2013, Volume 155, Book 2
Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki
Models of the Nonguillotine Sheet and Strip Rectangular Packing Problem A. A. Andrianova, T. M. Mukhtarova, V. R. Fazylov
5–17 |
Iterative Methods for Solving Variational Inequalities of the Theory of Soft Shells I. B. Badriev, V. V. Banderov
18–32 |
Estimation of the Rate of Convergence in the Multidimensional Central Limit Theorem for Endomorphisms of Euclidean Space F. G. Gabbasov, V. T. Dubrovin
33–43 |
On Error Estimates for a Variant of the Mixed Finite Element Method A. P. Gogin, M. M. Karchevsky
44–53 |
A Cutting-Plane Method with Updating of Approximating Sets and Estimates of the Solution Accuracy I. Ya. Zabotin, R. S. Yarullin
54–64 |
Gakhov Set in the Hornich Space under the Bloch Restriction on Pre-Schwarzians A. V. Kazantsev
65–82 |
Integral Estimates for the Derivatives of Univalent Functions F. D. Kayumov
83–90 |
A Migration Equilibrium Model with Inverse Utility Functions I. V. Konnov
91–99 |
Parameters Describing Local Properties of Speech Records R. R. Nigmatullin, E. L. Stolov
100–107 |
A Mixed Problem for a Plane with Rectilinear Cuts I. G. Salekhova, M. M. Yakhina
108–122 |
Modeling of a High-Frequency Capacitive Discharge with a Large Inter-Electrode Distance. I. Statement of the Problem I. Sh. Abdullin, V. S. Zheltukhin, V. Yu. Chebakova, M. N. Shneider
123–130 |
Elastic-Plastic Deformations in a Body under the Impact of a Cavitation Bubble A. A. Aganin, M. A. Ilgamov, N. A. Khismatullina
131–143 |
Arbitrary Bending of a Cantilever Beam by a Conservative Force Yu. P. Artyukhin
144–157 |
Mathematical Modeling of Dry Gas Dynamic Seals R. Z. Dautov, M. M. Karchevsky, E. A. Novikov, E. M. Fedotov, V. K. Khaisanov
158–166 |
Refined Equations of Motion of Multilayered Shells with Transversely Soft Fillers under a Medium Bending V. N. Paimushin, T. V. Polyakova
167–183 |
Determination of the Fundamental Parameters of Atmospheres of A–F Stars O. A. Al-Hawi, I. F. Bikmaev, S. S. Melnikov, M. I. Bikmaeva, N. A. Sakhibullin
184–188 |