
General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
(POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka), St. Petersburg)


Bureau of the Seminar
Vershik Anatolii Moiseevich (Chairman)
Pastor Alexei Vladimirovich (secretary)
Kislyakov Serguei Vital'evich
Kulikov Alexander Sergeevich
Malyutin Andrei Valer'evich
Mikhailov Viktor Sergeevich
Nazarov Alexander Il'ich
Petrov Fedor Vladimirovich
Pronko Andrei Georgievich
Smirnov Aleksandr Leonidovich
Stolyarov Dmitriy Mikhailovich
Vsemirnov Maxim Aleksandrovich
Zaporozhets Dmitry

St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

May 22, 2024 (Wed)
  Joint session of PDMI General Mathematics Seminar and St.Petersburg Seminar on Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems
1. Approximation of definable sets by compact sets and triangulation of definable monotone families
N. N. Vorobjov
May 22, 2024 16:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom.

March 7, 2024 (Thu)
  Meeting, dedicated to the memory of A. M. Vershiк
2. Plane Partitions, Pedestals, Tsetlin Libraries, Pop Shuffles, Left-Regular Bands and The Miracle of Integer Eigenvalues
S. Shlosman
March 7, 2024 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom.

December 28, 2023 (Thu)
3. Differential geometry and algebraic topology of nilmanifolds
V. M. Buchstaber
December 28, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Zoom

December 14, 2023 (Thu)
4. Tits construction and the Rost invariant
V. A. Petrov
December 14, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, ПОМИ, комн. 311 (наб. р. Фонтанки, 27). Также будет трансляция в Zoom, см.

November 16, 2023 (Thu)
5. The Weisfeiler-Leman dimension and the isomorphism problem for concrete categories
I. N. Ponomarenko
November 16, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

October 5, 2023 (Thu)
6. The Burnside problem: history and new results
A. S. Atkarskaya
October 5, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

September 28, 2023 (Thu)
7. Markov numbers in algebra, geometry and arithmetic
Yu. G. Prokhorov
September 28, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

May 18, 2023 (Thu)
8. On the distribution of functionals of Brownian local time
A. N. Borodin
May 18, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

April 20, 2023 (Thu)
9. Geometric aspects of Diophantine approximation
O. N. German
April 20, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

March 23, 2023 (Thu)
10. Number of knots, Thurston's geometrization conjecture, generalizations of Artin's theorems, and Birman–Hilden fiber bundles.
A. V. Malyutin
March 23, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

February 9, 2023 (Thu)
11. How ODEs help probabilities
A. I. Nazarov
February 9, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

January 19, 2023 (Thu)
12. On metric comparisons of certain type
A. Petrunin
January 19, 2023 13:00, St. Petersburg, Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

December 22, 2022 (Thu)
13. Envy-free division in the presence of a dragon
G. Yu. Panina
December 22, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

November 17, 2022 (Thu)
14. Determination of Riemannian surface via boundary data: algebraic approach
D. V. Korikov
November 17, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

October 13, 2022 (Thu)
15. “Statistical Physics” or inductive approach to the measure theory and probabilistic and algebraic problems
A. M. Vershik
October 13, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 15, 2022 (Thu)
16. Zeros of the Riemann zeta function and perturbations of differential operators
V. V. Kapustin
September 15, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

June 23, 2022 (Thu)
17. Dense sphere packings
M. A. Tsfasman
June 23, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

May 19, 2022 (Thu)
18. The problem of the global well-posedness of the Navier-Stokes equations: the current state of arts
T. N. Shilkin
May 19, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

April 28, 2022 (Thu)
19. Volumes of knots and links in spaces of constant curvature
A. D. Mednykh
April 28, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

April 7, 2022 (Thu)
20. Yang-Mills theory: historical review and basic concepts
A. V. Ivanov
April 7, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

March 17, 2022 (Thu)
21. Application of (higher) operads in deformation theory
B. B. Shoikhet
March 17, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

February 17, 2022 (Thu)
22. Manin's $R$-equivalence relation on points of varieties and groups
A. K. Stavrova
February 17, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

January 10, 2022 (Mon)
23. Deep zero problems
H. Hedenmalm
January 10, 2022 13:00, St. Petersburg, Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

November 22, 2021 (Mon)
24. Proof complexity lower bounds via communication arguments
D. M. Itsykson
November 22, 2021 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

