Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI, 2004, Volume 314, Pages 257–271
(Mi znsl760)
This article is cited in 2 scientific papers (total in 2 papers)
A converse approximation theorem on subsets of elliptic curves
A. V. Khaustov, N. A. Shirokov Saint-Petersburg State University
Functions defined on closed subsets of elliptic curves $G\subset E=\{(\zeta,w)\in\mathbb C^2:w^2=4\zeta^3-g_2\zeta-g_3\}$ are considered. The following converse theorem of approximation is established. Consider a function $f\colon G\to\mathbb C$. Assume that there
is a sequence of polynomials $P_n(\zeta, w)$, in two variables, $\deg{P_n}\leqslant n$, such that the following inequalities are valid:
c(f,G)\delta^\alpha_{1/n}(\zeta,w)\quad\text{при}\quad(\zeta,w)\in\partial G,
where $0<\alpha<1$. Then the function $f$ necessarily belongs to the class $H^\alpha(G)$. The direct approximation theorem was proved in the previous paper by the authors. Thus, a constructive description of the class $H^\alpha(G)$ is obtained.
Received: 26.04.2004
A. V. Khaustov, N. A. Shirokov, “A converse approximation theorem on subsets of elliptic curves”, Analytical theory of numbers and theory of functions. Part 20, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 314, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2004, 257–271; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 133:6 (2006), 1756–1764
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