Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, 1979, Volume 17, Issue 6, Pages 1249–1253
(Mi tvt8834)
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Statistical characteristics of temperature pulsations of liquid metal in a cell densely packed with rods
V. I. Kaliaskin, A. G. Kostromin, L. K. Kudriavtseva, V. G. Mitroshin, L. V. Sokolova, P. A. Ushakov Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A. I. Leypunsky, Obninsk, Kaluga region
A study is made of heat transfer rates in channels with complex shape. A method is discussed for investigating the statistical characteristics of temperature pulsations of a sodium–potassium alloy in a cell densely packed with rods. Data are presented on the intensity of pulsations, amplitude distribution, asymmetry, excess, autocorrelation function, frequency spectra, and time scales of turbulence for $1/6$ of the symmetric part of the channel cross section.
Received: 24.04.1979
V. I. Kaliaskin, A. G. Kostromin, L. K. Kudriavtseva, V. G. Mitroshin, L. V. Sokolova, P. A. Ushakov, “Statistical characteristics of temperature pulsations of liquid metal in a cell densely packed with rods”, TVT, 17:6 (1979), 1249–1253; High Temperature, 17:6 (1979), 1036–1040
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