The Geometry Society "Bojan Petkantschin" of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", Shumen University "Episkop Konstantin Preslavski" are organizing the
12th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, to be held in Hotel "Joliot Curie" at resort "St. Constantine and Helena" near Varna, from September 1st (arrival day) to September 6th (departure day) 2015.
The Conference is dedicated in memory to Herbert Zeitler, to Hans-Joachim Kroll, and to Ralph-Hardo Schulz.
The following sections are included:
- Foundation of Geometry and Incidence Geometry,
- Differential Geometry and Applications,
- Applications of Computers in Geometry, Algebra and Analysis,
- Geometry in the School and in the University,
- Didactic of School Mathematics