2015, Volume 289
Selected issues of mathematics and mechanics
Collected papers. In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Academician Vladimir Andreevich Steklov
Editor in Chief: A. G. Sergeev
Abstract: The volume marks the 150th birthday of the outstanding scientist and administrator Vladimir Andreevich Steklov. The papers of the volume present the results of modern research on those problems in functional analysis, mechanics, partial differential equations, and mathematical physics that were studied by V. A. Steklov. Many papers are written by well-known specialists on the basis of their talks at the International Conference “Contemporary Problems of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Mathematical Physics” dedicated to the 150th anniversary of V. A. Steklov (May 13–14, 2013, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS; May 16–17, 2013, St. Petersburg Department of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics of RAS).
ISBN: 5-7846-0134-2 (978-5-7846-0134-6)
Full text:
Selected issues of mathematics and mechanics, Collected papers. In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Academician Vladimir Andreevich Steklov, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 289, ed. A. G. Sergeev, MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, Moscow, 2015, 327 pp.
Citation in format AMSBIB:
\book Selected issues of mathematics and mechanics
\bookinfo Collected papers. In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Academician Vladimir Andreevich Steklov
\serial Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova
\yr 2015
\vol 289
\publ MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
\publaddr Moscow
\ed A.~G.~Sergeev
\totalpages 327
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Additional information
Selected issues of mathematics and mechanics
Collected papers. In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Academician Vladimir Andreevich Steklov
The volume marks the 150th birthday of the outstanding scientist and administrator Vladimir Andreevich Steklov. The papers of the volume present the results of modern research on those problems in functional analysis, mechanics, partial differential equations, and mathematical physics that were studied by V. A. Steklov. Many papers are written by well-known specialists on the basis of their talks at the International Conference
"Contemporary Problems of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Mathematical Physics" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of V. A. Steklov (May 13–14, 2013, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS; May 16–17, 2013, St. Petersburg Department of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics of RAS). |