October 18, 2021 (Mon)
  Series of talks of the winners of the PDMI scientific competition 2019
25. On distribution of algebraic numbers
D. Zaporozhets
October 18, 2021 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

September 21, 2021 (Tue)
26. From Tetris and TASEP to a one-dimensional lattice gas in a point-like external field
S. K. Nechaev
September 21, 2021 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see

May 31, 2021 (Mon)
  Series of talks of the winners of the PDMI scientific competition 2019
27. Groups generated by involutions, there realizations, dynamics and invariant measures
A. M. Vershik
May 31, 2021 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka). Also it is possible to watch this talk in Zoom, see
A. M. Vershik

December 24, 2020 (Thu)
28. Witt vectors and the field with one element
A. L. Smirnov
December 24, 2020 14:00, St. Petersburg, Zoom, see

December 10, 2020 (Thu)
29. Positive metric entropy in nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems
S. V. Ivanov
December 10, 2020 14:00, St. Petersburg, Zoom, see

November 26, 2020 (Thu)
30. Algebras and functional models of operators and systems in inverse problems of Mathematical Physics
M. I. Belishev
November 26, 2020 14:00, St. Petersburg, Zoom, see

October 15, 2020 (Thu)
31. Hyperbolic knots are not generic
A. V. Malyutin
October 15, 2020 14:00, St. Petersburg, Zoom, see

May 28, 2020 (Thu)
32. Transfers in motivic homotopy theory
A. S. Anan'evskii
May 28, 2020 14:00, St. Petersburg, Zoom, see
A. S. Anan'evskii

April 30, 2020 (Thu)
33. Some inequalities for fractional Laplacians
A. I. Nazarov
April 30, 2020, St. Petersburg, zoom
A. I. Nazarov

February 10, 2020 (Mon)
34. A spectral version of Szego theorem (joint work with S.A.Denisov)
R. V. Bessonov
February 10, 2020 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 203 (27 Fontanka)
R. V. Bessonov

December 16, 2019 (Mon)
35. The Feynman checkerboard: discrete quantum mechanics
M. B. Skopenkov
December 16, 2019 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
M. B. Skopenkov

June 20, 2019 (Thu)
36. The metric theory of Teichmüller space
A. Papadopulos
June 20, 2019 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. Papadopulos

February 21, 2019 (Thu)
  A joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics and the the St. Petersburg seminar on Quantum Field Theory
37. Painleve equations-VI, gauge theory and classic/quantum correspondence
N. A. Nekrasov
February 21, 2019 11:30, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
N. A. Nekrasov

December 24, 2018 (Mon)
38. Commuting differential operators with polynomial coefficients and automorphisms of the first Weyl algebra.
A. E. Mironov
December 24, 2018 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. E. Mironov

October 18, 2018 (Thu)
39. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics from the standpoint of a weak convergence of solutions of the Liouville equation
V. V. Kozlov
October 18, 2018 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. V. Kozlov

July 19, 2018 (Thu)
40. Determinants, Permutations and Additive Combinatorics
Zhi-Wei Sun
July 19, 2018 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Zhi-Wei Sun

June 21, 2018 (Thu)
41. Plane curve singularities and combinatorics of quivers
S. V. Fomin
June 21, 2018 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
S. V. Fomin

April 5, 2018 (Thu)
  A joint meeting with the St. Petersburg Seminar on Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems
42. Controllability and the Pugh's closing lemma for some flows with an infinite invariant measure
S. G. Kryzhevich, E. O. Stepanov
April 5, 2018 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
S. G. Kryzhevich, E. O. Stepanov

March 22, 2018 (Thu)
43. Asymptotics in the problem about the raid of the long waves on the sloping bank
V. E. Nazaikinskii
March 22, 2018 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. E. Nazaikinskii

March 1, 2018 (Thu)
  A joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics and the seminar of the Laboratory of Mathematical Problems of Physics
44. Geometry of moduli spaces and the volumes of Calabi-Yau manifolds. On a new way to compute them
A. A. Belavin
March 1, 2018 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. A. Belavin

February 26, 2018 (Mon)
45. Scattering on the Poincaré upper half-plane, Riemann hypothesis, intertwining operators and Huygens principle
M. A. Semenov-Tian-Shansky
February 26, 2018 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
M. A. Semenov-Tian-Shansky

