
Random geometry and physics
(September 8–12, 2014, Moscow)

This conference aims at developing the French-Russian interaction at the mathematical/physics interface. There is a long tradition in both countries in mathematical physics, and many cooperations existed in the past, using in particular the Laboratory Poncelet. However although the cooperation remains very active in pure mathematics it has been recently less active in mathematical physics.

Since mathematical physics is a large interface, we propose in this new project to start by putting some emphasis on a particular direction, namely the interface between combinatorics and random geometry on the mathematical side and quantum field theory and statistical mechanics on the physics side. This domain is in fast developement in France, in particular, thanks to the emergence of new methods such as random tensors to study random triangulations with quantum field theory tools. Since it implies new forms of integrability, this domain could greatly benefit from the corresponding leading expertise in Russia. However the project is not conceived as narrowly focused: it will welcome the participation of scientists interested in neighboring domains such as quantum field theory, string theory, matrix models, integrable models, mathematical physics of random or quasi-periodic media (polymers, spin glasses, foams, quasi-crystals etc.), hence the title of the conference is "Random Geometry and Physics". The goal is to encourage in particular the new generations of french and russian mathematical physicists to know each other.




Scientific advisory committee
Aref'eva Irina Yaroslavna, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Belavin Aleksandr Abramovich, Landau Institute
Chekhov Leonid Olegovich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Fernique Thomas, CNRS, LIPN, Université Paris-Nord, Villetanneuse
Gal'tsov Dmitrii Vladimirovich, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Gurau Razvan Gheorghe, CNRS, CPhT Polytechnique, Palaiseau
Jacobsen Jesper Lykke, Université Pierre & Marie Curie
Katanaev Mikhail Orionovich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Kazakov V, Université Pierre & Marie Curie
Kirillov Andrei Igorevich, Moscow Independent University
Korchemsky G P, IPHT-Saclay
Lando Sergei Konstantinovich, Higher School of Economics
Maillet J M, Laboratoire de physique de l'ENS Lyon
Marshakov Andrei Vladimirovich, ITEP
Mironov Andrei Dmitrievich, ITEP
Morozov Aleksei Yur'evich, ITEP
Nechaev S, LPTMS, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay
Pasquier Vincent, IPHT-Saclay
Pestun Vasily, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette
Rivasseau Vincent, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay
Santachiara Raoul, LPTMS, Université d'Orsay
Sergeev Armen Glebovich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Sheinman Oleg Karlovich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Shloshman S, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille
Sinai Yakov Grigor'evich, Kharkevich Institute
Smirnov S, LPTHE, Université Pierre & Marie Curie
Tsfasman Michael Anatol'evich, Kharkevich Institute
Vanhove P, IPhT-Saclay
Volovich Igor Vasil'evich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Zagrebnov Valentin Anatol'evich, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille

Local organizing committee
Fernique Thomas, Université Paris Nord
Ilin Nikolay Borisovich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Katanaev Mikhail Orionovich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Palvelev Roman Vital'evich, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Pasquier Vincent, Institut de Physique Théorique
Rivasseau Vincent, Université Paris-Sud

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Independent University of Moscow

Random geometry and physics, Moscow, September 8–12, 2014

September 8, 2014 (Mon)
1. Random Geometry and Physics, why and how?
V. Rivasseau
September 8, 2014 10:00–10:50, Moscow
V. Rivasseau
2. Classical random geometry and black hole firewall problem
I. V. Volovich
September 8, 2014 10:50–11:40, Moscow
I. V. Volovich
3. Spectral Transition for Random Quantum Walks on Trees
A. Joye
September 8, 2014 12:10–13:00, Moscow
A. Joye
4. Point massive particle in General Relativity
M. O. Katanaev
September 8, 2014 15:20–16:10, Moscow
M. O. Katanaev
5. Geometry of random landscapes for control of a qubit
N. B. Il'in, A. N. Pechen
September 8, 2014 16:40–17:00, Moscow
N. B. Il'in, A. N. Pechen
6. Exceptional field theory: supergravity in $5+27$ dimensions
E. Musaev
September 8, 2014 17:00–17:20, Moscow
E. Musaev

