2023, Volume 10, Issue 3
St Petersburg school of linear groups. I. Prehistorical period N. A. Vavilov
381–405 |
Scientific school of non-equilibrium aeromechanics in Saint Petersburg State University Yu. N. Voroshilova, V. A. Istomin, O. V. Kunova, E. V. Kustova, E. A. Nagnibeda, M. A. Rydalevskaya
406–456 |
Rigid body dynamics from the Euler equations to the spacecraft attitude control in the works of scientists from Saint Petersburg State University. Part 1 A. A. Tikhonov
457–486 |
Matrix representations of endomorphism rings for torsion-free abelian groups E. A. Blagoveshchenskaya, A. V. Mikhalev
487–498 |
Computer analysis of the differential equation of the model of the synchronous electric motor that does not include electric currents B. I. Konosevich, Yu. B. Konosevich
499–515 |
MDM method for solving the general quadratic problem of mathematical diagnostics V. N. Malozemov, N. A. Solovyeva
516–529 |
Stationary reversibles processes MA and ARMA T. M. Tovstik
530–544 |
On probabilities of large deviations of combinatorial sums of independent random variables satisfying Linnik's condition A. N. Frolov
545–553 |
Inequalities for the derivative of rational functions with prescribed poles and restricted zeros U. M. Ahanger, W. M. Shah
554–567 |
Transgression effect in the problem of motion of a rod on a cylinder A. S. Kuleshov, N. M. Vidov
568–580 |