December 14, 2017 (Thu)
46. Boundary control and tomography of Riemannian manifolds (the BC-method)
M. I. Belishev
December 14, 2017 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
M. I. Belishev

October 26, 2017 (Thu)
47. Random enumerations of distributive lattices and quasi-stationary processes
A. M. Vershik
October 26, 2017 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. M. Vershik

October 2, 2017 (Mon)
48. On the sum-product phenomenon
I. D. Shkredov
October 2, 2017 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 203 (27 Fontanka)
I. D. Shkredov

June 12, 2017 (Mon)
49. Partitions in different contexts and dimensions
A. Yu. Okounkov
June 12, 2017 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. Yu. Okounkov

May 15, 2017 (Mon)
50. Erdős measures on euclidean space, on integer $A$-adic numbers and on Heisenberg group
V. I. Oseledets
May 15, 2017 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. I. Oseledets

February 20, 2017 (Mon)
51. An application of Galois theory to the optimal control
D. D. Kiselev
February 20, 2017 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
D. D. Kiselev

December 22, 2016 (Thu)
52. Mathematical fairy tales
D. Yu. Burago
December 22, 2016 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
D. Yu. Burago

December 8, 2016 (Thu)
53. Metric entropy, KAM theory and dual lens maps
D. Chen
December 8, 2016 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
D. Chen

December 5, 2016 (Mon)
54. Manifolds defined by rectangular 3-dimensional polytopes
T. E. Panov
December 5, 2016 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
T. E. Panov

November 17, 2016 (Thu)
55. K-theory and balanced pairs
V. M. Manuilov
November 17, 2016 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. M. Manuilov

June 16, 2016 (Thu)
56. Structure and K-theory of Chevalley groups over rings
N. A. Vavilov
June 16, 2016 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
N. A. Vavilov

March 10, 2016 (Thu)
57. The superposition principles
E. O. Stepanov
March 10, 2016 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
E. O. Stepanov

May 14, 2015 (Thu)
58. An asymptotic view of the theory of computability
Paul Schupp
May 14, 2015 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Paul Schupp

May 11, 2015 (Mon)
59. Hilbert's theorem 90 in a group theoretical context
Thomas Weigel
May 11, 2015 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Thomas Weigel

March 12, 2015 (Thu)
60. Introduction to neurogeometry of vision
D. V. Alekseevsky
March 12, 2015 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
D. V. Alekseevsky

February 5, 2015 (Thu)
61. Symbolic Computation: A Personal View on the Future of Mathematics
B. Buchberger
February 5, 2015 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
B. Buchberger

January 22, 2015 (Thu)
62. Gaussian optimizers and additivity problem in a quantum information theory
A. S. Holevo
January 22, 2015 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. S. Holevo

December 18, 2014 (Thu)
63. Jordan groups
V. L. Popov
December 18, 2014 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. L. Popov

October 30, 2014 (Thu)
64. Functional equations and manifolds with torus action
V. M. Buchstaber
October 30, 2014 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. M. Buchstaber

October 16, 2014 (Thu)
65. The ternary Goldbach conjecture
Harald Helfgott
October 16, 2014 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Harald Helfgott

March 13, 2014 (Thu)
66. Invariant measures, characters and inner metrics on graphs
A. M. Vershik
March 13, 2014 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. M. Vershik

March 3, 2014 (Mon)
67. On a representation of integes by quadratic forms
B. Z. Moroz
March 3, 2014 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
B. Z. Moroz

December 30, 2013 (Mon)
68. Mathematics and reality: some impressions from the long life
A. M. Vershik
December 30, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg, POMI (27 Fontanka)
A. M. Vershik

November 18, 2013 (Mon)
69. Geometric constructions of central extensions of certain infinite dimensional groups
I. B. Frenkel'
November 18, 2013 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
I. B. Frenkel'

September 16, 2013 (Mon)
70. Brownian bridges and multiple orthogonal polynomial ensembles
A. I. Aptekarev
September 16, 2013 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. I. Aptekarev

May 31, 2013 (Fri)
71. Iterated integrals and non-commutative Dedekind symbols
Yu. I. Manin
May 31, 2013 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, marble hall (27 Fontanka)
Yu. I. Manin

