The Stress-strain State of Elastomeric Constructions under Conditions of Abrasive Fatigue Wear
S. N. Grebenjuk, A. A. Bova, V. Z. Jurechko Zaporozhskij National University, 66, Zhukovskogo str., Zaporozh'e, 69600, Ukraine
In this paper the mathematical model of the deformation process of elastomeric elements of constructions with regard abrasive fatigue failure has been proposed. Due to the specific properties of material the stiffness matrix of finite element based on the finite element moment scheme for weakly compressible materials. To increase the accuracy of solutions has been envisaged the receipt of expressions for deformations on the base of adding the initial linear approximating polynomial to complete cubic polynomial. The numerical convergence of proposed model has been studied on the example of solution of Lyame task for hollow elastic cylinder. The rubber lining of drum-balls ore shredding mills was calculated taking in the account the specific properties of material and the deformation conditions.
Key words:
the elastomers, rubber lining, abrasive fatigue wear, finite element moment scheme.
S. N. Grebenjuk, A. A. Bova, V. Z. Jurechko, “The Stress-strain State of Elastomeric Constructions under Conditions of Abrasive Fatigue Wear”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 14:4(1) (2014), 455–463
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu535 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu/v14/i4/p455
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