A survey of results of St.Petersburg State University research school on nonlinear partial differential equations I D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. A. Arkhipova, A. I. Nazarov, V. G. Osmolovskii, N. N. Ural'tseva
3–37 |
Periodic perturbations of oscillators on the plane Yu. N. Bibikov, E. V. Vasil'eva
38–47 |
St Petersburg school of linear groups. II. Early works by Suslin N. A. Vavilov
48–83 |
A continuous version of the selfish parking problem S. M. Anan'evskij, A. P. Chen
84–95 |
Density of simple partial fractions with poles on the circle in weighted spaces for the disk and the interval M. A. Komarov
96–107 |
Closing lemmas for interval translation maps A. D. Krivovicheva
108–114 |
Characteristics of convergence and stability of some methods for inverting the Laplace transform A. V. Lebedeva, V. M. Ryabov
115–130 |
Probability of random vector hitting in a polyhedral frustum of a cone: Majorization aspect M. I. Revyakov
131–140 |
Inverse problem for non-homogeneous integro-differential equation of hyperbolic type J. Sh. Safarov
141–151 |
Remarks and a generalization of Hedudus-Szilagyis fixed point theorem Y. Touail, D. El Moutawakil
152–160 |
Damping oscillations of a cylinder with a coaxial disc and a stabilizer D. V. Kaufman, A. N. Ryabinin
161–170 |
Stability of floating vessels with cross sections in the form of elliptic and hyperbolic segments A. S. Smirnov, I. A. Kravchinskiy
171–184 |
Orbital precession in the restricted three-body problem: Exact representations A. A. Berezina
185–197 |
XIII All-Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
198–199 |
On the 85th anniversary of Yu.N.Bibikov
200–202 |
In memoriam of Cemal Dolicanin (1945–2023)
203–204 |
In memoriam of Aleksandr Alekseevich Florinskii (1962–2023)
205–207 |