Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, 2011, Volume 49, Issue 5, Pages 788–792
(Mi tvt546)
This article is cited in 4 scientific papers (total in 4 papers)
Short Communications
Certain Features of Multichannel Discharge in a Tube under Atmospheric Pressure
G. T. Samitovaa, Al. F. Gaisina, T. B. Mustafina, Az. F. Gaisina, É. E. Sonb, D. A. Vesel'eva, F. M. Gaisina a Tupolev Kazan State Technical University
b Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow region
We present the results of an experimental study of multichannel discharge (MD) in a tube with a
pore electrolyte (saturated NaCl solution in industrial water). It is established that the volumetric discharge in the pore electrolyte transfers to the MD. MD development inside long air bubbles is studied. Features of MDs are shown in the case when the discharge fills up the pore electrolyte. It is shown that for fine, $\sim$$2$ mm, bubbles, the MD burns around these bubbles.
Received: 05.04.2010
G. T. Samitova, Al. F. Gaisin, T. B. Mustafin, Az. F. Gaisin, É. E. Son, D. A. Vesel'ev, F. M. Gaisin, “Certain Features of Multichannel Discharge in a Tube under Atmospheric Pressure”, TVT, 49:5 (2011), 788–792; High Temperature, 49:5 (2011), 762–765
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/tvt546 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/tvt/v49/i5/p788
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