Scientific Part
The construction of the deformation diagrams of metals and
alloys at impact compression of tablet specimens with friction
forces consideration
V. G. Bazhenova, D. L. Osetrova, A. A. Ryabovb a Research Institute for Mechanics of
Lobachevsky State University, 23 Gagarin Ave., Nizhni Novgorod 603950, Russia
b Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian
Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics", 37 Mira Ave., Nizhny
Novgorod region, Sarov 607188, Russia
The influence of friction forces on the dynamic
deformation of elastoviscoplastic tablet specimens was numerically
and experimentally investigated. The main dependencies of their
shape changing for metals and alloys have been established. A
criterion of the shape changing of tablet specimens is proposed. A
new method for identifying of the coefficients of dry friction at
contact surfaces, depending on shape changing of the tablet
specimens, based on numerical modeling of an axisymmetric dynamic
problem and a rapidly convergent method of successive
approximations was developed. The division of the two-parameter
identification problem into two problems of one-parameter
parameterization is theoretically justified with a high degree of
reliability: the problem of determining of the friction
coefficient and the problem of construction of the true diagram of
dynamic deformation in this experiment with the friction
coefficient found earlier. As a result, the dynamic deformation
diagrams with frictional forces and radial inertia consideration
are constructed using the iterative method. In known approximation
methods of construction of the deformation diagrams with
frictional forces and radial inertia consideration, friction
coefficients are assumed to be known, whereas methods
for their determination in experiments with impact compression are practically unavailable.
Key words:
true deformation diagram, friction coefficient, friction force, edge effect, impact compression of tablet specimens, shape changing of tablet specimens, numerical simulation.
V. G. Bazhenov, D. L. Osetrov, A. A. Ryabov, “The construction of the deformation diagrams of metals and
alloys at impact compression of tablet specimens with friction
forces consideration”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 18:4 (2018), 381–389
Linking options:
https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu773 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/isu/v18/i4/p381
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Abstract page: | 150 | Full-text PDF : | 80 | References: | 28 |