On the space of Schwartz operators in the symmetric Fock space and its dual G. G. Amosov, E. L. Baitenov
193–200 |
On some probability distributions, related to the classical Bernoulli scheme S. M. Anan'evskij, V. B. Nevzorov
201–208 |
On some relationships between records in the transition from continuous to discrete distributions M. Ahsanullah, V. B. Nevzorov, A. V. Stepanov
209–218 |
Metric invariants of a second-order hypersurface in an $n$-dimensional Euclidean space D. Yu. Volkov, K. V. Galunova
219–228 |
Higher criteria for the regularity of a one-dimensional local field S. V. Vostokov, P. N. Pital, V. M. Polyakov
229–244 |
On the asymptotical separation of linear signals from harmonics by singular spectrum analysis N. V. Zenkova, V. V. Nekrutkin
245–254 |
Complement to the Hölder inequality for multiple integrals. I B. F. Ivanov
255–268 |
On extremes of PSI-processes and Gaussian limits of their normalized independent identical distributed sums O. V. Rusakov, R. A. Ragozin
269–277 |
Reaction forces of singular pendulum S. Bur'yan
278–293 |
Calculation of stresses initiated by an electric explosion of conductors in a composite thick-walled cylinder V. M. Kats, V. A. Morozov, Ya. A. Sevastyanov
294–304 |
Analytical research of the hopf bifurcation in the problem of motion of the rattleback A. S. Kuleshov, E. N. Pikunova
305–316 |
Nonlinear modal interaction between longitudinal and bending vibrations of a beam resonator under periodic thermal loading N. F. Morozov, D. A. Indeitsev, A. V. Lukin, I. A. Popov, L. V. Shtukin
317–337 |
Power-law generalization of Newton's formula for shear stress in a liquid in the form of a tensor rheological relation V. A. Pavlovsky
338–345 |
On solutions of the equation of small transverse vibrations of a moving canvas A. M. Romanenkov
346–356 |
Optimization of oscillation damping modes of spatial double pendulum. I. Formulation of the problem A. S. Smirnov, B. A. Smolnikov
357–365 |
Boundary conditions for fluid-dynamic parameters of a single-component gas flow with vibrational deactivation on a solid wall L. A. Shakurova, E. V. Kustova
366–377 |
By the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Petrovich Mysovskikh (1921-2007)
378 |
In memoriam of Arkady Khaimovich Gelig
379–381 |