About the full prediction approximation by a lot of partial predictions in case of incomplete data N. P. Alekseeva, F. S. Sh. Al-Juboori
575–589 |
Algebra of fuzzy numbers with unimodal membership function I. V. Germashev, E. V. Derbisher, V. E. Derbisher, A. V. Kartashova, A. V. Titov
590–601 |
Algebraic solution of optimal scheduling problems subject to due dates for start time of project jobs S. A. Gubanov
602–611 |
Complement to the Hölder inequality for multiple integrals. II B. F. Ivanov
612–624 |
Solving a two-facility location problem in a space with Chebyshev metric N. Krivulin, M. A. Briushinin
625–635 |
Regularization of the procedure for inverting the Laplace transform using quadrature formulas A. V. Lebedeva, V. M. Ryabov
636–643 |
On strong forms of the Borel-Cantelli lemma and dynamical systems with polynomial decays of correlations A. N. Frolov
644–652 |
Nonlinear control with distributed delay for angular stabilization of a rigid body A. Yu. Aleksandrov, A. A. Tikhonov
653–664 |
Neural network approach in modelling vibrational kinetics of carbon dioxide V. I. Gorikhovskii, E. V. Kustova
665–678 |
Numerical modelling of the deformation behaviour of polymer lattice structures with density gradient based on additive technologies N. V. Elenskaya, M. A. Tashkinov, V. V. Silberschmidt
679–692 |
Application of the Nelder-Mead method to optimize the selecting of the Likhachev-Volkov model constants A. M. Ivanov, F. S. Belyaev, A. E. Volkov, S. P. Belyaev, N. N. Resnina
693–704 |
Heat and radiative fluxes in strongly nonequilibrium flows behind shock waves V. A. Istomin, E. V. Kustova, K. A. Prutko
705–719 |
Control damping for elastic vibrations of a distributed system with the sensor - actuator overcharge V. A. Polyanskiy, N. A. Smirnova
720–728 |
Rotational and translational oscillations of cylinders of small aspect ratio in the air flow A. N. Ryabinin, A. A. Veligzhanin
729–739 |
Stability of floating barges with trapezoidal and pentagonal sections A. S. Smirnov, T. N. Khashba
740–752 |
On the 90th anniversary of Ildar Abdullovich Ibragimov
753–756 |