International conference "Analysis and Singularities" dedicated to 70th anniversary of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold (August 20–24, 2007, Moscow)
Topics in Algebraic Geomerty, Singularity Theory, Differential Equations, Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Number Theory.
The list of invited speakers includes
A. Agrachev (Trieste, Italy),
J. Palis (IMPA, Brasil),
A. Varchenko (Chapel-Hill, USA),
O. Viro (Upsala, Sweden),
B. Khesin (Toronto, Canada),
E. Shustin (Tel-Aviv, Israel),
P. Biran (Tel-Aviv, Israel),
S. Novikov (Mariland, USA and Moscow, Russia),
Ya. Sinai (Princeton, USA),
V. Goryunov (Liverpool, UK),
S. Kuksin (Edinburgh, UK),
D. McDuff (Stony Brook, USA),
A. Vershik (St.Petersburg, Russia),
V. Kharlamov (Strasburg, France),
D. Siersma (Utrecht, Holland),
J. Steenbrink (Nijmegen, Holland).
Organizing Committee
Osipov Yurii Sergeevich (Chairman) Kozlov Valery Vasil'evich (Vice-chairman) Vassiliev Victor Anatolievich (Vice-chairman) Chubarikov Vladimir Nikolaevich Davydov Alexey Alexandrovich Goryunov Viktor Vladimirovich Gusein-Zade Sabir Medzhidovich Ilyashenko Yulij Sergeevich Khovanskii Askold Georgievich Lando Sergei Konstantinovich Mishchenko Evgenii Frolovich Sergeev Armen Glebovich Zakalyukin Vladimir Mikhailovich
Russian Academy of Sciences Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Mathematical Society Independent University of Moscow |
International conference "Analysis and Singularities" dedicated to 70th anniversary of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold, Moscow, August 20–24, 2007 |
August 20, 2007 (Mon) |
1. |
Speech of welcome V. V. Kozlov August 20, 2007 10:30, Moscow
2. |
Speech of welcome V. A. Sadovnichii August 20, 2007 10:45, Moscow
3. |
Topological classification of Morse functions and 16th Hilbert problem V. I. Arnol'd August 20, 2007 11:00, Moscow
4. |
Discrete systems and complex analysis S. P. Novikov August 20, 2007 12:10, Moscow
August 21, 2007 (Tue) |
5. |
Случаи полной интегрируемости в динамике четырехмерного твердого тела в неконсервативном поле сил M. V. Shamolin August 21, 2007, Moscow
August 21, 2007 (Tue) |
6. |
Abelian functions and singularity theory V. M. Buchstaber August 21, 2007 10:05, Moscow
August 22, 2007 (Wed) |
7. |
Statistic of periodic and multi-dimensional continuous fractions V. I. Arnol'd August 22, 2007 09:00, Moscow
8. |
The 16th Hilbert problem, a story of mystery, mistakes and solution O. Ya. Viro August 22, 2007 10:05, Moscow
August 23, 2007 (Thu) |
9. |
Singular curves and invariants of geometric structures A. A. Agrachev August 23, 2007 09:00, Moscow
August 24, 2007 (Fri) |
10. |
Three theorems on perturbed KdV equation on a circle S. B. Kuksin August 24, 2007 09:00, Moscow
11. |
Counting curves in three-folds (Some Conjectures and theorems in enumerative algebraic geometry) A. Yu. Okounkov August 24, 2007 11:30, Moscow