1995, Volume 208
Number theory, algebra and algebraic geometry
Collection of articles. To seventieth birthday of Academician I. R. Shafarevich
Managing editor: E. F. Mishchenko Editor in Chief: A. I. Kostrikin
Abstract: The collection contains twenty original papers on number theory (Galois groups and duality of local fields, Diophantine equations and groups of units in cyclotomic fields), algebra (homologies of rings, $K$-theory, Lie algebras, lattice theory) and algebraic geometry (arithmetic of homogenous spaces and abelian varieties, geometry of the Fano type varieties, singularities, vector bundles and 0-cycles on the surfaces).
ISBN: 5-02-000825-7
UDC: 512.7
Full text:
Number theory, algebra and algebraic geometry, Collection of articles. To seventieth birthday of Academician I. R. Shafarevich, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 208, ed. E. F. Mishchenko, A. I. Kostrikin, Nauka, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 1995, 368 pp.
Citation in format AMSBIB:
\book Number theory, algebra and algebraic geometry
\bookinfo Collection of articles. To seventieth birthday of Academician I. R. Shafarevich
\serial Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov.
\yr 1995
\vol 208
\publ Nauka, Fizmatlit
\publaddr Moscow
\ed E.~F.~Mishchenko, A.~I.~Kostrikin
\totalpages 368
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