"Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions"
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The editorial board of the journal
"Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions"
ask you to prepare your paper following the rules indicated below.
The journal publishes papers containing original results
that have not been published before.
Main results of your paper should be provided with detailed proofs.
Prepare your paper in LaTeX 2e, using the style file of our journal.
We recommend that you use the following pattern:
\title{...} % Paper title
\subjclass{...} % UDC number
\author{...} % Author's first and last names
\address{...} % Author's address
\email{...} % Author's e-mail
% You should repeat the commands \author, \address, \email
% for each author
% Environments of theorem type are introduced below:
% etc., for any environment of theorem type
% Environments of definition type are introduced below:
% etc., for any environment of definition type
% You should give the corresponding command
% for each environment introduced above:
% Text of the abstract
% Text of the paper
% Bibliography
Writing your paper, make the automatic enumeration
of sections, formulas, theorems, the bibliography,
etc., please. Besides, references to sections, formulas, theorems,
bibliography items, etc., are also to be automatic.
Use the command \ref{...}
for references to sections; it is better to use the command
for references to formulas; use the command
for references to bibliography items.
You should type proofs, using the environment proof:
% Text of the proof
Figures are published in black-and-white.
It is better to use vector formats for figures
(e.g., PostScript), rather than raster formats
(BMP, JPEG, TIFF, etc), for a higher quality.
If you still use raster formats, then, please,
make sure your figure has 600 dpi resolution
(it is the length (or height) of figure in
pixels divided by its length (or height) in inches); then it is better
to save the figure as 1 bit color BMP (monochrome).
The references should be given at the end of the paper as follows.
1. Journal:
M.~Miyake, Y.~Hashimoto,
``Newton polygons and Gevrey indices for linear partial differential
operators,'' {\it Nagoya Math. J., \bf 128}, 15--47 (1992). If you are
not sure which journal abbreviation to use, please write its name in full.
2. Book:
\bibitem{Wis} J.~B.~Wisem, {\it Linear and nonlinear waves}, Mir, Moscow (1977).
3. Thesis:
\bibitem{Fed} A.~S.~Fedotov,
``Oscillation processes in elastic mediums,'' Ph. D. Thesis, Moscow, 2002.
If you have any questions concerning preparing papers, please contact
Evgeniy Varfolomeev by e-mail