April 11, 2013 (Thu)
72. Mass transportation and flows of measures
E. O. Stepanov
April 11, 2013 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 1, 2013 (Mon)
73. Calculation of Riemann's zeta function via interpolating determinants
Yu. V. Matiyasevich
April 1, 2013 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Yu. V. Matiyasevich

March 21, 2013 (Thu)
74. Minimality of planes in normed spaces
S. V. Ivanov
March 21, 2013 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
S. V. Ivanov

February 14, 2013 (Thu)
75. Обобщение теоремы Сабитова на случай многогранников произвольной размерности
A. A. Gaifullin
February 14, 2013 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. A. Gaifullin

December 10, 2012 (Mon)
76. Welschinger invariants and tropic geometry
I. V. Itenberg
December 10, 2012 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
I. V. Itenberg

November 19, 2012 (Mon)
77. Sums of moduli for holomorphic functions
E. Doubtsov
November 19, 2012 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
E. Doubtsov

October 29, 2012 (Mon)
78. Critical points of planar polygonal linkages
G. Yu. Panina
October 29, 2012 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
G. Yu. Panina

October 1, 2012 (Mon)
79. Space of polygons with fixed side lengths in three-dimensional space
J. Millson
October 1, 2012 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
J. Millson

May 31, 2012 (Thu)
80. The space that produces the Khovanov homology
O. Ya. Viro
May 31, 2012 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 203 (27 Fontanka)

May 24, 2012 (Thu)
81. Invariance and unimodularity
V. A. Kaimanovich
May 24, 2012 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. A. Kaimanovich

May 17, 2012 (Thu)
82. Monotonicity of the Riemann zeta function and related functions
P. Zvengrowski
May 17, 2012 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
P. Zvengrowski

April 26, 2012 (Thu)
83. Freezing Transition: from $1/f$ landscapes to Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices and the Riemann zeta-function
Ya. V. Fyodorov
April 26, 2012 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Ya. V. Fyodorov

March 12, 2012 (Mon)
84. The quantum number of plane holomorphic curves
G. B. Mikhalkin
March 12, 2012 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
G. B. Mikhalkin

February 23, 2012 (Thu)
85. Abelianization of resolutions and semiinfinite geometry
B. L. Feigin
February 23, 2012 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
B. L. Feigin

December 26, 2011 (Mon)
86. Heuristic proofs
E. A. Hirsch
December 26, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
E. A. Hirsch

December 22, 2011 (Thu)
87. Dimers, clusters and integrable systems
V. V. Fock
December 22, 2011 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. V. Fock

December 19, 2011 (Mon)
88. 24 faces of the Borcherds function $\text{Ф}_{12}$
V. A. Gritsenko
December 19, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. A. Gritsenko

November 17, 2011 (Thu)
89. Langlands program (a new sight)
A. N. Parshin
November 17, 2011 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. N. Parshin

October 24, 2011 (Mon)
90. Sandpiles: a review
S. V. Duzhin
October 24, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 10, 2011 (Mon)
91. Toric topology
V. M. Buchstaber
October 10, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. M. Buchstaber

October 3, 2011 (Mon)
92. Volumes of Polyhedra in Hyperbolic and Spherical Spaces
A. D. Mednykh
October 3, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. D. Mednykh

June 23, 2011 (Thu)
  A joint meeting with the Chebyshev Laboratory
93. Some elementary results in number theory
Ya. G. Sinai
June 23, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Ya. G. Sinai

June 20, 2011 (Mon)
94. A proof of Przytycki's conjecture on matched knot diagrams
S. V. Duzhin
June 20, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
S. V. Duzhin

May 30, 2011 (Mon)
95. Genome rearrangements: from biological problems to combinatorial algorithms (and back)
Pavel Pevzner
May 30, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Pavel Pevzner

May 23, 2011 (Mon)
96. Primes dividing the sequence $\{a^n\pm b^n\}$ in an arithemtic progression
B. Sury
May 23, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
B. Sury

February 14, 2011 (Mon)
97. Matrix Models: asymptotic decompositions and algebro-geometric methods of its solution
L. O. Chekhov
February 14, 2011 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 27, 2010 (Mon)
  Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
98. Amenability, self-similar groups and the Munchausen trick
R. I. Grigorchuk
December 27, 2010 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
R. I. Grigorchuk

September 23, 2010 (Thu)
99. Construction of birational invariants via derived categories
A. G. Kuznetsov
September 23, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. G. Kuznetsov

