Computer science
Identification of a state machine structure with finites fragment of behavior
S. A. Bogomolov Saratov State Socio-Economic University, Russia, 410003, Saratov, Radishcheva st., 89
Identification of a state machine structure with finite fragments of behavior is discussed. The state machine behavior is a set of various finite-sequential (f.-s.) functions realized in a state machine, and under a finite fragment of behavior we mean traces of f.-s. functions and state machines. The concept of an identifying trace for a state machine irredundant over its realization is introduced. The approach is suggested that enables to separate and descript in the set of traces identifying a state machine the finite set of irredundant traces consisting of only essential information for identification of a state machine.
Key words:
state machine, experiments with a state machine, subexperiment of experiment, trace of f.-s. function and state machine, identifying trace of state machine, operation of trace reduction, irredundant identifying trace of state machine.
S. A. Bogomolov, “Identification of a state machine structure with finites fragment of behavior”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 13:2(2) (2013), 14–20
Linking options:
https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu408 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu/v13/i4/p14
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Abstract page: | 237 | Full-text PDF : | 72 | References: | 43 |