On convergence and compactness in variation with shift of discrete probability laws I. A. Alekseev, A. A. Khartov
385–393 |
The symptom-syndrome analysis of multivariate categorical data based on Zhegalkin polynomials N. P. Alekseeva
394–405 |
Multi-pass stable periodic points of diffeomorphism of a plane with a homoclinic orbit E. V. Vasil'eva
406–416 |
Search of weights in the problem of finite-rank signal estimation in presence of noise N. K. Zvonarev
417–429 |
Constructive description of Hölder classes on some multidimensional compact sets D. A. Pavlov
430–441 |
The effect of distributions symmetrization on their peakedness M. I. Revyakov
442–454 |
A proof of Bel'tyukov-Lipshitz theorem by quasi-quantifier elimination. I. Definitions and GCD-lemma M. R. Starchak
455–466 |
On a question concerning $D4$-modules S. das
467–474 |
Asymptotically almost periodic solutions of fractional evolution equations D. H. Nguyen, T. L. Vu
475–483 |
Perov multivalued contraction pair in rectangular cone metric spaces M. Abbas, V. Rakocevic, Z. Noor
484–501 |
Lp-inequalities for the polar derivative of a lacunary-type polynomial N. A. Rather, L. Ali, S. Gulzar
502–510 |
Areas of attraction of the pendulum under the influence of oblique vibration of the suspension point A. G. Petrov
511–522 |
Retrospective analysis of the orbits of asteroids colliding with the Earth K. S. Kholshevnikov, I. A. Balyaev, L. L. Sokolov, B. B. Eskin
523–532 |
Figures of Pluto and Charon and their relative motion K. V. Kholshevnikov, D. V. Mikryukov, M. S. Jazmati
533–456 |
On the 110th anniversary of Isaak Pavlovich Ginzburg
547–548 |
In memoriam of Konstantin Vladislavovich Kholshevnikov
549–550 |
In memoriam of Valerij Mihajlovich Larionov
551–553 |
In memoriam of Iosif Vladimirovich Romanovskij
554–555 |