
Conference «Hyperbolic Dynamics and Structural Stability» Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of D. V. Anosov
(November 8–12, 2021, online, Moscow)

The conference is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Dmitry Anosov (1936-2014) and is focused on the areas of dynamics close to the hyperbolic theory: non-uniform hyperbolicity, qualitative study of attractors, ergodic theory of hyperbolic systems, etc.

ATTENTION! Due to new COVID restrictions in Russia the conference will be held entirely online.

Financial support. The conference is supported by the Simons Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, Agreement no. 075-15-2019-1614).

To get the link to the Zoom meeting please register here:

Schedule table convenient for various time zones

We have held a session to share participants’ recollections on Dmitry Anosov . If you want to share your recollections, please write to the conference e-mail and to Alexey Klimenko



Organizing and Program Committee
Dynnikov Ivan Alekseevich
Ilyashenko Yulij Sergeevich
Khanin Konstantin Mikhailovich
Klimenko Alexey Vladimirovich
Skripchenko Alexandra Sergeevna

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Steklov International Mathematical Center
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Conference «Hyperbolic Dynamics and Structural Stability» Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of D. V. Anosov, Moscow, November 8–12, 2021

November 8, 2021 (Mon)
1. Opening
D. V. Treschev
November 8, 2021 12:40–13:00, Moscow, online
D. V. Treschev
2. (Dis)continuity of Lyapunov exponents
Omri Sarig
November 8, 2021 13:00–13:45, Moscow, online
Omri Sarig
3. Local rigidity of abelian actions of parabolic toral automorphisms with (at least) one step-2 generator
B. R. Fayad
November 8, 2021 14:00–14:45, Moscow, online
B. R. Fayad
4. On the abominable properties of the Almost Mathieu operator with Liouville frequencies
Mira Shamis
November 8, 2021 16:00–16:45, Moscow, online
Mira Shamis
5. Non-algebraic Anosov flows in high dimensions
Ch. Bonatti
November 8, 2021 17:00–17:45, Moscow, online
Ch. Bonatti
6. Smooth conjugacy for codimension 1 Anosov diffeomorphisms
Federico Rodriguez Hertz
November 8, 2021 18:00–18:45, Moscow, online
Federico Rodriguez Hertz
7. Small denominators and large numerators of quasiperiodic Schrödinger operators
Wencai Liu
November 8, 2021 19:00–19:45, Moscow, online
Wencai Liu

November 9, 2021 (Tue)
8. Codimension one basic sets of A-flows
E. V. Zhuzhoma
November 9, 2021 14:00–14:45, Moscow, online
E. V. Zhuzhoma
9. Holomorphic foliations, structural stability, and Anosov's conjecture
B. Deroin
November 9, 2021 16:00–16:45, Moscow, online
B. Deroin
10. The Furstenberg theorem: adding a parameter and removing the stationarity
V. A. Kleptsyn
November 9, 2021 17:00–17:45, Moscow, online
V. A. Kleptsyn
11. Quasiperiodic operators with monotone potentials
I. Kachkovskii
November 9, 2021 18:00–18:45, Moscow, online
I. Kachkovskii
12. Anosov extension
Andrey Gogolev
November 9, 2021 19:00–19:45, Moscow, online
Andrey Gogolev
13. Quantitative global theory of one-frequency quasiperiodic operators
Lingrui Ge
November 9, 2021 20:00–20:45, Moscow, online
Lingrui Ge

November 10, 2021 (Wed)
14. On gradient-like flows on manifolds of dimension four and greater
E. Ya. Gurevich
November 10, 2021 13:00–13:45, Moscow, online
E. Ya. Gurevich
15. On the topology of manifolds admitting diffeomorphisms with orientable expanding attractors and contracting repellers
V. Z. Grines
November 10, 2021 14:00–14:45, Moscow, online
V. Z. Grines
16. Conditional shadowing property
S. Yu. Pilyugin
November 10, 2021 16:00–16:45, Moscow, online
S. Yu. Pilyugin
17. On rationally integrable projective billiards
A. A. Glutsyuk
November 10, 2021 17:00–17:45, Moscow, online
A. A. Glutsyuk
18. Mingled hyperbolicities: Restricted variational principles
L. J. Díaz
November 10, 2021 18:00–18:45, Moscow, online
L. J. Díaz
19. Anosov Memorial
November 10, 2021 19:00–21:00, Moscow, online

November 11, 2021 (Thu)
20. 3-Diffeomorphisms with dynamics “one-dimensional surfaced attractor-repeller”
O. V. Pochinka
November 11, 2021 14:00–14:45, Moscow, online
O. V. Pochinka
21. Attractors of Direct Products
S. S. Minkov, I. S. Shilin
November 11, 2021 16:00–16:45, Moscow, online
S. S. Minkov, I. S. Shilin
22. Shadowing for finite pseudotrajectories with decreasing size of error
S. B. Tikhomirov
November 11, 2021 17:00–17:45, Moscow, online
S. B. Tikhomirov
23. Measures maximizing the entropy for Kan endomorphisms
Sebastian Ramirez
November 11, 2021 18:00–18:45, Moscow, online
Sebastian Ramirez
24. Uniqueness of the measure of maximal entropy for geodesic flows of surfaces with caps
Keith Burns
November 11, 2021 19:00–19:45, Moscow, online
Keith Burns
25. Probabilistic shadowing in skew products
G. V. Monakov
November 11, 2021 20:00–20:45, Moscow, online
G. V. Monakov

November 12, 2021 (Fri)
26. From Skew Products to Geometrically Integrable Maps in the Plane
L. S. Efremova
November 12, 2021 13:00–13:45, Moscow, online
L. S. Efremova
27. Structural stability for dynamical systems on time scales
S. G. Kryzhevich
November 12, 2021 14:00–14:45, Moscow, online
S. G. Kryzhevich
28. Almost equivalence for transitive Anosov flows
P. Dehornoy
November 12, 2021 16:00–16:45, Moscow, online
P. Dehornoy
29. Birkhoff sections and orbit spaces of Anosov flows
Theo Marty
November 12, 2021 17:00–17:45, Moscow, online
Theo Marty
30. Surgered contact flows, hyperbolicity, and orbit growth
Boris Hasselblatt
November 12, 2021 18:00–18:45, Moscow, online
Boris Hasselblatt
31. Sharp analysis of Maryland localization and eigenfunctions for all parameters
Rui Han
November 12, 2021 19:00–19:45, Moscow, online
Rui Han
32. Anti-classification results in smooth dynamics
A. S. Gorodetski
November 12, 2021 20:00–20:45, Moscow, online
A. S. Gorodetski
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