September 2, 2010 (Thu)
100. Tropical geometry: from description of curves to description of surfaces and beyond
G. B. Mikhalkin
September 2, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
G. B. Mikhalkin

June 19, 2010 (Sat)
101. Sets with few distances. II
O. R. Musin
June 19, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
O. R. Musin

May 24, 2010 (Mon)
102. On universally optimal configurations of points of a sphere
B. B. Venkov
May 24, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
B. B. Venkov

May 13, 2010 (Thu)
103. On the intersection of conjugate subgroups of finite index
R. V. Mikhailov
May 13, 2010 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
R. V. Mikhailov

December 28, 2009 (Mon)
104. On the intersection of conjugate subgroups of finite index
E. P. Vdovin
December 28, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
E. P. Vdovin

November 19, 2009 (Thu)
105. Differenrial graded and triangulated categories in geometry, algebra and physics
D. O. Orlov
November 19, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
D. O. Orlov

October 19, 2009 (Mon)
106. Short circuit closure of braids
S. V. Duzhin
October 19, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
S. V. Duzhin

October 8, 2009 (Thu)
107. Attractors of dynamic systems
V. A. Kleptsyn
October 8, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 28, 2009 (Mon)
108. Limit theorems for translation flows
A. I. Bufetov
September 28, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. I. Bufetov

August 27, 2009 (Thu)
109. Groups, buildings, and association schemes
Paul-Hermann Zieschang
August 27, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Paul-Hermann Zieschang

June 25, 2009 (Thu)
110. Sets with few distances
O. R. Musin
June 25, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
O. R. Musin

May 25, 2009 (Mon)
111. Renormalization and computability theory
Yu. I. Manin
May 25, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Yu. I. Manin

May 18, 2009 (Mon)
112. Structure of multi-valued analytic functions and Hermite–Padé Approximants
A. I. Aptekarev
May 18, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. I. Aptekarev

April 23, 2009 (Thu)
113. Quantum topology and Apéry classes
V. V. Golyshev
April 23, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 16, 2009 (Mon)
114. Method of Darboux Transformations in the Theory of Integrable Systems: 30 years of development
V. B. Matveev
March 16, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. B. Matveev

January 26, 2009 (Mon)
115. Combinatorial numbers theory
I. D. Shkredov
January 26, 2009 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
I. D. Shkredov

January 19, 2009 (Mon)
116. On a some open problems of Riemann and Finsler Geometry
D. Yu. Burago
January 19, 2009 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
D. Yu. Burago

December 22, 2008 (Mon)
117. 50 years of Kolmogorov entropy: history and new prospects
A. M. Vershik
December 22, 2008 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. M. Vershik

December 8, 2008 (Mon)
118. Real algebraic knots and links
G. B. Mikhalkin
December 8, 2008 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
G. B. Mikhalkin

November 10, 2008 (Mon)
119. Motivic structures in non-commutative geometry
D. Kaledin
November 10, 2008 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
D. Kaledin

September 11, 2008 (Thu)
120. Hurwitz numbers, moduli spaces and integrable hierarchies
M. E. Kazarian
September 11, 2008 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
M. E. Kazarian

June 9, 2008 (Mon)
121. Unification theorems in algebraic geometry over algebraic structures
V. N. Remeslennikov
June 9, 2008 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 26, 2008 (Mon)
122. New results on cubic surfaces and cubic threefolds: hyperbolic structures on their moduli spaces
James Carlson
May 26, 2008 13:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
James Carlson

April 28, 2008 (Mon)
123. Legendre singularities in implicit systems of ODE and slow-fast dynamical systems
S. V. Konyagin
April 28, 2008 14:00, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 24, 2007 (Mon)
124. The history of Quantum Groups
L. D. Faddeev
December 24, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 13, 2007 (Thu)
125. Harmonic analysis on the symmetric spaces — analytical aspects
S. Gindikin
December 13, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

