Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions, 2007, Volume 22, Pages 73–99
(Mi cmfd85)
This article is cited in 3 scientific papers (total in 3 papers)
The Possibility of Relativistic Finslerian Geometry
V. I. Noskov Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS
Foundations of Finslerian geometry are investigated that are of interest for solving the problem of geometrization of classical electrodynamics in metric four-dimensionality. It is shown that
parametrization of the interval — the basic aspect of geometry — is carried out non-relativistically. Relativistic way of parametrization is suggested, and the corresponding variant of the geometry is constructed. The equation for geodesic of this variant of geometry, aside from the Riemannian, has a generalized Lorentz term, connection contains an additional Lorentz tensorial summand, the first schouten is different from zero. Some physical consequences of the new geometry are considered: non-measurability of the generalized electromagnetic potential in the classical case, and its measurability on quantum scales (the Aharonov–Bohm
effect); it is shown that in quantum limit the hypothesis of discreteness of space-time is plausible. The linear effect with respect to the field of the “redshift” is also considered and
contemporary experimental possibilities of its registration are estimated; it is shown that the experimental results could uniquely determine the choice between the standard Riemannian and
relativistic Finslerian models of space-time.
V. I. Noskov, “The Possibility of Relativistic Finslerian Geometry”, Geometry, CMFD, 22, PFUR, M., 2007, 73–99; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 153:6 (2008), 799–827
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