This article is cited in 4 scientific papers (total in 4 papers)
Computational methods and algorithms
Regularized Greville method and it's applications in transmission tomography
A. V. Khovanskii Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research
The new stable direct algebraical method (regularized Greville algorithm) is proposed which allows to solve 2-dimensional inverse Radon problem with the resolution less than $51\times51$. The method was checked up at two schemes: parallel and fan (one direction) and different variants of a model (up to 12 gaussians). Algorithm is suited for parallel architecture of $n$-hypereubc because the solution is given in the explicit form.
Received: 04.04.1994 Revised: 10.04.1996
A. V. Khovanskii, “Regularized Greville method and it's applications in transmission tomography”, Mat. Model., 8:11 (1996), 109–118
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