This article is cited in 13 scientific papers (total in 13 papers)
Lectures on mirror symmetry, derived categories, and $D$-branes
A. N. Kapustina, D. O. Orlovb a California Institute of Technology
b Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
This paper, mainly intended for a mathematical audience, is an introduction to homological mirror symmetry, derived categories, and topological $D$-branes. Mirror symmetry from the point of view of physics is explained, along with the relationship between symmetry and derived categories, and the reason why the Fukaya category must be extended by using co-isotropic
$A$-branes. There is also a discussion of how to extend the definition of the Floer homology to these objects and a description of mirror symmetry for flat tori. The paper consists of four lectures given at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Los Angeles) in March 2003, as a part of the programme “Symplectic Geometry and Physics”.
Received: 05.08.2004
A. N. Kapustin, D. O. Orlov, “Lectures on mirror symmetry, derived categories, and $D$-branes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 59:5 (2004), 907–940
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/rm772https://doi.org/10.1070/RM2004v059n05ABEH000772 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/rm/v59/i5/p101
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Abstract page: | 1574 | Russian version PDF: | 926 | English version PDF: | 59 | References: | 103 | First page: | 4 |