The 27th International Conference on Finite and Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (August 12–16, 2019, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk)
The conference continues the series of annual conferences started in Korea, 1993. For more than 20 years it has been one of the most significant conferences covering various topics of complex analysis. Until now it was hosted by prominent mathematical centers in Japan, Korea and China. 27th ICFIDCAA is organized in Krasnoyarsk, the city placed at the central part of Eurasia, which emphases the conference to be more international and bridge the traditions of different mathematical communities.
Program of the conferences is expected to cover a majority of topics concerning complex analysis, including:Approximation and potential theory, Integral methods and algebraic geometry, Complex geometry, Theory of singularities of homolorphic mappings and its applications, CR-theory.
Program Committee
Laptev Ari (Chairman) Nemirovski Stefan Yurievich (Vice-chairman) Beloshapka Valerii Konstantinovich Suetin Sergey Pavlovich
Organizing Committee
Sergeev Armen Glebovich (Chairman) Kytmanov Aleksandr Mechislavovich (Vice-chairman) Tsikh Avgust Karlovich (Vice-chairman) Schuplev Aleksei Valer'evich (Secretary) Lopatin Elijah Aleksandrovich (secretary) Bushueva Natal'ya Aleksandrovna Komlov Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow |
The 27th International Conference on Finite and Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, Krasnoyarsk, August 12–16, 2019 |
August 12, 2019 (Mon) |
Plenary session |
1. |
On the existence of global orbifold jet differentials J.-P. Demailly August 12, 2019 09:30–10:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
2. |
Extremal sets in the complex plane: Chebotarev, Stahl and Nuttall compacts A. I. Aptekarev August 12, 2019 11:00–12:00, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
3. |
Potentials on a compact Riemann surface E. M. Chirka August 12, 2019 12:00–13:00, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section I |
4. |
Multidimensional Mellin transforms I. A. Antipova August 12, 2019 14:30–15:30, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
5. |
Locally explicit version of Fundamental Principle for homogeneous convolution equations A. Vidras August 12, 2019 15:30–16:30, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
6. |
Sampling along characteristics for solutions of the telegraph system A. Montes-Rodriíguez August 12, 2019 17:00–18:00, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section II |
7. |
Reconstruction of the values of an algebraic function via the system of Hermite-Padé polynomials A. V. Komlov August 12, 2019 14:30–15:30, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
8. |
Discrete multiple orthogonal polynomials on shifted lattices V. G. Lysov August 12, 2019 15:30–16:30, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
9. |
One-parametric families of ramified coverings of the sphere and uniformization S. R. Nasyrov August 12, 2019 17:00–17:30, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
10. |
Hermite–Padé polynomials for meromorphic functions on a compact Riemann surface R. V. Palvelev August 12, 2019 17:30–18:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section III |
11. |
Nevanlinna theory and complex nonlinear differential equations L. Liao August 12, 2019 14:30–15:00, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
12. |
Applications of Nevanlinna's vlaue distribution theory to functional equations and related conjectures Ch.-Ch. Yang August 12, 2019 15:00–15:30, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
August 13, 2019 (Tue) |
Plenary session |
13. |
Noncommutative amoebas in the hyperbolic space and coamoebas in the 3-dimensional sphere G. B. Mikhalkin August 13, 2019 09:00–10:00, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
14. |
Algorithmic problem of recognition of quasipositive braids and its relation to plane algebraic curves S. Yu. Orevkov August 13, 2019 10:30–11:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
15. |
Recent results in several complex variables Zhou Xiang Yu August 13, 2019 11:30–12:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section I |
16. |
Adiabatic Limit and Deformations of Complex Structures D. Popovici August 13, 2019 14:00–15:00, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
17. |
Boundary behavior of Kähler-Einstein metric and positivity for log-canonical bundle Sh. Kikuta August 13, 2019 15:00–16:00, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
18. |
Characterizations of Bloch functions on the homogeneous unit ball in a complex Banach space T. Honda August 13, 2019 16:30–17:30, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section II |
19. |
Tropical Hodge Theory Yu. V. Eliyashev August 13, 2019 14:00–15:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
20. |
Holomorphic curves with deficiencies Y. Aihara August 13, 2019 15:00–16:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
21. |
The Hartogs phenomenon in toric varietries A. V. Shchuplev August 13, 2019 16:30–17:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
22. |
Solving quaternionic differential equations with the renewal mathematical methods J. Kim August 13, 2019 17:00–17:30, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section III |
23. |
On dynamics of entire maps with symmetry Yu. Wang August 13, 2019 14:00–15:00, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
