Mathematical models and computer experiment
Photo-chemical equilibrium disturbance caused by the natural and artificial factors
N. Yu. Romanyuha Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres, Russian Academy of Sciences
The approach to the modeling of the photo-chemical equilibrium disturbance caused by natural and artificial factors is proposed. The model is used describing the dynamics of some charged particles, in particular generalized species of ions concentrations. It allows to estimate the sensitivity of ionospheric plasma parameters to the density, temperature and minor neutral constituents variations. This approach may be used to link quantitatively the data of the ionospheric direct measurements, laboratory experiments and theoretical investigations.
Received: 25.03.1996
N. Yu. Romanyuha, “Photo-chemical equilibrium disturbance caused by the natural and artificial factors”, Mat. Model., 8:11 (1996), 96–108
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