This article is cited in 1 scientific paper (total in 1 paper)
Computer science
On stability theory of autonomous angular stabilization system for combined dynamical systems
D. K. Andreichenkoa, K. P. Andreichenkob, V. V. Kononova a Saratov State University, Russia, 410012, Saratov, Astrahanskaya st., 83
b Saratov State Technical University, Russia, 410054, Saratov, Polytechnicheskaya st., 77
Studied the effect on the stability of the longitudinal acceleration discretely-continuum model of single-channel angular stabilization system with of delayed argument. Methods of construction asymptotic stability areas and analysis of impulse transition functions are developed. The critical values of the longitudinal acceleration are defined.
Key words:
combined dynamical systems, stabilization systems.
D. K. Andreichenko, K. P. Andreichenko, V. V. Kononov, “On stability theory of autonomous angular stabilization system for combined dynamical systems”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 13:2(2) (2013), 9–14
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu407 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu/v13/i4/p9
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Abstract page: | 253 | Full-text PDF : | 69 | References: | 55 |