2015, Volume 432
Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial methods. Part XXIV
Chip removal. Urban Renewal revisited V. E. Aksenov, K. P. Kokhas
5–29 |
On Pinsker factors for Rokhlin entropy A. V. Alpeev
30–35 |
On birational Darboux coordinates on coadjoint orbits of classical complex Lie groups M. V. Babich
36–57 |
Polynomial interpolation over the residue rings $Z_n$ N. N. Vasiliev, O. Kanzheleva
58–67 |
Modelling of measures close to central ones on the three-dimensional Young graph N. N. Vasiliev, A. B. Terent'ev
68–82 |
Equipped graded graphs, projective limits of simplices, and their boundaries A. M. Vershik
83–104 |
Some generalizations of the Cauchy–Davenport theorem V. V. Volkov, F. V. Petrov
105–110 |
Constructing $\mathrm{SU(2)\times U(1)}$ orbit space for qutrit mixed states V. Gerdt, A. Khvedelidze, Y. Palii
111–127 |
Scaling entropy sequence: invariance and examples P. B. Zatitskiy
128–161 |
Representations and use of symbolic computations in the theory of Heun equations A. Ya. Kazakov, S. Yu. Slavyanov
162–176 |
Calculations in exceptional groups, an update A. Luzgarev, N. Vavilov
177–195 |
On the transcendental functions connected with integration of differential equations in finite terms M. D. Malykh
196–223 |
Random deviations of ergodic sums for the Pascal adic transformation in the case of the Lebesgue measure A. R. Minabutdinov
224–260 |
Shadowing in linear skew products S. Tikhomirov
261–273 |
On the geometric probability of entangled mixed states A. Khvedelidze, I. Rogojin
274–296 |
A deterministic polynomial-time algorithm for the first Bertini theorem. III A. L. Chistov
297–323 |