2024, Volume 11, Issue 2
Review of the research on the qualitative theory of differential equations at St. Petersburg University. I. Stable periodic points of diffeomorphisms with homoclinic points, systems with weakly hyperbolic invariant sets N. A. Begun, E. V. Vasil'eva, T. E. Zvyagintseva, Yu. A. Il'in
211–227 |
Astronomical researches at the mathematical faculty of the St. Petersburg University. I M. S. Prokopjeva, H. A. Krayani, V. B. Il'in
228–258 |
Rigid body dynamics from the Euler equations to the spacecraft attitude control in the works of scientists from Saint Petersburg State University. Part 2 A. A. Tikhonov
259–302 |
Solution of the local boundary problem for nonlinear stationary system with account of the computer systems verification A. N. Kvitko, N. N. Litvinov
303–315 |
Determination of breakpoints and the magnitude of the jump of the original according to its Laplace image A. V. Lebedeva, V. M. Ryabov
316–323 |
Extremal problems of Turán-type involving the location of all zeros of a class of rational functions M. Yu. Mir, Sh. L. Wali, W. M. Shah
324–331 |
Regression models for calculating state-to-state coefficients of the rate of vibrational energy exchanges A. A. Isakov, V. I. Gorikhovskii, M. Yu. Melnik
332–346 |
Integrability by quadratures of the problem of rolling motion of a heavy homogeneous ball on a surface of revolution of the second order A. S. Kuleshov, A. A. Shishkov
347–353 |
Gyroscopically coupled in-plane and transverse vibrations of an annular free-clamped microplate N. F. Morozov, A. V. Lukin, I. A. Popov
354–370 |
Dynamics of a double pendulum with viscous friction in the joints. I. Mathematical model of motion and construction of the regime diagram A. S. Smirnov, I. A. Kravchinskiy
371–384 |
On the approximation of the field of attraction of a rigid body by the field of attraction of four material points of the same mass A. A. Burov, E. A. Nikonova, V. I. Nikonov
385–394 |
In memoriam of Lev Meerovich Bregman (1941–2023)
395–396 |