Temporal components of a semigroup of nonnegative matrices. A generalization of Minc's theorem on the structure of an irreducible matrix Yu. A. Al'pin, V. S. Al'pina
5–12 |
The number of matrices with nonzero permanent over a finite field M. V. Budrevich
13–24 |
On the Kräuter–Seifter theorem on permanent divisibility M. V. Budrevich, A. E. Guterman, K. A. Taranin
25–35 |
On the mutual change of the coefficients and values of the derivative in a class of regular functions E. G. Goluzina
36–43 |
On coarse grid correction methods in Krylov subspaces Y. L. Gurieva, V. P. Il'in
44–57 |
Partial orders based on inverses along elements A. Guterman, X. Mary, P. Shteyner
58–80 |
Orthogonality graphs of matrices over skew fields A. E. Guterman, O. V. Markova
81–93 |
On the determinantal range of matrix products A. Guterman, G. Soares
94–111 |
Adaptive wavelet decomposition of matrix flows Yu. K. Dem'yanovich, V. G. Degtyarev, N. A. Lebedinskaya
112–131 |
Binormal matrices Kh. D. Ikramov
132–141 |
The CMV-matrix and the generalized Lanczos process Kh. D. Ikramov
142–153 |
The minimal and characteristic polyanalytic polynomials of a normal matrix Kh. D. Ikramov
154–159 |
Description of pairs of anti-commuting Toeplitz and Hankel matrices Kh. D. Ikramov, V. N. Chugunov
160–223 |
Two-level least squares methods in Krylov subspaces V. P. Il'in
224–239 |
An approach to bounding the spectral radius of a weighted digraph L. Yu. Kolotilina
240–262 |
An upper bound for the largest eigenvalue of a positive semidefinite block banded matrix L. Yu. Kolotilina
263–268 |
A generalization of the theorem on forming a matroid from parts N. A. Lebedinskaya, D. M. Lebedinskii, A. A. Smirnov
269–276 |
On two algorithms of wavelet decomposition for spaces of linear splines A. A. Makarov
277–293 |