This article is cited in 1 scientific paper (total in 1 paper)
Computer science
On the number of additional edges of a minimal vertex 1-extension of a starlike tree
M. B. Abrosimov Saratov State University, Chair of Theoretical Foundations of Computer Security and Cryptography
For a given graph $G$ with $n$ nodes, we say that graph $G^*$ is its 1-vertex extension if for each vertex $v$ of $G^*$ the subgraph $G^*-v$ contains graph $G$ up to isomorphism. A graph $G^*$ is a minimal vertex 1-extension of the graph $G$ if $G^*$ has $n+1$ nodes and there is no 1-vertex extension with $n+1$ nodes of $G$ having fewer edges than $G^*$. A tree is called starlike if it has exactly one node of degree greater than two. We give a lower and upper bounds of the edge number of a minimal vertex 1-extension of a starlike tree and present trees on which these bounds are achieved.
Key words:
minimal vertex extension, starlike tree, fault tolerance.
M. B. Abrosimov, “On the number of additional edges of a minimal vertex 1-extension of a starlike tree”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 12:2 (2012), 103–113
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu303 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu/v12/i2/p103
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