1991, Volume 196
Discrete geometry and topology
Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Boris Nikolaevich Delone
Managing editor: E. F. Mishchenko Editor in Chief: S. P. Novikov
Abstract: Papers on geometry and topology have been included into this volume. Some of them are devoted to geometry of positive quadratic forms that was a central topic in the field of interests of B. Delone (for more than 50 years). New methods are given which allow to describe essentially a structure some of $L$-bodies and $L$-tilings, and for many cases to complete their description.
Some combinatorial topologic problems arising in the theory of statistical Ising model are investigated. There is a study of allocations of finite point sets in convex bodies of high dimension when a minimal distance between any two points of the set is maximal. In the volume there are papers investigated reguliere tilings of spaces with constant curvature.
The volume will in geometry and topology.
ISSN: 0371-9685
ISBN: 5-02-000158-9
UDC: 514+515+511
Full text:
Discrete geometry and topology, Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Boris Nikolaevich Delone, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 196, ed. E. F. Mishchenko, S. P. Novikov, Nauka, Moscow, 1991, 176 pp.
Citation in format AMSBIB:
\book Discrete geometry and topology
\bookinfo Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Boris Nikolaevich Delone
\serial Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov.
\yr 1991
\vol 196
\publ Nauka
\publaddr Moscow
\ed E.~F.~Mishchenko, S.~P.~Novikov
\totalpages 176
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