Scientific Part
To Chang theorem. III
S. Yu. Antonov, A. V. Antonova Kazan State Power Engineering University, 51,
Krasnoselskaya Str., Kazan, 420066, Russia
Various multilinear polynomials of Capelli type belonging to a free associative algebra $F\{X\cup Y\}$ over an arbitrary field $F$ generated by a countable set $X \cup Y$ are considered. The formulas expressing coefficients of polynomial Chang ${\mathcal R}(\bar x, \bar y \vert \bar w)$ are found. It is proved that if the characteristic of field $F$ is not equal two then polynomial ${\mathcal R}(\bar x, \bar y \vert \bar w)$ may be represented by different ways in the form of sum of two consequences of standard polynomial $S^-(\bar x)$. The decomposition of Chang polynomial ${\mathcal H}(\bar x, \bar y \vert \bar w)$ different from already known is given. Besides, the connection between polynomials ${\mathcal R}(\bar x, \bar y \vert \bar w)$ and ${\mathcal H}(\bar x, \bar y \vert \bar w)$ is found. Some consequences of standard polynomial being of great interest for algebras with polynomial identities are obtained. In particular, a new identity of minimal degree for odd component of $Z_2$-graded matrix algebra $M^{(m,m)}(F)$ is given.
Key words:
$T$-ideal, standard polynomial, Capelli polynomial.
S. Yu. Antonov, A. V. Antonova, “To Chang theorem. III”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 18:2 (2018), 128–143
Linking options:
https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu750 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu/v18/i2/p128
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Abstract page: | 242 | Full-text PDF : | 66 | References: | 40 |