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2001, Volume 235  

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Analytic and geometric issues of complex analysis

Collected papers. Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of academician Anatolii Georgievich Vitushkin

Volume Editor: A. A. Gonchar
Editor in Chief: E. F. Mishchenko

Abstract: The authors of this volume are well-known specialists who were closely related to A. G. Vitushkin in various periods of his activity. The subject-matter of all papers of the volume (concerning only a part of wide interests of Vitushkin) is associated with complex analysis. The range of problems discussed in these papers is quite wide—from optimal polynomial factorization algorithms and the properties of continued fractions to the method of pseudoholomorphic curves and the Seiberg–Witten equations. Most papers are devoted to geometric problems of the theory of functions of several complex variables: geometry and automorphisms of CR-manifolds, rational hulls, and the Jacobian problem. They reflect the state of the art of the subject, give an account of new results and discuss new topical problems.
The volume is addressed to mathematicians, postgraduate students, and students who are interested in analysis, geometry, mathematical physics, and computational mathematics.

ISBN: 5-02-002724-3

Full text: Contents

Citation: Analytic and geometric issues of complex analysis, Collected papers. Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of academician Anatolii Georgievich Vitushkin, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 235, ed. A. A. Gonchar, E. F. Mishchenko, Nauka, MAIK «Nauka/Inteperiodika», M., 2001, 289 pp.
Citation in format AMSBIB:
\book Analytic and geometric issues of complex analysis
\bookinfo Collected papers. Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of academician Anatolii Georgievich Vitushkin
\serial Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova
\yr 2001
\vol 235
\publ Nauka, MAIK «Nauka/Inteperiodika»
\publaddr M.
\ed A.~A.~Gonchar, E.~F.~Mishchenko
\totalpages 289

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    Additional information

    Analytic and Geometric Issues of Complex Analysis
    Collected papers. Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician Anatolii Georgievich Vitushkin

    The authors of this volume are well-known specialists who were closely related to A. G. Vitushkin in various periods of his activity. The subject-matter of all papers of the volume (concerning only a part of wide interests of Vitushkin) is associated with complex analysis. The range of problems discussed in these papers is quite wide—from optimal polynomial factorization algorithms and the properties of continued fractions to the method of pseudoholomorphic curves and the Seiberg–Witten equations. Most papers are devoted to geometric problems of the theory of functions of several complex variables: geometry and automorphisms of CR-manifolds, rational hulls, and the Jacobian problem. They reflect the state of the art of the subject, give an account of new results and discuss new topical problems.

    The volume is addressed to mathematicians, postgraduate students, and students who are interested in analysis, geometry, mathematical physics, and computational mathematics.

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