November 26, 2007 (Mon)
126. What is the Lebesgue measure in infinite-dimensional space?
A. M. Vershik
November 26, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 29, 2007 (Mon)
127. Quantization of the universal Teichmüller space
A. G. Sergeev
October 29, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 18, 2007 (Thu)
128. Stability, instability and evolution
S. A. Vakulenko
October 18, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 8, 2007 (Mon)
129. Hidden life of Riemann's zeta function
Yu. V. Matiyasevich
October 8, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 12, 2007 (Thu)
130. Tropics and subtropics of algebraic geometry
O. Ya. Viro
April 12, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 12, 2007 (Mon)
131. Hurwitz and (2,3)-generated matrix groups
M. A. Vsemirnov
February 12, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 29, 2007 (Mon)
132. Arithmetic groups
V. P. Platonov
January 29, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 22, 2007 (Mon)
133. On the mass problem in Yang–Mills equation
L. D. Faddeev
January 22, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
L. D. Faddeev

January 15, 2007 (Mon)
134. Kantorovich's metrics: new ideas (dedicated to 95th anniversary of the birth of L. V. Kantorovich)
A. M. Vershik
January 15, 2007, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 18, 2006 (Mon)
135. Tensor categories and WDVV equation
Nikita Markaryan
December 18, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

November 13, 2006 (Mon)
136. Simplicial BF-theory
Pavel Mnev
November 13, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

November 2, 2006 (Thu)
137. At sources of a new science
V. V. Voevodin
November 2, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 23, 2006 (Mon)
138. Constructions of “large” commutative subalgebras in tensor products of affine algebras
B. L. Feigin
October 23, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 16, 2006 (Mon)
139. A Riemann–Roch theorem for cohomology operations
Alexander Smirnov
October 16, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 9, 2006 (Mon)
140. Mirror symmetry from the mathematical point of view
Dmitry Orlov
October 9, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

June 15, 2006 (Thu)
141. On the geometry of the moduli spaces of polarized K3 surfaces
Valery Gritsenko
June 15, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 25, 2006 (Thu)
142. Energy spreading polynomials
J. Byrnes
May 25, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 18, 2006 (Thu)
143. The problem of solving systems of algebraic equations and complexity theory. The survey of results
Alexander Chistov
May 18, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 11, 2006 (Thu)
144. On some topological invariants (a comparison of geometric and algebraic-geometric cases)
S. A. Yagunov
May 11, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 13, 2006 (Thu)
145. The combinatorial models for BO, BPL and a conjecture on smoothing of CD-manifolds
Nikolai Mnev
April 13, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 6, 2006 (Thu)
146. Model theory: from the exponential function to Kummer theory of fields
Mihail Gavrilovich
April 6, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 30, 2006 (Thu)
147. From Voronoi diagramms to the topology of geometric 3-dimensional manifolds
Sergei Anisov
March 30, 2006, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 24, 2005 (Tue)
  Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
148. Embedding and nonembedding theorems in asymptotic geometry
S. V. Buyalo
May 24, 2005, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 21, 2005 (Thu)
149. Tropical geometry
Grigory Mikhalkin
April 21, 2005, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 3, 2005 (Thu)
150. Two-dimensional gravitation and enumeration of branched coverings of the sphere
Dmitry Zvonkin
March 3, 2005, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 23, 2004 (Thu)
151. Algebraic methods in cryptography
D. Yu. Grigoriev
December 23, 2004, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 16, 2004 (Thu)
152. Symplectic singularities
Dmitry Kaledin
December 16, 2004, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 26, 2004 (Mon)
153. Galois groups of function fields
Yuri Tschinkel
April 26, 2004, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 22, 2004 (Thu)
154. Distribution of class numbers of imaginary qudratic fields
E. P. Golubeva
April 22, 2004, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 22, 2004 (Thu)
155. New integrable quadratic Hamiltonians in the dynamics of the rigid body
V. V. Sokolov
January 22, 2004, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 19, 2004 (Mon)
156. Cluster algebras
Vladimir Fock
January 19, 2004, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 11, 2003 (Thu)
157. Integrals with quadratic irrationalities
V. A. Malyshev
December 11, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 9, 2003 (Thu)
158. On a generalization of the KP hierarchy
A. N. Parshin
October 9, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
A. N. Parshin

July 28, 2003 (Mon)
159. Noncommutative hypergeometries
Alexander Volkov
July 28, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

July 17, 2003 (Thu)
160. Infinite number fields and functional fields
M. A. Tsfasman
July 17, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

July 10, 2003 (Thu)
161. When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary?
Pavel Etingof
July 10, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