24. |
Sierpinski carpet Julia sets of holomorphic maps F. Yang August 13, 2019 15:00–16:00, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
25. |
Trends and Problems in Complex Dynamics and Geometric Function Theory D. Shoikhet August 13, 2019 16:30–17:30, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
August 14, 2019 (Wed) |
Plenary session |
26. |
Mergelyan's and Arakelian's theorem for manifold-valued maps F. Forstnerič August 14, 2019 09:00–10:00, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
27. |
A capacity look at the Schwarzian derivative V. N. Dubinin August 14, 2019 10:30–11:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
28. |
Flows, functional inequalities and spectral estimates M. Esteban August 14, 2019 11:30–12:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
August 15, 2019 (Thu) |
29. |
On irregularities of Fourier transforms of regular holonomic D-modules K. Takeuchi August 15, 2019 10:30–11:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
30. |
On deformations of germs of finite morphisms of smooth surfaces Vik. S. Kulikov August 15, 2019 11:30–12:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section I |
31. |
Difference of weighted composition operator H. Koo August 15, 2019 14:00–15:00, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
32. |
On Chui's conjecture and approximation by simplest fractions K. Yu. Fedorovskiy August 15, 2019 15:00–16:00, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
33. |
Separation theorems of Teichmüller type T. Sugawa August 15, 2019 16:30–17:30, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
34. |
Weil-Petersson metric on square integrable Teichmüller space M. Yanagishita August 15, 2019 17:30–18:00, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section II |
35. |
Remarks on a type of fractional kinetic equations J. Choi August 15, 2019 14:00–15:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
36. |
Krasnoselski-Mann iterative method for finding a common solution of hierarchical fixed point problems and split mixed equilibrium problems J. Kim August 15, 2019 15:00–16:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
37. |
On certain extended Exton's triple hypergeometric functions and associated bounding inequalities R. Parmar August 15, 2019 16:30–17:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
38. |
On the Asymmetric Beam Equation Q.-H. Choi August 15, 2019 17:00–17:30, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
39. |
Asymptotic behavior of solutions for the nonlinear hyperbolic equation with an external time delay D. Kim August 15, 2019 17:30–18:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section III |
40. |
Embeddability of CR-manifolds and shearfree congruences G. Schmalz August 15, 2019 14:00–15:00, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
41. |
Homogeneous real hypersurfaces in $\mathbb C^3$: completion of classification A. V. Loboda August 15, 2019 15:00–16:00, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
42. |
Local geometry of Levi-flat singularities A. B. Sukhov August 15, 2019 16:30–17:30, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
43. |
Holomorphic maps between tube domains N. G. Kruzhilin August 15, 2019 17:30–18:00, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
August 16, 2019 (Fri) |
Plenary session |
44. |
Generalized cycles and Bochner-Martinelli currents: intersection and division A. Yger August 16, 2019 09:00–10:00, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
45. |
Infinite dimensional holomorphic homogeneous regular domains K.-T. Kim August 16, 2019 10:30–11:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
46. |
Oscillatory integrals and Weierstrass polynomials A. S. Sadullaev August 16, 2019 11:30–12:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
47. |
Adiabatic limit in Yang-Mills equation on $\mathbb R^4$ A. G. Sergeev August 16, 2019 16:30–17:30, Plenary session, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section I |
48. |
Successive coefficients for spirallike and related functions V. Arora August 16, 2019 14:00–14:30, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
49. |
Harmonic mappings with fixed analytic part J. Prajapat August 16, 2019 14:30–15:00, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
50. |
Certain geometric properties of close-to-convex harmonic mappings Rajbala August 16, 2019 15:00–15:30, Section I, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section II |
51. |
A Gromov hyperbolic metric vs the hyperbolic and other related metrics S. Sahoo August 16, 2019 14:00–14:30, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
52. |
On coefficient problems for close-to-star functions Y. Sim August 16, 2019 14:30–15:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
53. |
Ax-Schanuel type inequalities for functional transcendence via Nevanlinna theory Tuen Wai Ng August 16, 2019 15:00–16:00, Section II, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
Section III |
54. |
$p$-Laplacian boundary value problem with jumping nonlinearities T. Jung August 16, 2019 14:00–14:30, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
55. |
Linearization of holomorphic semicocycles in Banach spaces M. M. Elin August 16, 2019 14:30–15:00, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University
56. |
Two variations of Boas-Fu-Straube's deflation identity A. Yamamori August 16, 2019 15:00–15:30, Section III, Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University