September 9, 2014 (Tue)
7. Analycity results for the cumulants in a quartic matrix model
T. Krajewski
September 9, 2014 10:00–10:50, Moscow
T. Krajewski
8. From chord diagrams to cohomological field theories
L. O. Chekhov
September 9, 2014 10:50–11:40, Moscow
L. O. Chekhov
9. High-dimensional random landscapes and random matrices
Ya. V. Fyodorov
September 9, 2014 12:10–13:00, Moscow
Ya. V. Fyodorov
10. Random walks, Douglas–Kazakov phase transitions and critical phenomena in topological ensembles
A. S. Gorsky
September 9, 2014 14:30–15:20, Moscow
A. S. Gorsky
11. Area distribution of two-dimensional random walks and non-Hermitian Hofstadter quantum mechanics
S. Ouvry
September 9, 2014 15:20–16:10, Moscow
S. Ouvry
12. Quantum Poincare model with a random geometric parameter
A. S. Trushechkin
September 9, 2014 16:40–17:00, Moscow
A. S. Trushechkin
13. Scattering of vortices in Abelian Higgs models on compact Riemann surfaces
R. V. Palvelev
September 9, 2014 17:00–17:20, Moscow
R. V. Palvelev
14. The functional mechanics in General relativity
A. Mikhaylov
September 9, 2014 17:20–17:40, Moscow
A. Mikhaylov

September 10, 2014 (Wed)
15. Tensorial Group Field Theory and Renormalization
J. Ben Geloun
September 10, 2014 10:00–10:50, Moscow
J. Ben Geloun
16. From elongated spanning trees to vicious random walks
S. K. Nechaev
September 10, 2014 10:50–11:40, Moscow
S. K. Nechaev
17. Holographic deformation of conformal correlation functions by ultrarelativistic particles
I. Ya. Aref'eva
September 10, 2014 12:10–13:00, Moscow
I. Ya. Aref'eva

September 11, 2014 (Thu)
18. Hecke graphs, Ramanujan graphs and generalized duality transformations for lattice spin systems
M. I. Monastyrsky
September 11, 2014 10:00–10:50, Moscow
M. I. Monastyrsky
19. A Givental like decomposition formula for $T^4$ tensor model
S. Dartois
September 11, 2014 10:50–11:40, Moscow
S. Dartois
20. Lax operator algebras and gradings on semi-simple Lie algebras
O. K. Sheinman
September 11, 2014 12:10–13:00, Moscow
O. K. Sheinman
21. Near extreme eigenvalues and the first gap of large random matrices
G. Schehr
September 11, 2014 14:30–15:20, Moscow
G. Schehr
22. Time-like Liouville structure constants and random conformal clusters in statistical models
R. Santachiara
September 11, 2014 15:20–16:10, Moscow
R. Santachiara
23. On the application of Chernoff theorem to random walks
V. Zh. Sakbaev
September 11, 2014 16:40–17:20, Moscow
V. Zh. Sakbaev
24. Fuzzy topology and geometric quantum formalism
S. N. Mayburov
September 11, 2014 17:20–17:40, Moscow
S. N. Mayburov

September 12, 2014 (Fri)
25. Langton's ant's period
A. I. Bondal
September 12, 2014 10:00–10:50, Moscow
A. I. Bondal
26. Random $3$-manifolds and ideal triangulations
R. van der Veen
September 12, 2014 10:50–11:40, Moscow
R. van der Veen
27. Gauge theories and quantum geometry
V. Pestun
September 12, 2014 12:10–13:00, Moscow
V. Pestun
28. Quinary lattice model of secondary structures of polymers
S. V. Kozyrev
September 12, 2014 14:30–15:20, Moscow
S. V. Kozyrev
29. Wormholes and instantons with NUT
D. V. Gal'tsov
September 12, 2014 15:20–16:10, Moscow
D. V. Gal'tsov
30. Matching rules for quasicrystals
T. Fernique
September 12, 2014 16:40–17:30, Moscow
T. Fernique
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