June 23, 2003 (Mon)
162. Maximal cofinitary groups
Yi Zhang
June 23, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 15, 2003 (Thu)
163. A horizontal approach to the Riemann zeta function
Peter Zvengrowski
May 15, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 25, 2003 (Tue)
  Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
164. Semialgebraic proofs
E. Hirsch
March 25, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 17, 2003 (Mon)
165. On some topological methods in Algebraic Geometry
S. A. Yagunov
February 17, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 27, 2003 (Mon)
166. A criterion of solvability in radicals of an equation of prime degree
B. B. Lurje
January 27, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 9, 2003 (Thu)
167. Universality and randomness: examples and theory
A. M. Vershik
January 9, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 30, 2002 (Mon)
168. Tropical geometries
O. Ya. Viro
December 30, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 19, 2002 (Thu)
169. Analysis on Sierpinski triangle and similar fractals
Alexander Teplyaev
September 19, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

July 15, 2002 (Mon)
170. On Laplace operators on buildings
P. Gerardin
July 15, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

July 11, 2002 (Thu)
171. On spectral properties of Laplacian on metric graphs
M. Z. Solomyak
July 11, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 13, 2002 (Mon)
172. On embedings of 4-manifolds into $\mathbf R^7$
A. Skopenkov
May 13, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 8, 2002 (Mon)
173. Infinitesimal Hilbert's 16th problem
Yu. S. Il'yashenko
April 8, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 11, 2002 (Mon)
174. Riemann-Roch type theorems
I. A. Panin
March 11, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 14, 2002 (Mon)
175. Mass problem in Yang-Mills theory
L. D. Faddeev
January 14, 2002, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 24, 2001 (Mon)
176. Critical lattice models and conformal invariance
S. Smirnov
December 24, 2001, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 10, 2001 (Mon)
177. Jones polynomial and Khovanov's complex
S. V. Duzhin
December 10, 2001, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 29, 2001 (Mon)
178. Polyhedral surfaces with prescribed set of face directions and ellipticity of area functionals (joint work with D. Burago)
S. V. Ivanov
October 29, 2001, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 8, 2001 (Mon)
179. Random matrices, random diagrams and something else
A. M. Vershik
October 8, 2001, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 2, 2001 (Mon)
180. Groebner bases and solving systems of polynomial equations
N. N. Vassiliev
April 2, 2001, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 12, 2001 (Mon)
181. Random walks and total positivity
S. Fomin
February 12, 2001, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 29, 2001 (Mon)
182. Volumes of moduli spaces of curves
P. Zograf
January 29, 2001, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

November 27, 2000 (Mon)
183. Stochastic Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Model on the sphere
Remi Leandre
November 27, 2000, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

November 20, 2000 (Mon)
184. “Non-logical” proofs of logical formulas
E. A. Hirsch
November 20, 2000, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 11, 2000 (Mon)
185. Spherical designs and Voronoi's theory
B. B. Venkov
September 11, 2000, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 7, 2000 (Thu)
186. Meeting dedicated to the memory of S. V. Kerov (1946–2000)
September 7, 2000, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 4, 2000 (Mon)
187. Algebraic K-theory and motivic cohomologies
A. A. Suslin
September 4, 2000, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 28, 2000 (Mon)
188. Probabilistic solution of the heat equation
A. N. Borodin
February 28, 2000, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 11, 2000 (Tue)
  Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
189. Joint meeting of the seminar and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society dedicated to the memory of A. G. Izergin
January 11, 2000, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 23, 1999 (Thu)
190. Surfaces in 3-space and their amoebas
G. Mikhalkin
December 23, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 20, 1999 (Mon)
191. Three-dimensional Dedekind functions and Borcherds algebras
V. A. Gritsenko
December 20, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

November 11, 1999 (Thu)
192. Combinatorics of totally positive matrices
S. V. Fomin
November 11, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 28, 1999 (Thu)
  Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
193. Alan Turing's Universal Computer
Martin Davis
October 28, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
Martin Davis

October 4, 1999 (Mon)
194. 1. Some functions of convex bodies and their positions in the space. 2. Recollections about A. D. Aleksandrov
V. A. Zalgaller
October 4, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
V. A. Zalgaller

