformation of the standard addition on integer lattices S. Yu. Tsarev
231–240 |
On the rational type of moment–angle complexes A. Bahri, M. Bendersky, F. R. Cohen, S. Gitler
241–245 |
The Sokolov case, integrable Kirchhoff elasticae, and genus 2 theta functions via discriminantly separable polynomials Vladimir Dragović, Katarina Kukić
246–261 |
Deformations and contractions of algebraic structures Alice Fialowski
262–274 |
On the holomorphic torus-Bott tower of aspherical manifolds Yoshinobu Kamishima, Mayumi Nakayama
275–290 |
Convex bodies and multiplicities of ideals Kiumars Kaveh, Askold Khovanskii
291–307 |
Complex projective towers and their cohomological rigidity up to dimension six Shintarô Kuroki, DongYoup Suh
308–330 |
Toric origami manifolds and multi-fans Mikiya Masuda, Seonjeong Park
331–346 |
Smooth projective toric variety representatives in complex cobordism Andrew Wilfong
347–367 |