Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya [Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports], 2013, Volume 10, Pages 566–582
(Mi semr451)
Geometry and topology
Mean asymmetry of polynomials on compact homogeneous spaces
V. M. Gichev Omsk Branch of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
ul. Pevtsova, 13, 644099, Omsk, Russia
Let $M=G/H$ be a homogeneous space of a compact Lie group $G$, ${{\mathcal E}}$ be an $G$-invariant finite dimensional subspace of $L^2_{\mathord{\mathbb{R}}}(M)$, and ${\mathord{\mathcal{S}}}$ be the unit sphere in it. Set $\eta_a(u)=\int_M\left(u_+^a(x)-u_-^a(x)\right)\,dx$, where $u_+(x)=\max\{u(x),0\}$, $u_-(x)=-\min\{u(x),0\}$. We consider the asymptotic behavior of the variance of the random variable $\eta_a$ as $a\to\infty$ or $\dim{{\mathcal E}}\to\infty$ for the uniform distribution of $u$ in ${\mathord{\mathcal{S}}}$. For instance, if ${{\mathord{\mathcal{E}}}}$ is the space of trigonometrical polynomials of degree less or equal to $n$, then $\mathop{\mathrm{Var}}(\eta_a)\sim \frac{A}{n}$ as $n\to\infty$.
compact homogeneous space, sums of Laplace–Beltrami eigenfunctions, defect of symmetry.
Received April 16, 2013, published September 27, 2013
V. M. Gichev, “Mean asymmetry of polynomials on compact homogeneous spaces”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 10 (2013), 566–582
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/semr451 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/semr/v10/p566
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