September 23, 1999 (Thu)
195. On operator convex function of several variables
H. Araki
September 23, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 20, 1999 (Thu)
196. Holomorphic dynamics and hyperbolic laminations
M. Yu. Lyubich
May 20, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 13, 1999 (Thu)
197. Usage of computer algebra packages for solving difficult mathematical problems
V. I. Mysovskikh
May 13, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 14, 1999 (Thu)
198. A survey on the problems of deformation quantization
N. Yu. Reshetikhin
January 14, 1999, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 18, 1998 (Fri)
199. Geodesic in the upper half-plane and distribution of quadratic irrationalities
E. P. Golubeva
December 18, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 7, 1998 (Mon)
200. Grothendieck programme for plane trees. Combinatorics and arithmetics
A. D. Suvorov
December 7, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 19, 1998 (Mon)
201. Вариации на тему работ Воеводского по гипотезе Милнора
I. A. Panin
October 19, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 18, 1998 (Mon)
202. Boundary control and inverse problems
M. I. Belishev
May 18, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 16, 1998 (Mon)
203. О квантовом обобщении гиперболического объема узлов
R. Kashaev
March 16, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 23, 1998 (Mon)
204. Perfect forms and the theory of spherical block designs
B. B. Venkov
February 23, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 2, 1998 (Mon)
205. Topologies on products and function spaces
A. A. Ivanov
February 2, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 19, 1998 (Mon)
206. Collisions of hard balls and Alexandrov spaces of curvature bounded above
D. Yu. Burago
January 19, 1998, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 18, 1997 (Thu)
207. The Alexander polynomial, its quantum analoques and 4-manifolds
O. Ya. Viro
December 18, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 11, 1997 (Thu)
208. Endomorphisms of infinite-dimensional algebraic spaces
M. L. Gromov
December 11, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 16, 1997 (Thu)
  Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society dedicated to V. I. Arnold's 60th anniversary
209. Topological questions of wave propagation
V. I. Arnol'd
October 16, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 15, 1997 (Wed)
  A joint meeting with the seminar on Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems dedicated to V. I. Arnold's 60th anniversary
210. A topological meaning of Maxwell's theorem on multi-field representation of spherical functions
V. I. Arnol'd
October 15, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
211. On $k$-convex submanifolds in Eucledean space
V. A. Vassiliev
October 15, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
212. Invariants of “strangeness” type for planar curves
M. E. Kazarian
October 15, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
213. On multi-dimensional continued fractions
Yu. M. Sukhov
October 15, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 8, 1997 (Mon)
214. What do we know about solitons in higher dimensions?
L. D. Faddeev
September 8, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

May 12, 1997 (Mon)
215. Quantum theory of the unstable particles and Relativity
L. A. Khalfin
May 12, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 21, 1997 (Mon)
216. Mathematical problems of dynamics of generalized Newtonial fluids
G. A. Seregin
April 21, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 20, 1997 (Thu)
217. Homoclinic structtures in hyperbolic dynamics
M. I. Gordin
March 20, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 17, 1997 (Mon)
218. Big symmetric groups, and related problems in Analysis, Probability and Combinatorics
S. V. Kerov
February 17, 1997, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

October 22, 1996 (Tue)
  Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
219. Arithmetic of elliptic curves
John Coates
October 22, 1996, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

September 9, 1996 (Mon)
220. Finite order invariants for real algebraic varieties
O. Ya. Viro
September 9, 1996, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 18, 1996 (Thu)
221. Arithmetic and algebra in the theory of dynamic systems
A. M. Vershik
April 18, 1996, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

April 8, 1996 (Mon)
222. Berling's theorem on the invariant subspaces of the translation operator and Riemann's hypothesis
V. I. Vasyunin
April 8, 1996, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

March 18, 1996 (Mon)
223. Waves in the anisotropic medium and energetic theorems
V. M. Babich
March 18, 1996, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

February 12, 1996 (Mon)
224. Separation of variables and the method of the inverse problem
E. K. Sklyanin
February 12, 1996, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

January 26, 1996 (Fri)
225. Ergodic theory on $SL(n)$, Diophantine approximations and the lattice point counting in polyhedrons
M. M. Skriganov
January 26, 1996, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

December 13, 1995 (Wed)
226. Two-dimensional Schrödinger operator, solitons and Laplace chains
S. P. Novikov
December 13, 1995, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

November 27, 1995 (Mon)
227. Dynamic systems with the discrete space-time and the discrete Heisenberg group
L. D. Faddeev
November 27, 1995, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)
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