
International Symposium "Visions in Stochastics (Leaders and their Pupils)"
(November 1–3, 2010, Moscow)

International Symposium "Visions in Stochastics" will be held in Steklov Mathematical Institute (Department of Probability) during November 1–3, 2010, with participation of representatives from UK, Germany, Russia, Finland, France, Tunis, Ukraine. The program provides 50-minutes plenary talks, 20-minutes contributed talks and poster presentations.


Organizing Committee
Shiryaev Albert Nikolaevich
Muravlev Alexey Anatol'evich
Tolozova Tatyana Borisovna

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

International Symposium "Visions in Stochastics (Leaders and their Pupils)", Moscow, November 1–3, 2010

November 1, 2010 (Mon)
1. Opening ceremony of the symposium "Visions in Stochastics"
A. N. Shiryaev
November 1, 2010 09:45, Moscow
A. N. Shiryaev
2. Opening ceremony of the symposium “Visions in Stochastics”
V. V. Kozlov
November 1, 2010 09:45, Moscow
V. V. Kozlov
3. Lévy driven financial models
E. Eberlein
November 1, 2010 10:00, Moscow
E. Eberlein
4. Mathematical finance and mathematics from finance
Yu. Kabanov
November 1, 2010 11:00, Moscow
Yu. Kabanov
5. Evolution equation associated with the power of the Gross Laplacian
H. Ouerdiane
November 1, 2010 12:10, Moscow
H. Ouerdiane
6. On the martingale property of exponential local martingales
M. Urusov
November 1, 2010 13:00, Moscow
M. Urusov
7. Branching processes in random environment: sudden death versus slow extinction
V. Vatutin
November 1, 2010 15:00, Moscow
V. Vatutin
8. Pricing by hedging and noarbitrage beyond semimartingales
T. Sottinen
November 1, 2010 16:00, Moscow
T. Sottinen
9. On short-time asymptotics of one-dimensional Harris flows
A. Shamov
November 1, 2010 16:20, Moscow
A. Shamov
10. On the distributional properties of the ratio of the Brownian motion and its maximum
A. Muravlev
November 1, 2010 16:40, Moscow
A. Muravlev

November 2, 2010 (Tue)
11. On weak solutions of backward stochastic differential equations
H.-J. Engelbert
November 2, 2010 10:00, Moscow
H.-J. Engelbert
12. Branching random walks in the non-homogeneous and random media
E. Yarovaya
November 2, 2010 11:00, Moscow
E. Yarovaya
13. A duality principle for the Legendre transform and Nash equilibrium
G. Peskir
November 2, 2010 12:10, Moscow
G. Peskir
14. Limit distribution arising in critical branching random walk
E. Vl. Bulinskaya
November 2, 2010 13:00, Moscow
E. Vl. Bulinskaya
15. Stochastic delay differential equations
U. Küchler
November 2, 2010 15:00, Moscow
U. Küchler
16. Numerical methods for the Lévy LIBOR model
A. Papapantoleon
November 2, 2010 16:00, Moscow
A. Papapantoleon
17. One-dimensional stochastic differential equations with generalized and singular drift
S. Blei
November 2, 2010 16:20, Moscow
S. Blei
18. Arbitrage theory under small transaction costs
J. Grèpat
November 2, 2010 16:40, Moscow
J. Grèpat

November 3, 2010 (Wed)
19. Some aspects of fractional Brownian motion
E. Valkeila
November 3, 2010 10:00, Moscow
E. Valkeila
20. CLT for the excursion sets of random fields
A. Bulinskii
November 3, 2010 11:00, Moscow
A. Bulinskii
21. The analysis of stochastic flows
A. Dorogovtsev
November 3, 2010 12:10, Moscow
A. Dorogovtsev
22. Fractional Lévy processes as a result of compact interval integral transformation
H. Tikanmäki
November 3, 2010 13:00, Moscow
H. Tikanmäki
23. Approximate hedging of contingent claim under transaction costs in GFBM model
E. Azmoodeh
November 3, 2010 15:00, Moscow
E. Azmoodeh
24. A universal signal process for optimal and singular control
J. Sexton
November 3, 2010 15:20, Moscow
J. Sexton
25. Information process, credit risk and enlargement of filtration
M. Bedini
November 3, 2010 15:40, Moscow
M. Bedini
26. Efficient parameter estimation for stochastic differential equations with jumps
H. Mai
November 3, 2010 16:20, Moscow
H. Mai
27. An invariance principle for boundary measure of Gaussian excursion sets
A. Shashkin
November 3, 2010 16:40, Moscow
A. Shashkin
28. Closing ceremony of the symposium “Visions in Stochastics”
A. N. Shiryaev
November 3, 2010 17:00, Moscow
A. N. Shiryaev
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